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9 years ago
One more post about Methylation, DNA, Fluoroquinolones, and healing (or lack thereof).
One of the most important aspects of the Quins, and why they are so effective against bad bacteria, is that they are designed to inhibit the DNA replication process of the cells, thus damaging the cells ability to reproduce.
The problem with this as we know, is this doesn’t just happen with the “bad” cells, in typical Chemo-like fashion it ends up damaging good cells too. So that is the bad news.
The potential good news again, gets very technical but here is an except about Methylation that is mostly in plain English:
“The Importance of the Methylation Pathway – New cell synthesis and repair
Mutations in the methylation pathway can cripple the ability of the body to make the building blocks (purines and pyrimidines) needed for new DNA and RNA synthesis. A reduced capacity for new DNA and RNA synthesis means that any new cell synthesis is impaired. For an organism to live, it must create new cells as fast as cells die. This requires that the body make millions of cells every minute, relying on DNA and RNA synthesis. A reduced synthesis capacity due to methylation cycle mutations is a particular issue for cells that already have difficulties meeting their needs for DNA and RNA synthesis under normal conditions.
Adding a significant methylation issue to the cell synthesis makes it nearly impossible to recover from damage or stress on these tissues. Stress increases the need for nucleotides to overcome negative effects of hormones released during stressful conditions. Cell repair after injury increases the need for nucleotides. In particular, the nervous system has the highest concentration of RNA in the body, and therefore has the highest requirement of methylation need.”
So in summary, FQ’s damage a cell’s ability to reproduce. Genetic Mutations in the Methylation Pathway can cripple the cell’s ability to reproduce. What do you get when you add these things together? A DISASTER. What can be done? Genetic test.
This coupled with my other posts and research concludes ‘my theory’, on why some people very likely take a long time to heal, and why some may not heal at all (I’m sure other people knowledgeable on Methylation and Quins have come to this conclusion like Lucero’s Doctor etc I’ve never seen it talked about though). There are other reasons of course, some related to Methylation as I posted above and some that are not, and there is much much more to this obviously and a hundred or more variables, possibly even factors not yet discovered or understood, but to me anyway Methylation issues look to be possibly one of the “most important” and probable ones.
9 years ago
The other curious thought is say it is managed now. What happens twenty years later as we age?
9 years ago
Has anyone had to have Cataract Eye surgery? They want you to take three types of topical eye drops. An antibiotic, usually a fluoroquinolone, a steroid and an NSAID before and after for a couple of weeks. Has anyone had to manage this situation? What did you do?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Jason
Hope you are doing OK.
Do you happen to know if any of the other eye drops contain any nasties?
For example do any of the eye drops they instill in the hospital /opticians when actually examining the eye got any nasties in them? I have to have frequent eye exams thanks to being floxed.
As you probably know they use local anaesthetic eye drops, staining solution such as fluroscein!!!!!!!
What about the staff who manufacture and use such products? I wonder what the incidence of adverse side effects is in the manufacturing industry side of things?
I feel like throwing up at the thought.
Help Jason and Lisa.
These fluoroquinolones really do need banning. Who packs these drugs? Who handles them and where are they actually manufactured?
What controls are in lace too safeguard the health of hose coming into contact with the raw material in the manufacturing process?
Are the workers made aware of the risk?
Thy should be but are they?
Sorry for my jaded views. But this is the biggest bunch of BS I have read in all the thousands of references for the billions of BS around the world, much of which is advocated by paranoia of hypochondriacs, seeking 90% of doctors around the world who are just quacks who don’t know squat about you, but prescribe toxic drugs mostly for toxic profits by Big Pharma around the world. The fact is NOT ONE of you are alike. You don’t have the same DNA, the fingerprint of a universe of information that will not be figured out in anybody’s lifetime. All medicines, and many alternative suggestions are just more BS to add to the pile of garbage some damned expert claims will help you when they don’t know squat about you either. We all DIE people,,we all suffer, and you take chances no matter what you do. But something is going to make you miserable, and you gamble on any of the mountains of BS that is advocated in every damned internet site full of quacks and pseudo-scientists that don’t know crap about anything either with certainty. The fact is, you WILL suffer possibly from 90 or 100 % of recommendations from these “experts” that waste their time looking for a holy grail that never will be there for most. So enjoy life as best you can, gamble on all the BS tests, BS doctors, and BS people so full of themselves with all the friggin tests those freaks use, and just know it’s all a gamble,,and BS is the bottom line. Some you may benefit from trial and errors using any of the thousands of speculative BS spouted everywhere, but the fact is nobody is right about everybody ANY of the time. So you gamble on all this crap, and do you live forever? Do you gain one damned thing from all this BS? Life is a crap shoot, and everything you do is a gamble according to you own specific individual billions of cellular differences, and to thing otherwise that there is silver bullet to save your collective asses is pure BS. Have I mentioned all this will be pure BS for MOST of you? Live your life, take your chances, and do bankrupt and die in the process after many of the so-called tests and cures mean not one damned thing about your prognosis, The only certainty in life is that you have to find some small way to enjoy it rather than spend it miserable listening to the quacks of the world, most of whom are only out to make money at your expense and misery in most cases. One one thing said anywhere in my life of investigating millions of claims means jack in the long run, and you are just lucky when some one of hundreds of things tried mean nothing in most cases. It’s the luck of the draw, and our only hope is the peace of death when it comes and frees us from the shackles a mankind which is the most stupid creature of the earth with it’s large volume of BS that could fill an ocean of sorrow unrelieved by all this speculation that cannot be proved, is misinterpreted, and BS too often is the only truth about any of this waste of time. Go have fun, if you can, and enjoy life rather than seeking answers that are lies. Life is too short to hunt with fruitless results and the depression it produces for most of us who are going to die anyway. Sorry if I burst bubbles or piss some of you off,,but this is ridiculous.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
How do I e mail you privately please.
I have a medical Report confirming the cause of the tendonitis etc, etc is due to the fluoroquinolones.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Your response to RHenry.
Wise words Lisa.
As a person who had cancer , dysgerminoma, of the ovary many, many years ago I can vouch for the fact that we need to be supported.
I do not recall feeling as depressed or anxious as I do now at what has happened to me over being floxed and also having three lots of antibiotics prescribed for me all at the same time. The antibiotics were amoxyl ,doxycycline and augmentin.
No blood work was done not even a chest x ray. Just told I had pleurisy. I was sent home from A and E .Why did this dr do this to me? It was uncalled for.
Drs have since admitted that it was the cipro that caused the damage. I maintain that it was a combination. Over the years I had been prescribed cipro for a UTI.
The dr tod me at the time that the drug would cause seizures but that that did not matter!!
I even recall the drs name, it was Dr Jeanette Wilkes now working in London!!
Clexane – blood thinner- and keflex , phenytoin, statins, pantoprazole are other drugs that cause burning of the legs. At least they did in me. My GP said she would not prescribe the clexane and I agree and thank her for that as well.
Jason is right in being concerned about drs prescribing drugs that are contraindicated. It is inly be educating the drs to stop prescribing these drugs that they will stop. as stated previously more and more drs are exposing Big Pharma.
Thee Bribery Act. According to newspaper Reports under the above Act doctors , corrupt NHS bosses , doctors etc can face the sack, unlimited fines even jail sentences of up to TEN years for accepting bribes from pharmaceutical Companies.
Do you have any such legislation in the US.
May I say that I think you are an exceptional person with great dignity, patience and empathy.
Thank God that you as well as Jason etc are here for us.
Thank you
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I have just found out that the Sunshine Report was quashed in the US.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I am wondering if this website is closed at the weekend.
I wanted to send some medical reports but there does not seem to be any point anymore after what RH has posted.
9 years ago
Has anyone ever used or be prescribed voltaren gel? I am 11 months out of having pain, loss of muscle strength. My strength is pretty much back, and most of my pain is gone (arms/upper legs), but i still have pain in my ankles. I have been prescribed this by 2 MDs (rhemotologist and orthopedics). I know ibprofen and NSAIDs are not good for us (wish i knew that when i first started having symptoms as i think it made my condiiton worse), but didn’t know if anyone had any knowledge of the topical voltaren gel. Thanks a bunch
9 years ago
So I haven’t posted in a long time. I’ve been hopeful that time would heal me and daily it still hasn’t. Two and a half years later and I’m again at my worst. Randomly a week ago my tongue stopped producing saliva. It hasn’t worked for the entire week and has caused my tongue to crack, teeth to hurt, and horrible dry mouth. I just purchased biotene and it lasts maybe 20 mins.
None of my other symptoms have gotten any better. My outlook on life has grown to its lowest level to date since this began. My quality of life is at its worst it’s ever been and I’m losing interest in trying anymore.
I no longer have any hope of improvement. I don’t know what more to do.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
It sounds like you may have oral thrush.THIS NEEDS TREATING asap. It is very contagious, you need to sterilise your eating/drinking utensils and keep them separate from anyone else.
You need frequent hand washing and use paper napkins,hankies and paper hand towels to dry yur hands and thenn dispose of these owels etc straight away to avoid cross infection and re infecting yourself and others.
In my professional opinion for what it is worth I would strongly advise seeing a dr t rule out thrush. He or she can tell if you have an infection as thrush leaves white deposits on your tongue.
Pls see a dr for possible anti fungal treatment plus yogurts if you can bear to eat anything and probiotics.
Have you had your bloodworks done recently to exclude anaemia. Being run down can cause oral thrush plus soreness of the mouth. Vit B may help you as well . In hospital Vit B Complex is usually prescribed with an antibiotic but this sounds as if you may have thrush and are missing flora in your mouth and need some vitamins pdq.
If you google oral thrush you will see pics to compare with your tongue.
It is very important to get this treated and investigated asap.When this infection starts to clear you will start to feel better generally and be able to sleep etc.
9 years ago
I was actually tested for oral thrush back in January when this first started (though it was absolutely nothing compared to now). It came back negative, so did strep throat. With this in mind, I have looked up oral thrush online before and I can guarantee it is not that. My tongue looks normal and has all year. I have not experienced that thick, white tongue like mess. I have had a trusted dentist confirm this back in January as well and will be seeing him for another checkup this week (he should be able to confirm it’s not thrush again).
I have not done the IVs yet and finances is definitely holding that aspect up (as well as going to a doctor who might recommend that). Do you feel as though it helped a lot (Linda)? I’m about 3 hours from Cincinnati, so that’s not ideal, but I imagine I need a big city doctor (all are far away). I will look at the list and see what I can come up with.
As far as what I have tried, I have tried extreme fruit/vegetable (antioxidant) diets, milk thistle, b complex, magnesium, biotin, countless doctors and testing and not seen any results. I am very cautious about trying (and spending money) on most products because frankly nothing is working. The IVs have come up a few times, but I expect those to be difficult to get and will cost a lot.I have not done a probiotic, but will try that one as you suggested.
Which vitamins/supplements worked Linda? Or did you take them all and they worked, but you can’t really be sure (due to taking so many at once, for so long)? I have not tried those others you mentioned, but will look into those as well.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I am in a similar position.
I just keep praying for a miracle and that tomorrow I wake up cured.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
L Carnitine caused a fit in me.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I did not realise that my advising Peter to seek medical assistance with his problem was going to lead to such a venomous attack on my integrity and credibility by your good self.
I used to be a health and safety advisor to senior management .
As stated previously no one is trying to panic. scare or dictate to another what to do. We are all adults. The course of action I suggested was not harmful or intended to cause any stress or alarm.
I am shocked that you see things differently especially when it was not even yourself seeking assistance.
We are all stressed out. After I read your other posting in which you appeared to be very angry for some reason I myself suffered panic attack in a big way. My hubby had to help me.
Thrush or any infection in the mouth can be debilitating. Peter already realises that.
Peter is aleady anxious hence him him writing to this Forum to express his fears. The next sensible step for him would be to see a d/dentist for an assessment and possible swabs to be sent to bacteriology. What is so stressful in that?
You persist in insisting that thrush is non contagious then provide evidence to substantiate that YES thrush is contagious yet you fail to see this. Why?
Of course thrush is contagious!
In fact patients with oral thrush are usually cared for in isolation and strict barrier nursing carried out.
If you took a probiotic and swilled it round tour mouth twice then it is very doubtful that it was thrush in the first place. Thrush can be tricky to treat.
I was trying to give Peter professional and appropriate advice. If you look carefully at Peters original posting he states that for over one week his tongue stopped secreting saliva and that it is very sore, he cannot sleep very well etc. etc. he does not mention until after my reply that he was seen in January with a sore tongue and thrush ruled out.
At the risk of stressing you out further Linda which is something I do not wish to do I have to point out the obvious it is now November . January was several months ago. Things change sometimes for the better!!!!
It will be interesting to see how Peter gets on with his dentist and dr.
Peter you will be OK. Try not to worry. You are doing the right thing getting checked out .
Sorry if you thought I was pushy Just trying to help .
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Meant to say that thrush is also called the kissing disease yet you have not mentioned this fact!
It can be transmitted via indirect contact with contaminated eating and drinking utensils , from newspapers , keyboards- fingers to mouth , phones, etc.
New born babies can also catch it from infected mothers during the birth process and have serious eye infections, neonatorium infection. Conjunctivitis. Pls see over 100 references to this on Pub Med.
The BMJ.
The Royal College for Obstetricians and Gynaecologists etc,etc.
You are right it is not worth arguing over we should be devoting our energy and wrath towards Big Pharma and their instruments of prescribing of toxic substances. we are in this mess together Linda.
How do you think I feel towards colleagues for doing this to me?
Prison is too good for them!!
Now chill.
Lucy .
Former Health and Safety Advisor.
Control of Infection Practitioner.
9 years ago
I have had chronic ear infections my whole life. At 30 I have made 15 sets of tubes including as an adult, my ent would tell you I need them now. I have had two infections over the last 9 months one in each ear. In both cases I did not respond to the first round of augmentin(I never do, but they always try). The first infection I was then given ciprodex drops, which I have taken many times. It seemed to have worked. Now here we are and I have had an infection in the other ear now for two months. Augmentin failed, first round of ciprodex drops caused massive migraines. It was stopped and I was put on what I was told was the pill version. This failed as well. Took a week off from antibiotics as suggested by er and now am back on ciprodex drops as well as levaquin. I have a cat scan scheduled for next week to look for cholesteatoma. He also has concerns about my other ear having in his words “not quite healed.” After reading this I am SERIOUSLY concerned about what I have been put on. What should I watch for as far as symptoms of a reaction??
FQs are NOT appropriate for use as as anything but as last resort antibiotic when literally the only alternative left is your death. Your Drs are woefully misinformed about the true seriousness of the toxic profile of these horrendously dangerous drugs by the pharmaceutical industry. I have done years of research into the pharmaceutical corruption of medicine & various connected issues.
The FQs are synthetic chemotherapeutic agents, actually failed chemo drugs, masquerading as antibiotics. They cause mitochondrial toxicity / DNA damage, the damage is cumulative, & by the time you experience noticeable / visible symptoms of fluoroquinolone toxicity you are damaged enough for it to actually show. The so called Fluoroquinolone ‘ antibiotics’ cause DNA/ mitochondrial damage from the very first dose, & ALL routes of administration are capable of causing exactly the same damage, despite what Drs will try to tell you. We have people damaged by ear & eye drops in our numerous support groups, even a person who was severely injured by FQ antibiotic soaked gel pledglets, pads used to pack wounds used in operations. The damage caused will not become noticeable / visible until you have been damaged enough for it to show as it is at a cellular level happening ‘ under the radar ‘ until then so to speak .
To continue to take courses of FQ antibiotics is literally playing Russian roulette with your health, as with Russian roulette, there is always one bullet in that gun, & with FQ toxicity it does have your name on it.
Many of the symptoms of FQ toxicity can actually be delayed, sometimes for many many months or even longer down the line, & will not be attributed either by patients or Drs to the harmless sounding funny named antibiotic a person took maybe months previously. The amount taken to cause injury enough to show is individual to the person. We can lose our lives or be severely damaged just from taking one dose, or take several, or even multiple courses of FQs before we are eventually hit. The damage can build up over time . We are very often misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia ME / CFS / various autoimmune conditions, any number of things we actually do not have. I personally have 3 misdiagnoses myself.
Many of us experience migraine like headaches as an ADR to these drugs, I get something I call floxingheadeyeaches, these are migraine like but NOT the same they are beyond horrendous, the pain in my ears made we want to cut my head off . they last far longer too . these headaches have put me in hospital before .
I will look for some alternative antibiotics for you when I get a moment , I am tied up for a bit but will go on the hunt asap. I have done a lot of research on various drugs over the years I will see what I can find .
I speak here as someone who was unfortunately floxed multiple times before I made the connection between my deteriorating health & the FQs, as a result of this unfortunately have some permanent damage. I have been in the weird parallel world we inhabit now for over 26 years .
Here is some information on the warning signs of FQ toxicity. You can find much more information here in the links & resource section, recent posts on the right & also by googling fluoroquinolone toxicity . We also have many videos on Youtube . Personally If I was in your situation I would be straight back up my Drs demanding they find an alternative to the FQs as way too often they are too busy ( being kind ) or more often just can’t be bothered to look further than the most popular ones, & if the Dr says a FQ is the only choice for you then I would ask them this ‘ ” so what alternative antibiotic do you prescribe in my particular situation for those patients who have had a severe immediate allergic reaction to FQs in the past, those patients for whom it is accepted that they cannot under ANY circumstance be prescribed an antibiotic from the FQ class again Dr ? ” .
One more post about Methylation, DNA, Fluoroquinolones, and healing (or lack thereof).
One of the most important aspects of the Quins, and why they are so effective against bad bacteria, is that they are designed to inhibit the DNA replication process of the cells, thus damaging the cells ability to reproduce.
Here is just one study on this, I can’t remember how many others there are but I imagine there are a decent amount on this:
The problem with this as we know, is this doesn’t just happen with the “bad” cells, in typical Chemo-like fashion it ends up damaging good cells too. So that is the bad news.
The potential good news again, gets very technical but here is an except about Methylation that is mostly in plain English:
“The Importance of the Methylation Pathway – New cell synthesis and repair
Mutations in the methylation pathway can cripple the ability of the body to make the building blocks (purines and pyrimidines) needed for new DNA and RNA synthesis. A reduced capacity for new DNA and RNA synthesis means that any new cell synthesis is impaired. For an organism to live, it must create new cells as fast as cells die. This requires that the body make millions of cells every minute, relying on DNA and RNA synthesis. A reduced synthesis capacity due to methylation cycle mutations is a particular issue for cells that already have difficulties meeting their needs for DNA and RNA synthesis under normal conditions.
Adding a significant methylation issue to the cell synthesis makes it nearly impossible to recover from damage or stress on these tissues. Stress increases the need for nucleotides to overcome negative effects of hormones released during stressful conditions. Cell repair after injury increases the need for nucleotides. In particular, the nervous system has the highest concentration of RNA in the body, and therefore has the highest requirement of methylation need.”
So in summary, FQ’s damage a cell’s ability to reproduce. Genetic Mutations in the Methylation Pathway can cripple the cell’s ability to reproduce. What do you get when you add these things together? A DISASTER. What can be done? Genetic test.
This coupled with my other posts and research concludes ‘my theory’, on why some people very likely take a long time to heal, and why some may not heal at all (I’m sure other people knowledgeable on Methylation and Quins have come to this conclusion like Lucero’s Doctor etc I’ve never seen it talked about though). There are other reasons of course, some related to Methylation as I posted above and some that are not, and there is much much more to this obviously and a hundred or more variables, possibly even factors not yet discovered or understood, but to me anyway Methylation issues look to be possibly one of the “most important” and probable ones.
The other curious thought is say it is managed now. What happens twenty years later as we age?
Has anyone had to have Cataract Eye surgery? They want you to take three types of topical eye drops. An antibiotic, usually a fluoroquinolone, a steroid and an NSAID before and after for a couple of weeks. Has anyone had to manage this situation? What did you do?
Hi Jason
Hope you are doing OK.
Do you happen to know if any of the other eye drops contain any nasties?
For example do any of the eye drops they instill in the hospital /opticians when actually examining the eye got any nasties in them? I have to have frequent eye exams thanks to being floxed.
As you probably know they use local anaesthetic eye drops, staining solution such as fluroscein!!!!!!!
What about the staff who manufacture and use such products? I wonder what the incidence of adverse side effects is in the manufacturing industry side of things?
I feel like throwing up at the thought.
Help Jason and Lisa.
These fluoroquinolones really do need banning. Who packs these drugs? Who handles them and where are they actually manufactured?
What controls are in lace too safeguard the health of hose coming into contact with the raw material in the manufacturing process?
Are the workers made aware of the risk?
Thy should be but are they?
Sorry for my jaded views. But this is the biggest bunch of BS I have read in all the thousands of references for the billions of BS around the world, much of which is advocated by paranoia of hypochondriacs, seeking 90% of doctors around the world who are just quacks who don’t know squat about you, but prescribe toxic drugs mostly for toxic profits by Big Pharma around the world. The fact is NOT ONE of you are alike. You don’t have the same DNA, the fingerprint of a universe of information that will not be figured out in anybody’s lifetime. All medicines, and many alternative suggestions are just more BS to add to the pile of garbage some damned expert claims will help you when they don’t know squat about you either. We all DIE people,,we all suffer, and you take chances no matter what you do. But something is going to make you miserable, and you gamble on any of the mountains of BS that is advocated in every damned internet site full of quacks and pseudo-scientists that don’t know crap about anything either with certainty. The fact is, you WILL suffer possibly from 90 or 100 % of recommendations from these “experts” that waste their time looking for a holy grail that never will be there for most. So enjoy life as best you can, gamble on all the BS tests, BS doctors, and BS people so full of themselves with all the friggin tests those freaks use, and just know it’s all a gamble,,and BS is the bottom line. Some you may benefit from trial and errors using any of the thousands of speculative BS spouted everywhere, but the fact is nobody is right about everybody ANY of the time. So you gamble on all this crap, and do you live forever? Do you gain one damned thing from all this BS? Life is a crap shoot, and everything you do is a gamble according to you own specific individual billions of cellular differences, and to thing otherwise that there is silver bullet to save your collective asses is pure BS. Have I mentioned all this will be pure BS for MOST of you? Live your life, take your chances, and do bankrupt and die in the process after many of the so-called tests and cures mean not one damned thing about your prognosis, The only certainty in life is that you have to find some small way to enjoy it rather than spend it miserable listening to the quacks of the world, most of whom are only out to make money at your expense and misery in most cases. One one thing said anywhere in my life of investigating millions of claims means jack in the long run, and you are just lucky when some one of hundreds of things tried mean nothing in most cases. It’s the luck of the draw, and our only hope is the peace of death when it comes and frees us from the shackles a mankind which is the most stupid creature of the earth with it’s large volume of BS that could fill an ocean of sorrow unrelieved by all this speculation that cannot be proved, is misinterpreted, and BS too often is the only truth about any of this waste of time. Go have fun, if you can, and enjoy life rather than seeking answers that are lies. Life is too short to hunt with fruitless results and the depression it produces for most of us who are going to die anyway. Sorry if I burst bubbles or piss some of you off,,but this is ridiculous.
How do I e mail you privately please.
I have a medical Report confirming the cause of the tendonitis etc, etc is due to the fluoroquinolones.
Your response to RHenry.
Wise words Lisa.
As a person who had cancer , dysgerminoma, of the ovary many, many years ago I can vouch for the fact that we need to be supported.
I do not recall feeling as depressed or anxious as I do now at what has happened to me over being floxed and also having three lots of antibiotics prescribed for me all at the same time. The antibiotics were amoxyl ,doxycycline and augmentin.
No blood work was done not even a chest x ray. Just told I had pleurisy. I was sent home from A and E .Why did this dr do this to me? It was uncalled for.
Drs have since admitted that it was the cipro that caused the damage. I maintain that it was a combination. Over the years I had been prescribed cipro for a UTI.
The dr tod me at the time that the drug would cause seizures but that that did not matter!!
I even recall the drs name, it was Dr Jeanette Wilkes now working in London!!
Clexane – blood thinner- and keflex , phenytoin, statins, pantoprazole are other drugs that cause burning of the legs. At least they did in me. My GP said she would not prescribe the clexane and I agree and thank her for that as well.
Jason is right in being concerned about drs prescribing drugs that are contraindicated. It is inly be educating the drs to stop prescribing these drugs that they will stop. as stated previously more and more drs are exposing Big Pharma.
Thee Bribery Act. According to newspaper Reports under the above Act doctors , corrupt NHS bosses , doctors etc can face the sack, unlimited fines even jail sentences of up to TEN years for accepting bribes from pharmaceutical Companies.
Do you have any such legislation in the US.
May I say that I think you are an exceptional person with great dignity, patience and empathy.
Thank God that you as well as Jason etc are here for us.
Thank you
I have just found out that the Sunshine Report was quashed in the US.
I am wondering if this website is closed at the weekend.
I wanted to send some medical reports but there does not seem to be any point anymore after what RH has posted.
Has anyone ever used or be prescribed voltaren gel? I am 11 months out of having pain, loss of muscle strength. My strength is pretty much back, and most of my pain is gone (arms/upper legs), but i still have pain in my ankles. I have been prescribed this by 2 MDs (rhemotologist and orthopedics). I know ibprofen and NSAIDs are not good for us (wish i knew that when i first started having symptoms as i think it made my condiiton worse), but didn’t know if anyone had any knowledge of the topical voltaren gel. Thanks a bunch
So I haven’t posted in a long time. I’ve been hopeful that time would heal me and daily it still hasn’t. Two and a half years later and I’m again at my worst. Randomly a week ago my tongue stopped producing saliva. It hasn’t worked for the entire week and has caused my tongue to crack, teeth to hurt, and horrible dry mouth. I just purchased biotene and it lasts maybe 20 mins.
None of my other symptoms have gotten any better. My outlook on life has grown to its lowest level to date since this began. My quality of life is at its worst it’s ever been and I’m losing interest in trying anymore.
I no longer have any hope of improvement. I don’t know what more to do.
It sounds like you may have oral thrush.THIS NEEDS TREATING asap. It is very contagious, you need to sterilise your eating/drinking utensils and keep them separate from anyone else.
You need frequent hand washing and use paper napkins,hankies and paper hand towels to dry yur hands and thenn dispose of these owels etc straight away to avoid cross infection and re infecting yourself and others.
In my professional opinion for what it is worth I would strongly advise seeing a dr t rule out thrush. He or she can tell if you have an infection as thrush leaves white deposits on your tongue.
Pls see a dr for possible anti fungal treatment plus yogurts if you can bear to eat anything and probiotics.
Have you had your bloodworks done recently to exclude anaemia. Being run down can cause oral thrush plus soreness of the mouth. Vit B may help you as well . In hospital Vit B Complex is usually prescribed with an antibiotic but this sounds as if you may have thrush and are missing flora in your mouth and need some vitamins pdq.
If you google oral thrush you will see pics to compare with your tongue.
It is very important to get this treated and investigated asap.When this infection starts to clear you will start to feel better generally and be able to sleep etc.
I was actually tested for oral thrush back in January when this first started (though it was absolutely nothing compared to now). It came back negative, so did strep throat. With this in mind, I have looked up oral thrush online before and I can guarantee it is not that. My tongue looks normal and has all year. I have not experienced that thick, white tongue like mess. I have had a trusted dentist confirm this back in January as well and will be seeing him for another checkup this week (he should be able to confirm it’s not thrush again).
I have not done the IVs yet and finances is definitely holding that aspect up (as well as going to a doctor who might recommend that). Do you feel as though it helped a lot (Linda)? I’m about 3 hours from Cincinnati, so that’s not ideal, but I imagine I need a big city doctor (all are far away). I will look at the list and see what I can come up with.
As far as what I have tried, I have tried extreme fruit/vegetable (antioxidant) diets, milk thistle, b complex, magnesium, biotin, countless doctors and testing and not seen any results. I am very cautious about trying (and spending money) on most products because frankly nothing is working. The IVs have come up a few times, but I expect those to be difficult to get and will cost a lot.I have not done a probiotic, but will try that one as you suggested.
Which vitamins/supplements worked Linda? Or did you take them all and they worked, but you can’t really be sure (due to taking so many at once, for so long)? I have not tried those others you mentioned, but will look into those as well.
I am in a similar position.
I just keep praying for a miracle and that tomorrow I wake up cured.
L Carnitine caused a fit in me.
I did not realise that my advising Peter to seek medical assistance with his problem was going to lead to such a venomous attack on my integrity and credibility by your good self.
I used to be a health and safety advisor to senior management .
As stated previously no one is trying to panic. scare or dictate to another what to do. We are all adults. The course of action I suggested was not harmful or intended to cause any stress or alarm.
I am shocked that you see things differently especially when it was not even yourself seeking assistance.
We are all stressed out. After I read your other posting in which you appeared to be very angry for some reason I myself suffered panic attack in a big way. My hubby had to help me.
Thrush or any infection in the mouth can be debilitating. Peter already realises that.
Peter is aleady anxious hence him him writing to this Forum to express his fears. The next sensible step for him would be to see a d/dentist for an assessment and possible swabs to be sent to bacteriology. What is so stressful in that?
You persist in insisting that thrush is non contagious then provide evidence to substantiate that YES thrush is contagious yet you fail to see this. Why?
Of course thrush is contagious!
In fact patients with oral thrush are usually cared for in isolation and strict barrier nursing carried out.
If you took a probiotic and swilled it round tour mouth twice then it is very doubtful that it was thrush in the first place. Thrush can be tricky to treat.
I was trying to give Peter professional and appropriate advice. If you look carefully at Peters original posting he states that for over one week his tongue stopped secreting saliva and that it is very sore, he cannot sleep very well etc. etc. he does not mention until after my reply that he was seen in January with a sore tongue and thrush ruled out.
At the risk of stressing you out further Linda which is something I do not wish to do I have to point out the obvious it is now November . January was several months ago. Things change sometimes for the better!!!!
It will be interesting to see how Peter gets on with his dentist and dr.
Peter you will be OK. Try not to worry. You are doing the right thing getting checked out .
Sorry if you thought I was pushy Just trying to help .
Meant to say that thrush is also called the kissing disease yet you have not mentioned this fact!
It can be transmitted via indirect contact with contaminated eating and drinking utensils , from newspapers , keyboards- fingers to mouth , phones, etc.
New born babies can also catch it from infected mothers during the birth process and have serious eye infections, neonatorium infection. Conjunctivitis. Pls see over 100 references to this on Pub Med.
The BMJ.
The Royal College for Obstetricians and Gynaecologists etc,etc.
You are right it is not worth arguing over we should be devoting our energy and wrath towards Big Pharma and their instruments of prescribing of toxic substances. we are in this mess together Linda.
How do you think I feel towards colleagues for doing this to me?
Prison is too good for them!!
Now chill.
Lucy .
Former Health and Safety Advisor.
Control of Infection Practitioner.
I have had chronic ear infections my whole life. At 30 I have made 15 sets of tubes including as an adult, my ent would tell you I need them now. I have had two infections over the last 9 months one in each ear. In both cases I did not respond to the first round of augmentin(I never do, but they always try). The first infection I was then given ciprodex drops, which I have taken many times. It seemed to have worked. Now here we are and I have had an infection in the other ear now for two months. Augmentin failed, first round of ciprodex drops caused massive migraines. It was stopped and I was put on what I was told was the pill version. This failed as well. Took a week off from antibiotics as suggested by er and now am back on ciprodex drops as well as levaquin. I have a cat scan scheduled for next week to look for cholesteatoma. He also has concerns about my other ear having in his words “not quite healed.” After reading this I am SERIOUSLY concerned about what I have been put on. What should I watch for as far as symptoms of a reaction??
HI Christina,
FQs are NOT appropriate for use as as anything but as last resort antibiotic when literally the only alternative left is your death. Your Drs are woefully misinformed about the true seriousness of the toxic profile of these horrendously dangerous drugs by the pharmaceutical industry. I have done years of research into the pharmaceutical corruption of medicine & various connected issues.
The FQs are synthetic chemotherapeutic agents, actually failed chemo drugs, masquerading as antibiotics. They cause mitochondrial toxicity / DNA damage, the damage is cumulative, & by the time you experience noticeable / visible symptoms of fluoroquinolone toxicity you are damaged enough for it to actually show. The so called Fluoroquinolone ‘ antibiotics’ cause DNA/ mitochondrial damage from the very first dose, & ALL routes of administration are capable of causing exactly the same damage, despite what Drs will try to tell you. We have people damaged by ear & eye drops in our numerous support groups, even a person who was severely injured by FQ antibiotic soaked gel pledglets, pads used to pack wounds used in operations. The damage caused will not become noticeable / visible until you have been damaged enough for it to show as it is at a cellular level happening ‘ under the radar ‘ until then so to speak .
To continue to take courses of FQ antibiotics is literally playing Russian roulette with your health, as with Russian roulette, there is always one bullet in that gun, & with FQ toxicity it does have your name on it.
Many of the symptoms of FQ toxicity can actually be delayed, sometimes for many many months or even longer down the line, & will not be attributed either by patients or Drs to the harmless sounding funny named antibiotic a person took maybe months previously. The amount taken to cause injury enough to show is individual to the person. We can lose our lives or be severely damaged just from taking one dose, or take several, or even multiple courses of FQs before we are eventually hit. The damage can build up over time . We are very often misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia ME / CFS / various autoimmune conditions, any number of things we actually do not have. I personally have 3 misdiagnoses myself.
Many of us experience migraine like headaches as an ADR to these drugs, I get something I call floxingheadeyeaches, these are migraine like but NOT the same they are beyond horrendous, the pain in my ears made we want to cut my head off . they last far longer too . these headaches have put me in hospital before .
I will look for some alternative antibiotics for you when I get a moment , I am tied up for a bit but will go on the hunt asap. I have done a lot of research on various drugs over the years I will see what I can find .
I speak here as someone who was unfortunately floxed multiple times before I made the connection between my deteriorating health & the FQs, as a result of this unfortunately have some permanent damage. I have been in the weird parallel world we inhabit now for over 26 years .
Here is some information on the warning signs of FQ toxicity. You can find much more information here in the links & resource section, recent posts on the right & also by googling fluoroquinolone toxicity . We also have many videos on Youtube . Personally If I was in your situation I would be straight back up my Drs demanding they find an alternative to the FQs as way too often they are too busy ( being kind ) or more often just can’t be bothered to look further than the most popular ones, & if the Dr says a FQ is the only choice for you then I would ask them this ‘ ” so what alternative antibiotic do you prescribe in my particular situation for those patients who have had a severe immediate allergic reaction to FQs in the past, those patients for whom it is accepted that they cannot under ANY circumstance be prescribed an antibiotic from the FQ class again Dr ? ” .