*The following is an individual’s story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. It is not medical advice. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of the story. Thank you, and please be cautious with all treatments.
Mike wrote me the following email and gave me permission to publish it as his recovery story. It pleases me to no end to hear from people like Mike who have been helped by the recovery stories on this site! I hope that his recovery, and all the other stories on this site, help each of you to maintain hope for healing, and that you too find recovery!
Dear Lisa,
I just wanted to thank you for all of the work you have put into this website, which has been an invaluable resource to me over the last couple years. I actually wrote to you two and half years ago, when I was first floxed by cipro at the age of 32, and you wrote me a nice email back. It was really difficult that first year: I couldn’t walk, sleep, do anything physical whatsoever; I had bruises and rashes; developed carpel, cubital and tarsal tunnel syndrome almost over night, and I had pretty much given up all hope. It was an incredibly dark time in my life. Whenever I felt as if I might be on the mend, my legs would give out and it was like starting all over again. Whenever I became overly stressed, the symptoms would come back with full force. Doctors had no clue and steered me in all kinds of wrong directions. The second year was better, though my legs were still fragile and a slow walk was as much as I could get out of them.
These last 6 months have been the turnaround. At 34 I am now cycling, able to exercise again, lift weights and even run up stairs. My skin has cleared, the rashes and bruising are gone. I can sleep! I take good care of myself now, more than I ever have in the past, and I am very aware of what I put into my body.
Without your site, Lisa, I don’t know if I would have gotten here. But reading your and other people’s recovery stories — that magical 2-year mark, or even the 5-year one — gave me hope and a way to learn about what was happening to me. I found the diet and supplements that I needed to get better. When the medical professionals are so oblivious to such a severe and seemingly common condition, and completely unwilling to even consider the possibility, it’s so easy to just give up. Your site saved me from utter despair so many times. It helped me fall asleep at night.
Thank you so much for that…
** The story above is truthful, accurate and told to the best of the ability of the writer. It is not intended as medical advice. No person who submits his or her story, nor the people associated with Floxie Hope, diagnoses or treats any illness. The story above should not be substituted for professionally provided medical advice. Please consult your doctor before trying anything that has been mentioned in this story, or in any other story on this site. Please also note that people have varying responses to the treatments mentioned in each story. What helps one person may not help, and may even hurt, another person. It is important that you understand that supplements, IVs, essential oils, and all other treatments, affect people differently depending on the millions of variables that make each of us unique. Please use appropriate caution and prudence, and get professional medical advice.
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