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9 years ago
Dan, I would just like to say that I had that Colostrum for many months because I read a while back how Colostrum helps with a lot of different stuff, but I never used it. So 3 days ago when I came across the site I posted, and I read it helps heal Leaky Gut I used the one I already had, and its helping greatly
But yesterday I ordered the one from the site I posted because it said its the only one with Liposomal Delivery which is suppose to be able to survive through the stomach and get delivered to the intestines where it needs to get to finally get delivered through the body. Anyhow, I love the results from the Immune-Tree Colostrum 6, but I’m hoping I get even more benefit from the one from this site You can order at the bottom of their page.
I hope this makes sense, it was a little confusing trying to explain.
9 years ago
Colostrum to the Rescue
The “superbugs” created by decades of antibiotic misuse and our over-reliance and addictions to pain medications need not be our undoing. , Mother Nature’s gift of colostrum is just waiting to be rediscovered. Colostrum was designed to prevent infections originating in the bowel, to close the leaky gut, and to prevent opportunistic infections from taking over and causing or exacerbating leaky gut syndrome. For individuals who already have an autoimmune disease, colostrum is absolutely essential to the healing process. Unless a permeable gut is healed, the body cannot begin to repair the damage caused by inflammation. As healing begins, the amount of toxins dumped into the bloodstream will decline, nutritional uptake will improve, the cells will have better access to the fuel they need to for repair and replication, organ function will improve, and energy levels will rise.
And unlike the so-called wonder drugs of the pharmaceutical industry, absolutely no harm comes from colostrum. It has no known side effects and has no known interactions with drugs. Colostrum has been proved in both animal and human trials to prevent and heal leaky gut syndrome, and it’s the only substance conclusively proven to provide this kind of result. Food elimination and herbal products can’t do the job because they don’t contain the antibodies, immunoglobulins, and growth factors necessary to heal the gut lining and provide the nutrition and hormones for cell repair, growth and differentiation. Bio-identical epithelial and epidermal growth factors (skin growth hormones) are absolutely critical to healing and preventing leaky gut syndrome. According to the book of Sirach, colostrum is ranked alongside wheat, honey, salt, water, fire and iron as being some of the ancient “necessities of life.” In modern society, bovine colostrum is the “necessity of life” for healing every chronic disease.
Bovine colostrum is effective against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria , viruses, and protozoan parasites, that cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal illnesses. Even in the worst case of AIDS, colostrum could eliminate chronic diarrhea so that nutritional uptake was restored and patients could reverse their wasting disease and regain a significant measure of health. If this is any indicator of how well colostrum could work, from the occasional tummy bug someone got at the local eatery to the C. diff that they picked up in the hospital, then we have cause to celebrate. And with the CDC reporting that 2 million Americans become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria annually, practitioners must advocate strongly for colostrum use.
Colostrum’s antimicrobial and antiviral activity is due to its antibodies, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and other immune factors which bind to pathogens and destroy their cell membranes or compete for binding sites on the intestinal wall. , Initially, many researchers believed that in order for colostrum to be effective against specific diarrhea pathogens, the cows needed to be immunized with those specific pathogens a minimum 24 hours prior to colostrum collection. This was termed hyperimmune colostrum. Later, it was discovered that nonhyperimmune colostrum was equally effective in preventing diarrhea. More good news, and the reason is that cows acquire their immunity from pathogens in the grasses that they eat and from the infected people whom they come in contact with, in addition to all the passive immunity that they received from their maternal lineage. This broad-spectrum defense is what makes colostrum so beneficial for human use.
High Efficacy Colostrum Supplements Yield Health Benefits
In order for colostrum to be effective, it must contain high levels the active components, and it must be able to reach the cells with no compromise in bioactivity. A phospholipid coating, such as liposomal delivery, protects the colostrum from digestion and ensures that it can deliver the nutrients, growth factors, and antipathogenic action of colostrum to the cells. Raw fresh colostrum has a liposomal surrounding of the active, sensitive molecules and so, we know that this is critical for processed supplements. Only one processing plant in the world has been designed to process colostrum in a way that maintains integrity of the active components and verifies bioactivity and the presence of antibodies prior to distribution to consumers. If a colostrum supplement can’t heal leaky gut syndrome, it’s no better than powdered milk.
I’ve been working with physicians for over two decades in leaky gut and gastrointestinal health with phenomenal results. I’ve had some very significant reports from patients and physicians testifying to remission and restoration of damaged tissue in multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, and Alzheimer’s disease. We believe this to be the result of the healing of leaky gut syndrome and the ability of colostrum’s growth factors to help repair damaged tissue and organs. I recommend physicians put their chronically ill patients — anyone with allergies, food sensitivities, autoimmune diseases, immune problems, cancer, heart disease, and so on — on colostrum as a first mode of treatment. I also suggest a gluten-free diet because gluten coats the villi in the small intestine, thereby trapping any pathogens in the infected area of the bowel. Colostrum can’t destroy the pathogens if it can’t reach them. The bowel needs to be reseeded with probiotics, and again colostrum is needed for the good bacteria to colonize. If leaky gut was the result of parasites, an anti-parasitic cleanse is necessary, as colostrum does not destroy parasites.
Physicians with gluten-sensitive patients are particularly interested in colostrum. The Institute for Responsible Technology just came out with a report that confirms what I’ve believed for a long time. GMO foods are linked to leaky gut syndrome and may also trigger or exacerbate gluten-related disorders, including celiac disease. Of the nine GMO food crops grown for human consumption containing high levels of Bt toxin, corn and corn oil are most widely consumed in the US and Mexico. The Bt toxin was designed to puncture holes in insects’ digestive tracts, and studies have demonstrated this in human cells as well. Bt toxin may be related to leaky gut syndrome, and as a whole, GM foods may be contributing to the rise in gluten sensitivity.
“Colostrum is the ideal solution for leaky gut syndrome. Its components prevent and heal GI damage. Unless the gut is healed, the body cannot begin the process of repair” (Donald Henderson, MD, MPH, UCLA professor of medicine). If you heal the gut, stop the crossover of toxins, and detoxify the body, then you’re going to see a starting point from which you can begin eliminating multiple symptoms and narrowing down a process and a pathway to wellness. Recommended dosing is 1 teaspoon colostrum mixed with water on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals and before bedtime. Results are typically achieved within 30 days, and regular use is required to maintain benefits.
Common practice dictates that practitioners perform allergy/food sensitivity tests and recommend a food elimination program to heal leaky gut. Foods are not the cause of leaky gut. They’re the symptom of leaky gut. That is the proof that leaky gut exists, and I believe that every patient who walks through your door with a chronic disease complaint has leaky gut syndrome. If you haven’t put colostrum into your practice, or you have put colostrum in your practice before and you didn’t get results, you really need to take a look at the fact that not all colostrum on the market is equal. Not all colostrum is processed to ensure the bioactivity of the beneficial components. And if they’re not bioactive, they’re not going to provide the kind of results I’m talking about in this article.
Hi Everyone, I know I know I posted a lot of comments and info about Colostrum, but I feel absolutely AMAZING!!! Therefore I can’t help it. I want you ALL to feel this. I just pray it continues.
Today I received my new and supposedly much better Colostrum in the mail(the one from the site I posted). I will be starting it this afternoon. I will continue to keep you all posted.
9 years ago
Oh Chris, I’m so excited for you to try it. Make sure you post your results. It can’t be just me, I’m expecting this to help everyone. And what absolutely good news would that be!!!!
Joanneg, I want to know when you took your last Cipro pill before you started this supplement? I am almost a year out (March) when I started to take it. I suffer from back pain and double vision. Don’t see how this supplement will help either of those. Kris T
kris t the supplements joanneg posted about was to help heal leaky Gut, which in one shape of form will happen to most if not all of us. That is what is causing so much damage to our bodies, leaky gut is when your small intestines lining becomes unable to withstand the passing’s of toxins, it allows toxins through and nutrients are flushed away. We need to heal our Gut ( Small intestinal lining ) in order to restore our digestive health, once that is accomplished perhaps we will be able to rid ourselves of other toxins hopefully most if not all. Living a somewhat normal life again. I’m going into my Tenth year and anything that may help is certainly worth a try. I’m a mess being I did nothing to help heal myself because I had no idea what was wrong with me. Tendon tears yes… sleeping a lot yes.. Now I totally understand the digestive problems and am thankful for any way to help heal my gut 🙂 thank you joanneg Chris & Ann Good health to all good luck kris t Double vision used to come and go, it was gone until an orthopedic stuck me with a steroid in December, I’m having some relapses here and there. insomnia memory spasms visual disturbances, they went away before hoping they will again Steroids are the worse thing ever. I yelled at that surgeon he just stuck my shoulder without asking me if it was ok to use steroids ?? Needless to say I wont be going back there again. Health to all .
9 years ago
Hi Kris T, I’m 20 months out from Cipro, and I just started taking the Colostrum 4 days ago. I was using it to try and heal my stomach, and it wound up helping with every thing I don’t understand all the reasons this helps so many things, but you can read all the information from the site I linked. I’m just praying it continues to give me such great relief.
Also, I’m not sure if in your post you said you already started taking it?
joanneg Thank you so very much for sharing the information you found regarding the colostrum , it makes perfect sense that is also healing everything, being what it is. thank you so much, I am so glad you are getting better. Best of health each day 🙂
9 years ago
Well today is day 5 of taking the COLOSTRUM, and now I know THIS IS THE ANSWER !!!
For 20 months I haven’t been able to lay flat because of severe dizziness or sleep on my sides because of such ridiculous shoulder pain. Well last night I layed flat NO DIZZINESS, and my shoulders that I felt like they were being torn from their sockets NO PAIN and I slept half the night on them. This is totally unbelievable!!!
I stopped all supplements except COLOSTRUM and PROBIOTICS. I don’t know if that was a good thing. I’m just letting you all know what I’m doing.
Also, yesterday, I started to worry about not taking Magnesium so I took one and within less than 30 minutes I started to get some weird head stuff. So, I don’t know what that was all about, but now if I think I need Magnesium, I will use the spray oil,
PLEASE EVERYONE GET COLOSTRUM our stomachs are our problem!!! We all have Leaky Gut!! I’M GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY
9 years ago
I just had to stop sweeping my stairs so i could post again, I went from not being able to carry my purse to carrying the sweeper up and down the bedroom stairs IN FIVE DAYS! Totally unbelievable and totally exciting!!!
9 years ago
I get a dairy reaction so this won’t help me. But it looks like everyone is doing well so I guess it’s time to leave the site. Congratulations everyone and wish me luck, too!
9 years ago
Tom, yes I had balance issues, dizzy swirly head, even in bed, I couldn’t lay flat or turn my head to either side very far without getting vertigo
9 years ago
I feel there are too many sales people here. Plus after so many years, I am tired of supplements and other cures. They are marketed the same way as Cipro! I have to find a different way.
9 years ago
Hi Jason, I was wondering where you were 🙂
As for my diet, I drink only Purified water, I eat only organic meats but my fruits and vegetables aren’t all organic, and just recently trying I’m to do less Gluten, but I don’t do very good with any diet. And actually I get very sick on all the diets I’ve tried. Anyhow, low sugar, no caffeine, but I cant wait to have a cup of coffee !!! So you can see I’m not very strict that’s why I used the words low, less. and trying.
The site I posted does explain that the Colostrum is used to heal the wholes in your gut, then you reseed with Probiotics, you don’t eat Gluten, and other diet suggestions, that I can’t remember, to maintain your gut health. The site and all the links in the site are very informative and detailed. I’m trying to tell everyone to read them.
Hope this helps 🙂
9 years ago
Hi Daniela, I just want to say, I know how you feel. I spent THOUSANDS on supplements not including Dr visits, ER visits, specialist and even books. I even had my husband put a shelf in my bedroom because I couldn’t find what I was looking for when they were in the bins. For crying out loud it looked like a Pharmacy in there. Also, a couple of days before I found the site about the Colostrum I told him “that’s it I’m not buying any more supplements ever again”.
But, being scared and with NOBODY able to help me I was driven back to the computer to try and find some help. And that was the night I found the Colostrum site.
Also, I don’t sell anything!!! I’m a wife and a mother of 6 children. I worked at my children’s school. The year before being POISONED by Cipro I quit my job so I could be home more with the kids, clean the house better, and cook better meals ect. Little did I know my kids would be giving me a bath, shaving my legs, holding my hand while I tried to walk, wiping my hair from my face as I cried from the horror of all the things that were happening to my body. Oh yea the house, the cooking and the cleaning that never happened.
Anyhow, I have been reading on Floxiehope for over a year now, hoping to find a solution, hear what others were going through, and FINALLY to get some HOPE!!! I never commented
till recently because I never found any real HOPE to offer. But recently I was compelled a couple times to comment and try and help some people.
Lastly, I promised myself, as I’m sure you all have “IF I EVER FOUND A CURE I WOULD TELL THE WORLD !!!”
I hope you understand, I am not a salesman, I’m just so excited to share this “HOPE” that maybe I sound over the top but wouldn’t YOU or ANY of us here ?? Isn’t this the reason we have the site?? If I still had no progress and I read all the things that I posted, I would sale my house to get some.
Please just read their site and watch the video which is very good.
Leaky gut syndrome is directly associated with many autoimmune diseases including allergies, alopecia areata, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, food allergies and sensitivities, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, polymyalgia rheumatica, Raynaud’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Sjögren’s syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and vasculitis. The connection between leaky gut syndrome and these autoimmune conditions is the antibodies created by the body in response to the toxic substances and undigested fats and proteins that leak into the bloodstream and attach themselves to various tissues throughout the body, create an allergic response, trigger the destruction of tissues and organs, and create inflammation. As toxicity increases, autoantibodies are created, and the destruction and inflammation becomes chronic. There is a tipping point at which the body cannot recover from chronic inflammation, and pathological diagnosis follows. The specific type of autoimmune disease that develops depends on the predominant location of the inflammation. When inflammation occurs in a joint, rheumatoid arthritis can develop; in the brain, chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis) may be the result; in the blood vessels, vasculitis may be the resulting condition; within the gums, periodontal disease can result; or in the lungs, asthma may be triggered. If the antibodies attack the lining of the gut itself, the result may be irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease. If the bacteria that causes gingivitis enter the bloodstream and attack the arterial walls, causing inflammation and cholesterol deposition, heart disease and stroke may ensue.
As a secondary consequence, inflammation in the gut damages the body’s ability to produce IgA, and without IgA, pathogens can escape into the bloodstream and infect any part of the body. This leads to an increase in infections, an overstimulated immune system, and an abundance of pathogens infecting the liver, thereby creating detoxification failure. Eventually, patients suffer from loss of concentration, impaired mental abilities, decreased energy, skin infections and irritations, such as hives or acne, as the skin organ attempts to detoxify that which the liver is failing to provide.
BUT, Colostrum was designed to prevent infections originating in the bowel, to close the leaky gut, and to prevent opportunistic infections from taking over and causing or exacerbating leaky gut syndrome. For individuals who already have an autoimmune disease, colostrum is absolutely essential to the healing process. Unless a permeable gut is healed, the body cannot begin to repair the damage caused by inflammation. As healing begins, the amount of toxins dumped into the bloodstream will decline, nutritional uptake will improve, the cells will have better access to the fuel they need to for repair and replication, organ function will improve, and energy levels will rise.
And unlike the so-called wonder drugs of the pharmaceutical industry, absolutely no harm comes from colostrum. It has no known side effects and has no known interactions with drugs. Colostrum has been proved in both animal and human trials to prevent and heal leaky gut syndrome, and it’s the only substance conclusively proven to provide this kind of result. Food elimination and herbal products can’t do the job because they don’t contain the antibodies, immunoglobulins, and growth factors necessary to heal the gut lining and provide the nutrition and hormones for cell repair, growth and differentiation. Bio-identical epithelial and epidermal growth factors (skin growth hormones) are absolutely critical to healing and preventing leaky gut syndrome.
Colostrum’s Growth Factors — Not Just For Newborns
Colostrum contains many important growth factors which promote healing and actually create an anti-aging response. The list of benefits they have been shown to provide is so long I’m going to put it in list form.
Independent medical studies show that colostrum’s growth factors:
• Regenerate and accelerate normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.
• Help burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting (diet)
• Help build and retain lean muscle.
• Repair our body’s vital DNA and RNA.
• Balance and regulate blood sugar levels
• Heal burns, surgeries, cuts, abrasions and mouth sores with topical application
• Control infection and pain associated with gingivitis, sensitive teeth and dental work.
• Help regulate blood glucose levels and “brain chemicals”, providing alertness and better concentration.
• Help regulate the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals to brighten our moods.
There is so much information on this site. I just thought I’d post a few things.
9 years ago
I knew we weren’t suppose to eat GMO foods but just found out one of the reasons why. They use a pesticide that eat holes in the insects stomachs, and they’re finding out that it does this same thing to those who eat these foods. CRAZY!
Dan, I would just like to say that I had that Colostrum for many months because I read a while back how Colostrum helps with a lot of different stuff, but I never used it. So 3 days ago when I came across the site I posted, and I read it helps heal Leaky Gut I used the one I already had, and its helping greatly
But yesterday I ordered the one from the site I posted because it said its the only one with Liposomal Delivery which is suppose to be able to survive through the stomach and get delivered to the intestines where it needs to get to finally get delivered through the body. Anyhow, I love the results from the Immune-Tree Colostrum 6, but I’m hoping I get even more benefit from the one from this site You can order at the bottom of their page.
I hope this makes sense, it was a little confusing trying to explain.
Colostrum to the Rescue
The “superbugs” created by decades of antibiotic misuse and our over-reliance and addictions to pain medications need not be our undoing. , Mother Nature’s gift of colostrum is just waiting to be rediscovered. Colostrum was designed to prevent infections originating in the bowel, to close the leaky gut, and to prevent opportunistic infections from taking over and causing or exacerbating leaky gut syndrome. For individuals who already have an autoimmune disease, colostrum is absolutely essential to the healing process. Unless a permeable gut is healed, the body cannot begin to repair the damage caused by inflammation. As healing begins, the amount of toxins dumped into the bloodstream will decline, nutritional uptake will improve, the cells will have better access to the fuel they need to for repair and replication, organ function will improve, and energy levels will rise.
And unlike the so-called wonder drugs of the pharmaceutical industry, absolutely no harm comes from colostrum. It has no known side effects and has no known interactions with drugs. Colostrum has been proved in both animal and human trials to prevent and heal leaky gut syndrome, and it’s the only substance conclusively proven to provide this kind of result. Food elimination and herbal products can’t do the job because they don’t contain the antibodies, immunoglobulins, and growth factors necessary to heal the gut lining and provide the nutrition and hormones for cell repair, growth and differentiation. Bio-identical epithelial and epidermal growth factors (skin growth hormones) are absolutely critical to healing and preventing leaky gut syndrome. According to the book of Sirach, colostrum is ranked alongside wheat, honey, salt, water, fire and iron as being some of the ancient “necessities of life.” In modern society, bovine colostrum is the “necessity of life” for healing every chronic disease.
Bovine colostrum is effective against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria , viruses, and protozoan parasites, that cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal illnesses. Even in the worst case of AIDS, colostrum could eliminate chronic diarrhea so that nutritional uptake was restored and patients could reverse their wasting disease and regain a significant measure of health. If this is any indicator of how well colostrum could work, from the occasional tummy bug someone got at the local eatery to the C. diff that they picked up in the hospital, then we have cause to celebrate. And with the CDC reporting that 2 million Americans become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria annually, practitioners must advocate strongly for colostrum use.
Colostrum’s antimicrobial and antiviral activity is due to its antibodies, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and other immune factors which bind to pathogens and destroy their cell membranes or compete for binding sites on the intestinal wall. , Initially, many researchers believed that in order for colostrum to be effective against specific diarrhea pathogens, the cows needed to be immunized with those specific pathogens a minimum 24 hours prior to colostrum collection. This was termed hyperimmune colostrum. Later, it was discovered that nonhyperimmune colostrum was equally effective in preventing diarrhea. More good news, and the reason is that cows acquire their immunity from pathogens in the grasses that they eat and from the infected people whom they come in contact with, in addition to all the passive immunity that they received from their maternal lineage. This broad-spectrum defense is what makes colostrum so beneficial for human use.
High Efficacy Colostrum Supplements Yield Health Benefits
In order for colostrum to be effective, it must contain high levels the active components, and it must be able to reach the cells with no compromise in bioactivity. A phospholipid coating, such as liposomal delivery, protects the colostrum from digestion and ensures that it can deliver the nutrients, growth factors, and antipathogenic action of colostrum to the cells. Raw fresh colostrum has a liposomal surrounding of the active, sensitive molecules and so, we know that this is critical for processed supplements. Only one processing plant in the world has been designed to process colostrum in a way that maintains integrity of the active components and verifies bioactivity and the presence of antibodies prior to distribution to consumers. If a colostrum supplement can’t heal leaky gut syndrome, it’s no better than powdered milk.
I’ve been working with physicians for over two decades in leaky gut and gastrointestinal health with phenomenal results. I’ve had some very significant reports from patients and physicians testifying to remission and restoration of damaged tissue in multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, and Alzheimer’s disease. We believe this to be the result of the healing of leaky gut syndrome and the ability of colostrum’s growth factors to help repair damaged tissue and organs. I recommend physicians put their chronically ill patients — anyone with allergies, food sensitivities, autoimmune diseases, immune problems, cancer, heart disease, and so on — on colostrum as a first mode of treatment. I also suggest a gluten-free diet because gluten coats the villi in the small intestine, thereby trapping any pathogens in the infected area of the bowel. Colostrum can’t destroy the pathogens if it can’t reach them. The bowel needs to be reseeded with probiotics, and again colostrum is needed for the good bacteria to colonize. If leaky gut was the result of parasites, an anti-parasitic cleanse is necessary, as colostrum does not destroy parasites.
Physicians with gluten-sensitive patients are particularly interested in colostrum. The Institute for Responsible Technology just came out with a report that confirms what I’ve believed for a long time. GMO foods are linked to leaky gut syndrome and may also trigger or exacerbate gluten-related disorders, including celiac disease. Of the nine GMO food crops grown for human consumption containing high levels of Bt toxin, corn and corn oil are most widely consumed in the US and Mexico. The Bt toxin was designed to puncture holes in insects’ digestive tracts, and studies have demonstrated this in human cells as well. Bt toxin may be related to leaky gut syndrome, and as a whole, GM foods may be contributing to the rise in gluten sensitivity.
“Colostrum is the ideal solution for leaky gut syndrome. Its components prevent and heal GI damage. Unless the gut is healed, the body cannot begin the process of repair” (Donald Henderson, MD, MPH, UCLA professor of medicine). If you heal the gut, stop the crossover of toxins, and detoxify the body, then you’re going to see a starting point from which you can begin eliminating multiple symptoms and narrowing down a process and a pathway to wellness. Recommended dosing is 1 teaspoon colostrum mixed with water on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals and before bedtime. Results are typically achieved within 30 days, and regular use is required to maintain benefits.
Common practice dictates that practitioners perform allergy/food sensitivity tests and recommend a food elimination program to heal leaky gut. Foods are not the cause of leaky gut. They’re the symptom of leaky gut. That is the proof that leaky gut exists, and I believe that every patient who walks through your door with a chronic disease complaint has leaky gut syndrome. If you haven’t put colostrum into your practice, or you have put colostrum in your practice before and you didn’t get results, you really need to take a look at the fact that not all colostrum on the market is equal. Not all colostrum is processed to ensure the bioactivity of the beneficial components. And if they’re not bioactive, they’re not going to provide the kind of results I’m talking about in this article.
– See more at:
Hi Everyone, I know I know I posted a lot of comments and info about Colostrum, but I feel absolutely AMAZING!!! Therefore I can’t help it. I want you ALL to feel this. I just pray it continues.
Today I received my new and supposedly much better Colostrum in the mail(the one from the site I posted). I will be starting it this afternoon. I will continue to keep you all posted.
Oh Chris, I’m so excited for you to try it. Make sure you post your results. It can’t be just me, I’m expecting this to help everyone. And what absolutely good news would that be!!!!
Joanneg, I want to know when you took your last Cipro pill before you started this supplement? I am almost a year out (March) when I started to take it. I suffer from back pain and double vision. Don’t see how this supplement will help either of those. Kris T
kris t the supplements joanneg posted about was to help heal leaky Gut, which in one shape of form will happen to most if not all of us. That is what is causing so much damage to our bodies, leaky gut is when your small intestines lining becomes unable to withstand the passing’s of toxins, it allows toxins through and nutrients are flushed away. We need to heal our Gut ( Small intestinal lining ) in order to restore our digestive health, once that is accomplished perhaps we will be able to rid ourselves of other toxins hopefully most if not all. Living a somewhat normal life again. I’m going into my Tenth year and anything that may help is certainly worth a try. I’m a mess being I did nothing to help heal myself because I had no idea what was wrong with me. Tendon tears yes… sleeping a lot yes.. Now I totally understand the digestive problems and am thankful for any way to help heal my gut 🙂 thank you joanneg Chris & Ann Good health to all good luck kris t Double vision used to come and go, it was gone until an orthopedic stuck me with a steroid in December, I’m having some relapses here and there. insomnia memory spasms visual disturbances, they went away before hoping they will again Steroids are the worse thing ever. I yelled at that surgeon he just stuck my shoulder without asking me if it was ok to use steroids ?? Needless to say I wont be going back there again. Health to all .
Hi Kris T, I’m 20 months out from Cipro, and I just started taking the Colostrum 4 days ago. I was using it to try and heal my stomach, and it wound up helping with every thing I don’t understand all the reasons this helps so many things, but you can read all the information from the site I linked. I’m just praying it continues to give me such great relief.
Also, I’m not sure if in your post you said you already started taking it?
joanneg Thank you so very much for sharing the information you found regarding the colostrum , it makes perfect sense that is also healing everything, being what it is. thank you so much, I am so glad you are getting better. Best of health each day 🙂
Well today is day 5 of taking the COLOSTRUM, and now I know THIS IS THE ANSWER !!!
For 20 months I haven’t been able to lay flat because of severe dizziness or sleep on my sides because of such ridiculous shoulder pain. Well last night I layed flat NO DIZZINESS, and my shoulders that I felt like they were being torn from their sockets NO PAIN and I slept half the night on them. This is totally unbelievable!!!
I stopped all supplements except COLOSTRUM and PROBIOTICS. I don’t know if that was a good thing. I’m just letting you all know what I’m doing.
Also, yesterday, I started to worry about not taking Magnesium so I took one and within less than 30 minutes I started to get some weird head stuff. So, I don’t know what that was all about, but now if I think I need Magnesium, I will use the spray oil,
PLEASE EVERYONE GET COLOSTRUM our stomachs are our problem!!! We all have Leaky Gut!! I’M GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY
I just had to stop sweeping my stairs so i could post again, I went from not being able to carry my purse to carrying the sweeper up and down the bedroom stairs IN FIVE DAYS! Totally unbelievable and totally exciting!!!
I get a dairy reaction so this won’t help me. But it looks like everyone is doing well so I guess it’s time to leave the site. Congratulations everyone and wish me luck, too!
Tom, yes I had balance issues, dizzy swirly head, even in bed, I couldn’t lay flat or turn my head to either side very far without getting vertigo
I feel there are too many sales people here. Plus after so many years, I am tired of supplements and other cures. They are marketed the same way as Cipro! I have to find a different way.
Hi Jason, I was wondering where you were 🙂
As for my diet, I drink only Purified water, I eat only organic meats but my fruits and vegetables aren’t all organic, and just recently trying I’m to do less Gluten, but I don’t do very good with any diet. And actually I get very sick on all the diets I’ve tried. Anyhow, low sugar, no caffeine, but I cant wait to have a cup of coffee !!! So you can see I’m not very strict that’s why I used the words low, less. and trying.
The site I posted does explain that the Colostrum is used to heal the wholes in your gut, then you reseed with Probiotics, you don’t eat Gluten, and other diet suggestions, that I can’t remember, to maintain your gut health. The site and all the links in the site are very informative and detailed. I’m trying to tell everyone to read them.
Hope this helps 🙂
Hi Daniela, I just want to say, I know how you feel. I spent THOUSANDS on supplements not including Dr visits, ER visits, specialist and even books. I even had my husband put a shelf in my bedroom because I couldn’t find what I was looking for when they were in the bins. For crying out loud it looked like a Pharmacy in there. Also, a couple of days before I found the site about the Colostrum I told him “that’s it I’m not buying any more supplements ever again”.
But, being scared and with NOBODY able to help me I was driven back to the computer to try and find some help. And that was the night I found the Colostrum site.
Also, I don’t sell anything!!! I’m a wife and a mother of 6 children. I worked at my children’s school. The year before being POISONED by Cipro I quit my job so I could be home more with the kids, clean the house better, and cook better meals ect. Little did I know my kids would be giving me a bath, shaving my legs, holding my hand while I tried to walk, wiping my hair from my face as I cried from the horror of all the things that were happening to my body. Oh yea the house, the cooking and the cleaning that never happened.
Anyhow, I have been reading on Floxiehope for over a year now, hoping to find a solution, hear what others were going through, and FINALLY to get some HOPE!!! I never commented
till recently because I never found any real HOPE to offer. But recently I was compelled a couple times to comment and try and help some people.
Lastly, I promised myself, as I’m sure you all have “IF I EVER FOUND A CURE I WOULD TELL THE WORLD !!!”
I hope you understand, I am not a salesman, I’m just so excited to share this “HOPE” that maybe I sound over the top but wouldn’t YOU or ANY of us here ?? Isn’t this the reason we have the site?? If I still had no progress and I read all the things that I posted, I would sale my house to get some.
Please just read their site and watch the video which is very good.
Jason, when you say that you think the gut is connected to just about all problems, you are SOOOOO right! Here is something on its connection to Parkinsons (and I imagine ALS, Altzheimers, etc) via the Va
gus Nerve…
Leaky gut syndrome is directly associated with many autoimmune diseases including allergies, alopecia areata, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, food allergies and sensitivities, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, polymyalgia rheumatica, Raynaud’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Sjögren’s syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and vasculitis. The connection between leaky gut syndrome and these autoimmune conditions is the antibodies created by the body in response to the toxic substances and undigested fats and proteins that leak into the bloodstream and attach themselves to various tissues throughout the body, create an allergic response, trigger the destruction of tissues and organs, and create inflammation. As toxicity increases, autoantibodies are created, and the destruction and inflammation becomes chronic. There is a tipping point at which the body cannot recover from chronic inflammation, and pathological diagnosis follows. The specific type of autoimmune disease that develops depends on the predominant location of the inflammation. When inflammation occurs in a joint, rheumatoid arthritis can develop; in the brain, chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis) may be the result; in the blood vessels, vasculitis may be the resulting condition; within the gums, periodontal disease can result; or in the lungs, asthma may be triggered. If the antibodies attack the lining of the gut itself, the result may be irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease. If the bacteria that causes gingivitis enter the bloodstream and attack the arterial walls, causing inflammation and cholesterol deposition, heart disease and stroke may ensue.
As a secondary consequence, inflammation in the gut damages the body’s ability to produce IgA, and without IgA, pathogens can escape into the bloodstream and infect any part of the body. This leads to an increase in infections, an overstimulated immune system, and an abundance of pathogens infecting the liver, thereby creating detoxification failure. Eventually, patients suffer from loss of concentration, impaired mental abilities, decreased energy, skin infections and irritations, such as hives or acne, as the skin organ attempts to detoxify that which the liver is failing to provide.
– See more at:
BUT, Colostrum was designed to prevent infections originating in the bowel, to close the leaky gut, and to prevent opportunistic infections from taking over and causing or exacerbating leaky gut syndrome. For individuals who already have an autoimmune disease, colostrum is absolutely essential to the healing process. Unless a permeable gut is healed, the body cannot begin to repair the damage caused by inflammation. As healing begins, the amount of toxins dumped into the bloodstream will decline, nutritional uptake will improve, the cells will have better access to the fuel they need to for repair and replication, organ function will improve, and energy levels will rise.
And unlike the so-called wonder drugs of the pharmaceutical industry, absolutely no harm comes from colostrum. It has no known side effects and has no known interactions with drugs. Colostrum has been proved in both animal and human trials to prevent and heal leaky gut syndrome, and it’s the only substance conclusively proven to provide this kind of result. Food elimination and herbal products can’t do the job because they don’t contain the antibodies, immunoglobulins, and growth factors necessary to heal the gut lining and provide the nutrition and hormones for cell repair, growth and differentiation. Bio-identical epithelial and epidermal growth factors (skin growth hormones) are absolutely critical to healing and preventing leaky gut syndrome.
– See more at:
Colostrum’s Growth Factors — Not Just For Newborns
Colostrum contains many important growth factors which promote healing and actually create an anti-aging response. The list of benefits they have been shown to provide is so long I’m going to put it in list form.
Independent medical studies show that colostrum’s growth factors:
• Regenerate and accelerate normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.
• Help burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting (diet)
• Help build and retain lean muscle.
• Repair our body’s vital DNA and RNA.
• Balance and regulate blood sugar levels
• Heal burns, surgeries, cuts, abrasions and mouth sores with topical application
• Control infection and pain associated with gingivitis, sensitive teeth and dental work.
• Help regulate blood glucose levels and “brain chemicals”, providing alertness and better concentration.
• Help regulate the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals to brighten our moods.
– See more at:
There is so much information on this site. I just thought I’d post a few things.
I knew we weren’t suppose to eat GMO foods but just found out one of the reasons why. They use a pesticide that eat holes in the insects stomachs, and they’re finding out that it does this same thing to those who eat these foods. CRAZY!
So don’t eat GMO’s !!!