James is featured in Episode 21 of The Floxie Hope Podcast.

Check it out:



James also shared his story in writing, and you can read it here – https://floxiehope.com/james-story-hurt-by-metronidazole-then-cipro/. He goes into more detail in the podcast though, and I highly recommend that you listen in. Thank you for sharing your story, James!

James was 24 years old when he was floxed. He lost his grip strength after taking a single pill. After that, he experienced pain, burning pain in his legs, his eyes hurt, he had floaters in his vision, visual snow, loss of ability to sweat, weight loss, stiff and weak legs, nerve pain, brain fog, and anxiety.

He was acutely sick for 9 months. Even though he has recovered to the point where he is able to do his job again, he is not quite at 100% yet. He’s getting there though. He has a new perspective on health, healing, and happiness that is helping him immensely.

Thank you for listening to James’ insightful and uplifting story!

(Again, I apologize about the sound quality. There is still a lot of beneficial information in the podcast, despite the static and echoes.)