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my sweet lord
9 years ago
Well, last sunday it went real well for me. Me and my brother went to the sea and we had a very relaxing time. We were wading in the a shallow area and collected lots of clams from the sandy bottom, i steamed them later that day and they were great!
So i´m planning to go again this sunday and repeat the process, I´m thinking of making some videos to show you folks, i´ll probably load them up on you tube.
The scenery here is really nice, it´s lots of hills next to the sea surrounded by water inlets and peninsulas, it rained a lot this summer and the hills still look green which makes them prettier.
Imagine Hawaii and you´ll get the picture!
I really slept good that sunday night and i want to see if i can repeat the process. I had lots of sunshine (vitamin D) lots of sea minerals (magnesium) absorbed by my body when swimming, and lots of b12 from the clams.
What else could you ask for?
It was great!
9 years ago
Last night I couldn’t sleep. It has been two months since I was floxed. Yet, it seems out of nowhere I think I have peripheral neuropathy to my upper body, arms and hands. A burning feeling. Could it be from the supplements like too much magnesium? Or is this a new phase? Seems strange that it would hit two months later. My tendons in my feet feel better.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Jason et al
I have been taking bic of soda and drinking plain water. I have eaten salmon, stir fry.
This morning after a cup of tea the acid urine started again!
Someone wrote to the forum saying that when she took D Dannose and cider apple vinegar plus bicarbonate of soda the burning went straightaway.
Do you think she was just referring to the urine burning or the peripheral neuropathy as well?
Did you know tat the antibiotic called Selecid can cause muscle wastage. It states it on the PIL under OTHER PROBLEMS. It also states that the muscle problems could be due to a low level of carnitine in the body.
BTW I made a mistake n replying to the Moronic troll. Debs is right just ignore trolls .I thought that your response and that of others were brilliant and they cheered me up. There was I actually feeling sorry for someone who is viscious. LOL!
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. Garlic might increase the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin). -quote.
If you use garlic or garlic extracts you may catch two birds with one seed. The garlic will deal with the UTI and help lower your warfarin dose at the same time.
9 years ago
I was floxed two and a half years ago. My condition has improved substantially, though there are still some issues. I’m able to function fairly normally now without a lot of pain, as long as I don’t push myself too far over my current limits. I am thrilled just to be able to walk, something that I had begun to think I might never do again.
When I was first floxed, I was hit the hardest in the tendons, muscles, and nerves. The pain was excruciating, and for a long time even the smallest movement was agonizing. I crawled around on the floor crying, because I could not put any weight at all on my feet. It felt like someone had poured acid on my heels. The muscles in my legs quivered and burned, my limbs would spasm and twitch involuntarily, and sometimes I felt like I was being stung by bees.
The first three weeks were the worst, nearly unbearable. The next 9 months after that were better, but still difficult and very painful, then it seemed to stabilize and slowly improve. I spent the first 2 years unable to walk on my own, needing to use crutches or a cane. It took me a long time to re-learn how to stand and then walk again.
Now I am able to walk on my own. I can walk a good two miles or so without it being painful as long the terrain is mostly level. I still have a few challenges. Walking up and down stairs or any kind of steep incline will make me feel sore the next day.
I finally started physical therapy a few months ago, and I benefited a lot from it. I received several TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), ultrasound, and laser treatments as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons. I think a big reason that it worked so well for me is because I was ready for it. I did not start the therapy too soon. I waited until I was out of the degenerative stage, until my body was capable of healing and repairing tendon and muscle tissue at a normal rate again before undergoing the stress necessary to strengthen and rebuild.
Note: I live in a country where physical therapists cannot legally administer any drugs, not even topical. If you live in a country, like the USA, the rules may be different. If you get something like TENS or ultrasound, make sure that they are not giving you a topical drug without telling you.
A doctor examined my feet and Achilles tendons and ran tests. He said that there was no significant tendon erosion. The only thing he found were a couple of small heel spurs. He believes that my tendon issues can heal completely.
I’m still not out of the woods. Now that I’m no longer distracted by the crippling pain that I used to suffer from, I have noticed some other problems. My eyes and nose are on the dry side, and my saliva does not seem to be a normal consistency. I am battling to save my teeth. I’ve also had some large vitreous gel detachments that required monitoring by an ophthalmologist. My circulation has not been good. For a while it was very bad, but increased movement has made it better. I have still have a ways to go. I am slowly but surely improving, but it has been a long struggle.
9 years ago
Hi Lucy & Jason…
About uti’s….I always am prone to these (hence how I got floxed in the first place) I didn’t really have luck w d-mannose, but like Jason suggested to try a bunch of remedies at once. This past year I healed my utis naturally by taking raw , crushed garlic, oil of oregano, and a Chinese herb recommended by an acupuncturist called pyrrosia 14. She promised if I take these herbs, I’ll never need another antibiotic again. She was right!!! If I could turn back time I would have consulted her instead of going to the Dr in first place:( oh well, lesson learned
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Dear Jane
Your recovery journey has given me back some hope. I had everything you describe including the posterior vitreous detachment and dry eyes with concretions. I am up and down with the tendonitis. I also have hyperthyroidism.
Good luck and all my best wishes on your future recovery.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Terry the neuropathy issues vary from person to person, from what i have investigated it seems that what happens during the first three months is atrophy due to the capillary damage, and some of that pain may be related to that. The good thing is that after the first three months the body begins to repair itself. Note that this is just an observation of mine from reading and investigating the damage done by quins.
The capillary system is the smallest blood vessel circulatory system in the body, it is microscopic. The quins start there damage there, one they go the rest of the body begins to atrophy, slowly the body begins to repair the capillary system and that´s when recovery begins. It´s a slow process, The burning sensation can be due to various factors, for me keeping an alkaline/acid balance in the body is very important. that´s where diet comes in by eating foods that are alkaline, green veggies are good for that.
Avoid any foods that are acid like flour, sugar, red meat, eggs etc. eat proteins in moderation and go for organic as much as possible.
Magnesium helps he body stay alkaline, although taking any vitamin in pills or tablets is not a good idea cause the coatings on them are toxic, normally we would not feel anything but a floxed person has kidney damage and the kidneys are the main organ in the body that helps regulate the acid alkaline balance, so if they are damaged they can´t do the job.
Drink plenty of water, water is essential for kidney function, the good news is that you will recover and heal, but it will be slow. Your are going through a rough patch, but you will feel better eventually.
Keep in mind the diet and water, plenty of water. Try going a couple of days without vitamins, just take the magnesium with plenty of water and see if you feel a difference.
Don´t take the magnesium all in one sitting, spread it out during the day always with a glass of purified water, tap water has fluoride!
For example i can´t take any vitamin or mineral in a pill of tablet, if i do i get twitches when i try to fall asleep.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
I´m feeling happy right now, my son´s wife just got back from the u.s. and brought me some b vitamins with methylcobalamin,(in capsules of course) i really need them to heal my femoral nerve which was inflammated real bad, i was really scared, i thought i was not going to be able to walk again.
But my determination to not use any type of synthetic drug paid off, cause now i am able to walk. I´m still not out of the woods but i am recovering and healing, my case was severe!
And i want to send out a message of hope to all, because we do heal and we can recover. the main thing is to give our bodies the most natural substances possible so they don´t have to work extra and get to work on the main job of healing.
It´s takes a lot of work and effort, but it is possible. Their is only one way for floxies, the natural way! The clean way!
It does not mean that i am opposed to synthetic drugs, i do realize that in some cases they may be useful and needed, especially for pain.
But there are natural options as well like cbd oil, unfortunately for me they are illegal in Mexico, i managed to get hemp oil which they sell here as a nutritional supplement, it has very little cbd oil, but it was enough to take the edge off. i only wish i knew about it from it from the beginning!
There are natural options to everything, keep that in mind and stay safe!
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Would you or Jason et al mind researching a newish anti epileptic drug called Perampanel/Fycompa. It attaches to the gaba receptors in the brain and the side effects which are documented on the Patient Information Leaflet are very serious and harrowing. One of the side effects is chest infection. IMO this suggests that the drug may attack the immune system.
There are several other drugs that affect the neutrophils in the blood.This may lead to infections.
Carbamazepine causes heart block and atrio ventricular conduction problems. These are stated on the PIL. The trouble is that people do not read the PIL or do not realise the implications of the side effects until it is too late.
Ina posting Jane says she got vitreous detachment. This may be due to the thyrid eye , the thyroid disorder being caused by an anti biotic or by phenytoin which inhibits the production of a thyrod hormone.
Again for the sake of any trolls or hackers these side effects are acknowledged and Documented in medical and Pharmaceutical journals.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
CBD oil is having good results for people with epilepsy, that being said, people with epilepsy should look into CBd oil first before going into synthetic drugs.
CBD oil is natural and there are no known serious side effects.
CBD oil is almost a miracle substance, it helps people with neuropathy issues, insomnia, epilepsy and the list goes on.
It is legal in many states of the u.s.a.
There are several companies making and producing it, people who had problems with other illnesses and could not find relief with synthetic drugs have found excellent results with CBD oil.
Hemp oil has several nutrients critical in easing peripheral neuropathy
The acetyl-L-carnitine Amino acid, in particular, is very useful in dealing with the side effects of the chemotherapy (fluoroquinolones) that victims of this disease and other conditions that cause it are typically compelled to undergo.-quote.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
A vote for efficacy
The scientific rationale for the use of cannabinoids in pain is clear, Ware explained: Throughout the nervous system, endogenous cannabinoids act as synaptic circuit breakers. These small lipid neuromodulators bind to specific receptors on presynaptic terminals, where they block the release of neurotransmitters. Because their receptors are widespread, cannabinoids, whether endogenous, plant-derived, or synthetic, regulate neurotransmission in many circuits, including in pain-producing pathways (for a complete overview of cannabinoids in pain, see Hohmann and Rice’s Chapter 38 in the Wall and Melzack’s Textbook of Pain, Sixth Edition, 2013). To the extent that neuropathic pain stems from abnormal neuronal activity, it makes sense that cannabinoid receptor (CB) agonists should be analgesic, and their effectiveness has been shown in many models of neuropathic pain in animals, using both natural and synthetic cannabinoids.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Have i seen hemp seeds?
yes, they are round and small, they are considered the most nutritional part of the plant. An excellent source of full spectrum protein.
9 years ago
Please don’t say the Flox Report is wrong or inaccurate because according to it I should be getting better soon! For me, the Flox Report was the most wonderful news I’ve had since this misery started. It describes what happened to me to a T and I hope hope hope the time frame is true !!!!!!!!!!
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Lucy the hemp seeds themselves do not contain enough cbd for pain purposes. That is the main reason they make CBD oil from the whole plant, it is a concentration process.
Cultivation of hemp is legal in the United Kingdom, provided that the grower holds a licence issued by the Home Office.-quote.
This video describes the process on how it is effected, basically 99% food grade alcohol is used to separate the hemp oil from the plant, then the mixture of oil and alcohol is heated at low temperatures to evaporate the alcohol, never on an open flame because the vapors could ignite.
The process takes about an hour for the alcohol to evaporate and you are left with pure hemp resin that has a considerable amount of CBD, a syringe without the needle is used to suck up the resin, the syringe is used as a container as well.
One or two drops is probably more than enough to relieve neuropathy pain.
Here is one of many videos describing the process.
Rick Simpson had cancer and the doctors basically told him that there was no hope for him, that they could not cure him. He investigated hemp and made his own oil, he cured himself of cancer. He is pretty famous now on the hemp oil scene since he was a pioneer on the do it yourself deal.
Lucero that is a good article, i´ve done some research on sound and frequencies, they have a big influence on health, i meditated to some healing frequency videos that are on you tube, they did help!
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Daniela i´m certain you will recover in the time frame (maybe sooner) that is listed on the report (I did), for me the report was pretty accurate, because it describes three basic levels according to severity of symptoms, and the time frame for my recovery was accurate. once you have a basic idea of the time frame you begin to work on the program itself and let time run its course.
I do agree with Jason and others here on their observations, but when it comes to floxing for me there is no such thing as too much information. Each person must come to terms with their own decisions in life. The flox report for me is information nothing more and nothing less, what i do with it is my own responsibility, i am not a child and i don´t want to be treated as a child. I trusted the medical establishment and they destroyed my life! Never again!
The medical establishment has basically abandoned us with evil intent, so there is not much we can do but fight for our rights. They will not help us because to them our condition does not exist on their medical books, so they deem us psychological specimens.
I´ll be the first to admit that the first time i read it, it was a very uncomfortable experience, but there was a lot of information there that helped me understand the nature of the adverse reaction and the steps i would have to take to create my personal recovery program, it took me several months to actually read it carefully. the first time i looked at it i didn’t actually read it very much, i waited several months before i began to study the scientific aspects on receptors in the brain and how my insomnia was worsened by quins.
It was important for me because there were things in there that i had to avoid but i didn’t know it, i had been talking glutamic acid supplements, a big no no. i stopped taking them and my sleep improved.
It has a lot of scientific data and medical data relevant to my floxed condition, and it helped me understand what things to avoid and what things i could use to help me recover.
Like i said, the first time i briefly glanced at it, it was not a cool ride, It would take me several months before i got recovered enough to read it again and come to terms with my condition.
When we are floxed, at the beginning we are at our most vulnerable point, that is why i agree with jason and others with their precautions, but there is no organized group or system out to help people in that time. So the decision comes down to a personal one.
Eventually what we need to create is floxie support groups like alcoholic anonymous around the globe to help people especially at the beginning when they are at their most vulnerable point, but at this time there does not exist one and it makes things very difficult for those who have just been floxed.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Yesterday i went to the beach and i felt a considerable improvement in my condition, i took the b complex in the morning with breakfast (oats with milk and a banana), then i went to the sea with a friend, to the local spot where i always go. It´s a very shallow area excellent for just relaxing and taking in the sea minerals.
We were talking about health in general and alternative medicine, i told him about sunlight and how our bodies use light to heal. We were looking at the hills around us and how beautiful nature is. I told him that healing is an experience and that each moment can be used as a healing moment given that we put our thoughts in a positive condition.
I told him about hemp oil and explained how it is being used to cure cancer and relieve neuropathy pain. He has bone spurs on his spinal cord and the doctor gave him medicine, he said they were going to file them down, the bone spurs are bulging on his nerves and he is getting pain.
After that we went to a small fishing village where a friend of his owes him some money, but the friend was not there so we just sat down at a small store and ate some peanuts, i was really hungry, swimming gets you real hungry. But neither of us had any money for lunch so we just went back home and when i got home i put some shrimp to boil, i made some shrimp with garlic and veggies and ate that with some coca cola ( i cheated! ) but i only drank half a cup to not over do it.
I was really concerned that last because my femoral nerve was really inflammated and i didn´t know if i would recover, but i am recovering. I have basically stayed on a full natural approach.
I believe that has been my biggest ally in this latest battle, i would really like for everyone to look into hemp CBD oil before going into synthetic options for pain and healing.
Everything i have researched on Hemp CBD oil shows incredible testimonies from people who have used it, for many types of serious and severe illnesses, conditions and symptoms. To date i have yet to read a negative comment on it.
Well, last sunday it went real well for me. Me and my brother went to the sea and we had a very relaxing time. We were wading in the a shallow area and collected lots of clams from the sandy bottom, i steamed them later that day and they were great!
So i´m planning to go again this sunday and repeat the process, I´m thinking of making some videos to show you folks, i´ll probably load them up on you tube.
The scenery here is really nice, it´s lots of hills next to the sea surrounded by water inlets and peninsulas, it rained a lot this summer and the hills still look green which makes them prettier.
Imagine Hawaii and you´ll get the picture!
I really slept good that sunday night and i want to see if i can repeat the process. I had lots of sunshine (vitamin D) lots of sea minerals (magnesium) absorbed by my body when swimming, and lots of b12 from the clams.
What else could you ask for?
It was great!
Last night I couldn’t sleep. It has been two months since I was floxed. Yet, it seems out of nowhere I think I have peripheral neuropathy to my upper body, arms and hands. A burning feeling. Could it be from the supplements like too much magnesium? Or is this a new phase? Seems strange that it would hit two months later. My tendons in my feet feel better.
Hi Jason et al
I have been taking bic of soda and drinking plain water. I have eaten salmon, stir fry.
This morning after a cup of tea the acid urine started again!
Someone wrote to the forum saying that when she took D Dannose and cider apple vinegar plus bicarbonate of soda the burning went straightaway.
Do you think she was just referring to the urine burning or the peripheral neuropathy as well?
Did you know tat the antibiotic called Selecid can cause muscle wastage. It states it on the PIL under OTHER PROBLEMS. It also states that the muscle problems could be due to a low level of carnitine in the body.
BTW I made a mistake n replying to the Moronic troll. Debs is right just ignore trolls .I thought that your response and that of others were brilliant and they cheered me up. There was I actually feeling sorry for someone who is viscious. LOL!
Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. Garlic might increase the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin). -quote.
I was researching allimax and found this.
If you use garlic or garlic extracts you may catch two birds with one seed. The garlic will deal with the UTI and help lower your warfarin dose at the same time.
I was floxed two and a half years ago. My condition has improved substantially, though there are still some issues. I’m able to function fairly normally now without a lot of pain, as long as I don’t push myself too far over my current limits. I am thrilled just to be able to walk, something that I had begun to think I might never do again.
When I was first floxed, I was hit the hardest in the tendons, muscles, and nerves. The pain was excruciating, and for a long time even the smallest movement was agonizing. I crawled around on the floor crying, because I could not put any weight at all on my feet. It felt like someone had poured acid on my heels. The muscles in my legs quivered and burned, my limbs would spasm and twitch involuntarily, and sometimes I felt like I was being stung by bees.
The first three weeks were the worst, nearly unbearable. The next 9 months after that were better, but still difficult and very painful, then it seemed to stabilize and slowly improve. I spent the first 2 years unable to walk on my own, needing to use crutches or a cane. It took me a long time to re-learn how to stand and then walk again.
Now I am able to walk on my own. I can walk a good two miles or so without it being painful as long the terrain is mostly level. I still have a few challenges. Walking up and down stairs or any kind of steep incline will make me feel sore the next day.
I finally started physical therapy a few months ago, and I benefited a lot from it. I received several TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), ultrasound, and laser treatments as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons. I think a big reason that it worked so well for me is because I was ready for it. I did not start the therapy too soon. I waited until I was out of the degenerative stage, until my body was capable of healing and repairing tendon and muscle tissue at a normal rate again before undergoing the stress necessary to strengthen and rebuild.
Note: I live in a country where physical therapists cannot legally administer any drugs, not even topical. If you live in a country, like the USA, the rules may be different. If you get something like TENS or ultrasound, make sure that they are not giving you a topical drug without telling you.
A doctor examined my feet and Achilles tendons and ran tests. He said that there was no significant tendon erosion. The only thing he found were a couple of small heel spurs. He believes that my tendon issues can heal completely.
I’m still not out of the woods. Now that I’m no longer distracted by the crippling pain that I used to suffer from, I have noticed some other problems. My eyes and nose are on the dry side, and my saliva does not seem to be a normal consistency. I am battling to save my teeth. I’ve also had some large vitreous gel detachments that required monitoring by an ophthalmologist. My circulation has not been good. For a while it was very bad, but increased movement has made it better. I have still have a ways to go. I am slowly but surely improving, but it has been a long struggle.
Hi Lucy & Jason…
About uti’s….I always am prone to these (hence how I got floxed in the first place) I didn’t really have luck w d-mannose, but like Jason suggested to try a bunch of remedies at once. This past year I healed my utis naturally by taking raw , crushed garlic, oil of oregano, and a Chinese herb recommended by an acupuncturist called pyrrosia 14. She promised if I take these herbs, I’ll never need another antibiotic again. She was right!!! If I could turn back time I would have consulted her instead of going to the Dr in first place:( oh well, lesson learned
Dear Jane
Your recovery journey has given me back some hope. I had everything you describe including the posterior vitreous detachment and dry eyes with concretions. I am up and down with the tendonitis. I also have hyperthyroidism.
Good luck and all my best wishes on your future recovery.
Terry the neuropathy issues vary from person to person, from what i have investigated it seems that what happens during the first three months is atrophy due to the capillary damage, and some of that pain may be related to that. The good thing is that after the first three months the body begins to repair itself. Note that this is just an observation of mine from reading and investigating the damage done by quins.
The capillary system is the smallest blood vessel circulatory system in the body, it is microscopic. The quins start there damage there, one they go the rest of the body begins to atrophy, slowly the body begins to repair the capillary system and that´s when recovery begins. It´s a slow process, The burning sensation can be due to various factors, for me keeping an alkaline/acid balance in the body is very important. that´s where diet comes in by eating foods that are alkaline, green veggies are good for that.
Avoid any foods that are acid like flour, sugar, red meat, eggs etc. eat proteins in moderation and go for organic as much as possible.
Magnesium helps he body stay alkaline, although taking any vitamin in pills or tablets is not a good idea cause the coatings on them are toxic, normally we would not feel anything but a floxed person has kidney damage and the kidneys are the main organ in the body that helps regulate the acid alkaline balance, so if they are damaged they can´t do the job.
Drink plenty of water, water is essential for kidney function, the good news is that you will recover and heal, but it will be slow. Your are going through a rough patch, but you will feel better eventually.
Keep in mind the diet and water, plenty of water. Try going a couple of days without vitamins, just take the magnesium with plenty of water and see if you feel a difference.
Don´t take the magnesium all in one sitting, spread it out during the day always with a glass of purified water, tap water has fluoride!
For example i can´t take any vitamin or mineral in a pill of tablet, if i do i get twitches when i try to fall asleep.
I´m feeling happy right now, my son´s wife just got back from the u.s. and brought me some b vitamins with methylcobalamin,(in capsules of course) i really need them to heal my femoral nerve which was inflammated real bad, i was really scared, i thought i was not going to be able to walk again.
But my determination to not use any type of synthetic drug paid off, cause now i am able to walk. I´m still not out of the woods but i am recovering and healing, my case was severe!
And i want to send out a message of hope to all, because we do heal and we can recover. the main thing is to give our bodies the most natural substances possible so they don´t have to work extra and get to work on the main job of healing.
It´s takes a lot of work and effort, but it is possible. Their is only one way for floxies, the natural way! The clean way!
It does not mean that i am opposed to synthetic drugs, i do realize that in some cases they may be useful and needed, especially for pain.
But there are natural options as well like cbd oil, unfortunately for me they are illegal in Mexico, i managed to get hemp oil which they sell here as a nutritional supplement, it has very little cbd oil, but it was enough to take the edge off. i only wish i knew about it from it from the beginning!
There are natural options to everything, keep that in mind and stay safe!
Would you or Jason et al mind researching a newish anti epileptic drug called Perampanel/Fycompa. It attaches to the gaba receptors in the brain and the side effects which are documented on the Patient Information Leaflet are very serious and harrowing. One of the side effects is chest infection. IMO this suggests that the drug may attack the immune system.
There are several other drugs that affect the neutrophils in the blood.This may lead to infections.
Carbamazepine causes heart block and atrio ventricular conduction problems. These are stated on the PIL. The trouble is that people do not read the PIL or do not realise the implications of the side effects until it is too late.
Ina posting Jane says she got vitreous detachment. This may be due to the thyrid eye , the thyroid disorder being caused by an anti biotic or by phenytoin which inhibits the production of a thyrod hormone.
Again for the sake of any trolls or hackers these side effects are acknowledged and Documented in medical and Pharmaceutical journals.
CBD oil is having good results for people with epilepsy, that being said, people with epilepsy should look into CBd oil first before going into synthetic drugs.
CBD oil is natural and there are no known serious side effects.
CBD oil is almost a miracle substance, it helps people with neuropathy issues, insomnia, epilepsy and the list goes on.
It is legal in many states of the u.s.a.
There are several companies making and producing it, people who had problems with other illnesses and could not find relief with synthetic drugs have found excellent results with CBD oil.
Hemp oil has several nutrients critical in easing peripheral neuropathy
The acetyl-L-carnitine Amino acid, in particular, is very useful in dealing with the side effects of the chemotherapy (fluoroquinolones) that victims of this disease and other conditions that cause it are typically compelled to undergo.-quote.
A vote for efficacy
The scientific rationale for the use of cannabinoids in pain is clear, Ware explained: Throughout the nervous system, endogenous cannabinoids act as synaptic circuit breakers. These small lipid neuromodulators bind to specific receptors on presynaptic terminals, where they block the release of neurotransmitters. Because their receptors are widespread, cannabinoids, whether endogenous, plant-derived, or synthetic, regulate neurotransmission in many circuits, including in pain-producing pathways (for a complete overview of cannabinoids in pain, see Hohmann and Rice’s Chapter 38 in the Wall and Melzack’s Textbook of Pain, Sixth Edition, 2013). To the extent that neuropathic pain stems from abnormal neuronal activity, it makes sense that cannabinoid receptor (CB) agonists should be analgesic, and their effectiveness has been shown in many models of neuropathic pain in animals, using both natural and synthetic cannabinoids.
Have i seen hemp seeds?
yes, they are round and small, they are considered the most nutritional part of the plant. An excellent source of full spectrum protein.
Please don’t say the Flox Report is wrong or inaccurate because according to it I should be getting better soon! For me, the Flox Report was the most wonderful news I’ve had since this misery started. It describes what happened to me to a T and I hope hope hope the time frame is true !!!!!!!!!!
Lucy the hemp seeds themselves do not contain enough cbd for pain purposes. That is the main reason they make CBD oil from the whole plant, it is a concentration process.
Cultivation of hemp is legal in the United Kingdom, provided that the grower holds a licence issued by the Home Office.-quote.
This video describes the process on how it is effected, basically 99% food grade alcohol is used to separate the hemp oil from the plant, then the mixture of oil and alcohol is heated at low temperatures to evaporate the alcohol, never on an open flame because the vapors could ignite.
The process takes about an hour for the alcohol to evaporate and you are left with pure hemp resin that has a considerable amount of CBD, a syringe without the needle is used to suck up the resin, the syringe is used as a container as well.
One or two drops is probably more than enough to relieve neuropathy pain.
Here is one of many videos describing the process.
Rick Simpson had cancer and the doctors basically told him that there was no hope for him, that they could not cure him. He investigated hemp and made his own oil, he cured himself of cancer. He is pretty famous now on the hemp oil scene since he was a pioneer on the do it yourself deal.
Lucero that is a good article, i´ve done some research on sound and frequencies, they have a big influence on health, i meditated to some healing frequency videos that are on you tube, they did help!
Daniela i´m certain you will recover in the time frame (maybe sooner) that is listed on the report (I did), for me the report was pretty accurate, because it describes three basic levels according to severity of symptoms, and the time frame for my recovery was accurate. once you have a basic idea of the time frame you begin to work on the program itself and let time run its course.
I do agree with Jason and others here on their observations, but when it comes to floxing for me there is no such thing as too much information. Each person must come to terms with their own decisions in life. The flox report for me is information nothing more and nothing less, what i do with it is my own responsibility, i am not a child and i don´t want to be treated as a child. I trusted the medical establishment and they destroyed my life! Never again!
The medical establishment has basically abandoned us with evil intent, so there is not much we can do but fight for our rights. They will not help us because to them our condition does not exist on their medical books, so they deem us psychological specimens.
I´ll be the first to admit that the first time i read it, it was a very uncomfortable experience, but there was a lot of information there that helped me understand the nature of the adverse reaction and the steps i would have to take to create my personal recovery program, it took me several months to actually read it carefully. the first time i looked at it i didn’t actually read it very much, i waited several months before i began to study the scientific aspects on receptors in the brain and how my insomnia was worsened by quins.
It was important for me because there were things in there that i had to avoid but i didn’t know it, i had been talking glutamic acid supplements, a big no no. i stopped taking them and my sleep improved.
It has a lot of scientific data and medical data relevant to my floxed condition, and it helped me understand what things to avoid and what things i could use to help me recover.
Like i said, the first time i briefly glanced at it, it was not a cool ride, It would take me several months before i got recovered enough to read it again and come to terms with my condition.
When we are floxed, at the beginning we are at our most vulnerable point, that is why i agree with jason and others with their precautions, but there is no organized group or system out to help people in that time. So the decision comes down to a personal one.
Eventually what we need to create is floxie support groups like alcoholic anonymous around the globe to help people especially at the beginning when they are at their most vulnerable point, but at this time there does not exist one and it makes things very difficult for those who have just been floxed.
Yesterday i went to the beach and i felt a considerable improvement in my condition, i took the b complex in the morning with breakfast (oats with milk and a banana), then i went to the sea with a friend, to the local spot where i always go. It´s a very shallow area excellent for just relaxing and taking in the sea minerals.
We were talking about health in general and alternative medicine, i told him about sunlight and how our bodies use light to heal. We were looking at the hills around us and how beautiful nature is. I told him that healing is an experience and that each moment can be used as a healing moment given that we put our thoughts in a positive condition.
I told him about hemp oil and explained how it is being used to cure cancer and relieve neuropathy pain. He has bone spurs on his spinal cord and the doctor gave him medicine, he said they were going to file them down, the bone spurs are bulging on his nerves and he is getting pain.
After that we went to a small fishing village where a friend of his owes him some money, but the friend was not there so we just sat down at a small store and ate some peanuts, i was really hungry, swimming gets you real hungry. But neither of us had any money for lunch so we just went back home and when i got home i put some shrimp to boil, i made some shrimp with garlic and veggies and ate that with some coca cola ( i cheated! ) but i only drank half a cup to not over do it.
I was really concerned that last because my femoral nerve was really inflammated and i didn´t know if i would recover, but i am recovering. I have basically stayed on a full natural approach.
I believe that has been my biggest ally in this latest battle, i would really like for everyone to look into hemp CBD oil before going into synthetic options for pain and healing.
Everything i have researched on Hemp CBD oil shows incredible testimonies from people who have used it, for many types of serious and severe illnesses, conditions and symptoms. To date i have yet to read a negative comment on it.