*The following is an individual’s story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. It is not medical advice. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of the story. Thank you, and please be cautious with all treatments.
Mark was floxed about 2 years ago. His floxing included insomnia, weight gain, anxiety, crippling exhaustion, brain fog that made doing his job difficult, and tendon and muscle issues that made doing his passion, biking, difficult. I asked Mark to write his recovery story for this blog. I’m sure that he’ll get around to it once he finishes winning bike races. Yup, winning.
Here’s an article in his local paper about the win – http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/yournews/sport/10587784.CYCLING__Jones_bags_A40_time_trial_glory/
That’s a pretty thorough recovery. Go Mark! Congratulations on your recovery and your win!
Per Mark –
“So, how did i get better? Lots of positive mental attitude and ignoring the pain. The depression is a bitch and you need to kick it in the teeth. 6 months in i was walking around the park, barely a 100 yards,it wiped me out. every week i walked further, getting slightly more strength and endurance. Then at Christmas (12 months) i started riding a stationary cycle. 7 minutes a day was all i could manage. By February I rode to work and back – 24 miles, steady though not full belt. Bare in mind, I was an elite cyclist previously and used to pain and hard work on the bike. It felt like a hundred miles at race pace used to. when i was tired i rested, but i had to be really tired to do that. I got on the bike whenever the exhaustion wave first hit to see if i was really tired or just mind tired. Come April I still had extremely painful feet but entered a local race and won by a handful of seconds. This was a massive confidence boost that made me continue to press on. I get stronger and fitter every day now. I ride the 24 miles to work and back every day no problem and may do a mid week race or one on the weekend.
What am i left with out of this ordeal? My feet sting from time to time and my toes are numb. My little finger on my left hand side stings all the time and my shoulders and forearms ache like I have done a good days work. But I am a load better than I was and I hope in time these things will disappear into the background. Anxiety is still there (it was extreme) but not as bad as it was and sleep is still disturbed but I get about 7 hours a night all be it in chunks. The body responds to stress and will repair itself when stimulated – hence why athletes get muscles and fitter when they train. Sitting around for recovery to happen was doing nothing for me and I realized this at 6 months, i was 40 and needed to do all i could to get better. So I basically started to train. Tissue turnover increased and I started to repair at a greater rate than when sedentary. I have moments each day of feeling spaced out but they are getting less and less.”
** The story above is truthful, accurate and told to the best of the ability of the writer. It is not intended as medical advice. No person who submits his or her story, nor the people associated with Floxie Hope, diagnoses or treats any illness. The story above should not be substituted for professionally provided medical advice. Please consult your doctor before trying anything that has been mentioned in this story, or in any other story on this site. Please also note that people have varying responses to the treatments mentioned in each story. What helps one person may not help, and may even hurt, another person. It is important that you understand that supplements, IVs, essential oils, and all other treatments, effect people differently depending on the millions of variables that make each of us unique. Please use appropriate caution and prudence, and get professional medical advice.
whoop, whoop national champ for my age bracket over 25 miles this year (2015) and another couple of national medals to boot. Exercise was the key. stop worrying and get out there and enjoy life.. all the best. mark
I wish I had the mind and energy to give a description of the last 10 years but its so overwhelming that I put it off. Like most things i don’t have the ability. This has hurt me in so many ways and it never gets better. I,m not a quitter at all. Nothing has ever beat me. I believe in fighting to the last breath. It is much harder to force myself to do what has to be done. Living alone at 57 in this condition sucks. It’s no life at all.
Great to read your story Mark. I’m a cyclist who raced but not to an elite level like you. I believe I’ve been ‘floxed’ as I’ve just started getting symptoms 5 months after taking ciprofloxacin. This things not going to beat me I’m going to smash it like the local chaingang.
Hey Mark! Congrats on your recovery! Not sure if you still post here, but ‘ll give it a shot.
Wondering about your numb toes. I’ve got them too! Has your numbness improved at all, or at least stabilized? It seems after 2 years, mine numbness is still progressing. 🙁
Reading these recovery stories and comments has GREATLY helped my mental state. I am grateful for these and the follow up comments. Thank you.
Hi, I read a little bit about Cipro and Levoquin. One article said that the drugs do something to the gaba in the brain. I find it very interesting because I took two awful drugs called gabapentin and Lyrica. Both of them damaged my muscles. The withdrawal off of both of them is horrific so I could not get off of them quickly and the whole time I tapered off of them, they were damaging my muscles. Lyrica caused permanent muscle issues. The drug stiffened the muscles in my thighs and butt, and caused hardened knots. So I have a tendonitis in the pelvis where these muscles are pulled from the knots and have attachments. The drugs also cause terrible anxiety, movement disorders, and all the things listed in the information about Cipro and Levoquin. I find it very interesting that I had very similar miseries with Gabapentin and Lyrica! All these drugs affect the gaba in the brain. Wow. I wish I had a better understanding of Gaba. I have to say that there isn’t anything more painful that damaged muscles and tendons.
Over the past year and a half, I have benefited from massage, but it has to be the right massage therapist. The old bread dough routine could be horrific. The guy I see gently squeezes the stiffened muscle and they let go. He gently breaks up the adhesions without making me sore. I would never have recovered as much as I have if not for him.
Hi I just took two tablets two weeks ago. I got insomnia and felt weird so stopped taking them then found out they are banned for use with small infections ( I had ear infection) tried to ring my doctor but no response eventually got him on this Tuesday and he threw me out of his office. I wasn’t blaming him just concerned he was really agitated and said I was being agressive which I was not just trying to raise my concerns he didn’t ask about my side effect ls he was incredibly rude. Just closed the door in my face saying ilyour not my patient I only helped you cos I felt sorry for you. So that s ucked. I booked a herbalist that evening. My legs were tight like an old woman. It’s gotten worse. Tight lumps in my muscles stabbing searing pains ..the first suicidal thought I’ve ever had . Today I woke up with the shakes. Really weird heartbeat pulse. Read that calcium was good for flouride poisoning which has similar collegen destroying affects so I got my son to walk with me to the chemist and got calcium… I was too wobbly twitchy to walk alone. Took one tab and felt a lot better after 20 mins. Have taken magnesium vit c and another calcium and eaten banana for potassium. It destroys your electrolyte balance and I think I already had mag sufficiency issues ..so I am quite scared that it will get worse. But it does say on the box don’t take calcium with it as it affects absorption. I drank a lot of milk and took calcium the first day I had taken them. I don’t know if it will remove it from my system now that it’s been absorbed but it has helped me to walk today so just taking one day at a time. Nobody has a clue what to do so I am just going to stop looking for help professionals seem completely ignorant and uninformed. So I am just going to trust myself and probably never in my life go to a doctor
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