Floxie Hope Blog

Fluoroquinolones and Autism2

Fluoroquinolones and Autism2

After reading the article entitled Topoisomerases Facilitate Transcription of Long Genes Linked to Autism, published in the September, 2013 issue of Nature - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v501/n7465/full/nature12504.html - I wrote the following post on...

Fluoroquinolones and Autism

It's not exactly a hopeful post.  In fact, it's a bit frantic.  But I wrote it and FloxieHope is my blog, so it's getting posted.  :p  In case you're curious as to what Lisa flipping out looks like, here it is:...

Surviving Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

Surviving Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

One of my first symptoms of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity was that my hands and feet swelled up and were incredibly painful.  My feet hurt more than my hands.  I could type without pain, but walking was agony for a while.  I wore Crocs everywhere for about 9 months because...

Moving forward after Cipro knocked me down

Moving forward after Cipro knocked me down

When I realized that Cipro was the cause of my body going completely hay-wire (I didn't know immediately because my reaction was delayed), and I saw stories on the internet of people getting worse and worse indefinitely, and/or living with pain and disability caused...

Survivor’s Guilt after Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

Survivor’s Guilt after Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

Guilt is such a useless emotion.  It induces stress and anxiety for no good reason.  Guilt feels horrible.  It feels like a kick to the gut; a twist in the heart and the soul. A particularly useless form of guilt is survivor’s guilt.  On top of being useless and...



I really appreciate that the FDA has put the word “permanent” on the warning labels of fluoroquinolones.  “The nerve damage may be permanent” is now stated under the peripheral neuropathy section of the side-effects listed.  Permanent.  Physicians may take note; they...

Fluoroquinolones 101

I wrote the following article for Hormones Matter: http://www.hormonesmatter.com/fluoroquinolones-101-antibiotics-to-avoid/ Thanks for reading it! -Lisa