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Ryan L
7 years ago
Can someone take Pepto Bismo after having Cipro. About two years out and I got the stomach bug. Any suggested would be greatly appreciated.
7 years ago
Hello everyone,
It’s been awhile since I posted anything on FloxieHope, but I have some information that may prove useful to the community. About 5 years ago, shortly after a final round of CIPRO, I developed the symptoms of fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome (FQTS). As I’ve learned over the years (and as many of you know), many of the symptoms of FQTS closely overlap with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. I recently had the EpicGenetics FM/a test done, which is essentially a blood test for fibromyalgia. You can learn more about it at I received the results of my test a few weeks ago with a score of 86 which is in the “Strongly Confirmable” range. There are 4 ranges, 0-50 is “Not Confirmable” for fibromyalgia, 50-80 is “Confirmable”, 80-90 is “Strongly Confirmable” and 90-100 is “Extremely Confirmable”. There is an excellent article at that gives a bit more background and science behind the test.
Since I didn’t have symptoms of fibromyalgia before CIPRO and definitely have them after CIPRO, I believe CIPRO caused some sort of gene expression that is responsible for the fibromyalgia (just my own personal theory).
The interesting thing about Epic Genetics is that if you are “Confirmable” for fibromyalgia, they will enroll you in a free genetics study called “Campaign 250” to look for possible genetic clues as to the orgin of condition. You will also be eligible to participate in a vaccine study scheduled to begin in February 2018. I plan to participate in both.
I hope this is beneficial to everyone and I encourage you to review the links above; for me this was the first blood test I’ve had since the CIPRO that was clearly abnormal and may actually mean something in terms of recovery.
Please advice regarding soft-tissues/nerves-irritation regeneration after Floxing.
I need hope because this pain drives me crazy and I don’t want to live anymore.
I did regenerate from other symptoms: overal weakness, candinda, pain in legs.
One painful problem left:
What happend?
Right after a Levoxacinum taking for 28 days (December 2015) I was at the unfortunate Thai massage. Lady asked me if I have a problem somewhere, I said that I have the snapping (“clicking”) tendom in the left arm. This snapping started right after Levoxacinum. She pushed lot of force into massaging this whole left arm. That how the big issue with arm pain started.
The pain symptoms are partialy like Ulnar nerve neuropathy, pain in the upper part of arm. Partialy the pain is under the arm pit, more on the back side.
I’m pain free when I sleep. Typically it getting worste during a day. I have a strenght in the arm.. but after lifting, pain can appear in 15-30 min after.
MRI shows nothing. Ortophedic doctor who recognisez FQT called it “functional problem”.
What could be the cause?
One of the tendoms (supraspinatus tendon, subscapularis tendon) is irritating the nerve. Or other not properly regenerated tissue is irritating the nerve. All function in arms are correct, I can hear only snapping tendon when rotating arm up and backwards. But this snapping is not strictly correlated with pain.
What I am asking this community?
Please advice. You know how body can regenerate after Flox poisoning. Some tissue is distrubed and damaged as an effect of FQ and thai massaage.
Can I have a hope? Can I stay optimistic? Even if it take some time (years), can cells replicate correctly (dna/mitochondria) and heal the tissue ? Or I need to live with this to the end of my life?
Maybe someone had/have similar problem? That tissue was causing problems and it was gone after some years?
I read many times here that body regenerate, but sometimes takes even 10 years.
I do supplements, I tried physiotheraphy with moderated outcome > learned better posture. I can’t train this arm, because pain always aggregate.
Can I have hope?
Thank you everyone for attention and wish you a good year 2018! We shall improve with our health!
harriet Kay
7 years ago
Jeremy Please keep hoping. Nothing is impossible. Have u been tested for vitamin B12 deficiency or anaemia. These can cause your signs and symptoms as well as neuropathy from the dreaded deadly flq. You can easily buy sub lingual B12 or self inject if non absorbed via the gut .
You need to have a Vitamin B12 test done prior to taking B12.
There is plenty of advice on this and the results of blood tests on the Pernicious Anaemia Society website.I would urge you to google this as there is a massive amount of scenarios and really good advice there.
Take care
7 years ago
Hi again sorry another link bu to the Pernicious Anaemia Society/ Low vit B12 can cause peripheral neuropathy and tendonitis as well as fluoroquinolones.
7 years ago
I am the same. After being floxed with cipro the B vitamins mess me up gut wise .
I can self inject without the nasty side effects you mentioned.
Big pharma have a lot to answer for.
7 years ago
You need to try the methyl b vits they are easier to absorb,organic cbd oil helps heal the cns and reduce inflmation in the spleen
Vit b6 for some floxies makes you far worse as it’s excitory and can become toxic and hard to remove
7 years ago
To everyone Sorry to be so miserable but I am having a really bad time with all this . I feel like throwing in the towel as life is so painful. Can someone just reply to support me please? Thanks
7 years ago
Thanks Andrea.
7 years ago
Thanks for your support it is much appreciated .
Each night I go to bed scared stiff that things will be worse the following day.
Life is just horrible and I feel so angry re Big Pharma . I find that any antibiotic now causes or triggers off a toxic reaction. I dread becoming ill with an infection, this worries me a lot.
Like other floxies I now have food and drug intolerances such as gluten, soy, wheat, amaranth , dairy.
Christmas was a night mare in terms of food etc.
H x
Melissa Rodewald
7 years ago
Hello, I am a first time visitor here. A friend of mine is a floxie, going on a year now, with no relief in sight. She’s unable to do much web surfing, so I am trying to find a link to doctors in Arizona who have specific experience with this. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Thank you. I am looking for currently practicing physicians that are in Arizona.
7 years ago
I read on this site that many floxies use magnesium. My magnesium levels are 0.9 mmol/l. Normal range is 0.7-1.05 mmol/l.
Do I need to take more magnesium?
Question for magnesium users: Are yours magnesium levels low?
7 years ago
I am concerned about using cbd oil as it is illegal in the UK. Can someone please advise me ? Thanks
I stumbled across this to aid breathing and wondered if anyone had ever come across it. It is a drug free device that alleges to improve the entry of oxygen into the lungs and strengthen the muscles of respiration.
7 years ago
Hi,does someone take CBD from CBD Brothers UK?
7 years ago
Hi, new to the core after being floxed 3 weeks ago. I had a hysterectomy (medically necessary for CIN 3 dysplasia cells) and then developed an internal infection ehoch required IV antibiotic Zosyn and was sent home with Cipro and Clindymacin so the infection would resolve (which it didn’t, I had to have a subsequent surgery to clean and repair the damage the abscess did internally). Anyway, I took 2 pills, that was all, and woke up the next morning in agony in my back and thigh, was sent to the ER by my doctor because she thought I had Deep Vein Thrombosis (I didn’t). Was diagnosed with arthritis…ha ha ha, I told the doctor he was ridiculous. Came home and looked at my meds list and lo and behold found the cause of my issues. My biggest problem has been that I have had to be on pain medication for the 2 surgeries and had antibiotics and other other sorts of crap in my system so my doctor had I am detoxing off of pain meds. It’s been more than a week since I had a pain med, and I told her there are more issues here than withdrawals a week out would cause. I am really scared, no one seems to want to help me here, I am visiting my GP tomorrow to see if she will listen. I haven’t worked since before Thanksgiving due to the first surgery and I need to get back to work, more so I need to feel better. There is so much good informati9n on here, but I have no idea where to start to help healing my body. Can somebody help me get started?
Can someone take Pepto Bismo after having Cipro. About two years out and I got the stomach bug. Any suggested would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone,
It’s been awhile since I posted anything on FloxieHope, but I have some information that may prove useful to the community. About 5 years ago, shortly after a final round of CIPRO, I developed the symptoms of fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome (FQTS). As I’ve learned over the years (and as many of you know), many of the symptoms of FQTS closely overlap with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. I recently had the EpicGenetics FM/a test done, which is essentially a blood test for fibromyalgia. You can learn more about it at I received the results of my test a few weeks ago with a score of 86 which is in the “Strongly Confirmable” range. There are 4 ranges, 0-50 is “Not Confirmable” for fibromyalgia, 50-80 is “Confirmable”, 80-90 is “Strongly Confirmable” and 90-100 is “Extremely Confirmable”. There is an excellent article at that gives a bit more background and science behind the test.
Since I didn’t have symptoms of fibromyalgia before CIPRO and definitely have them after CIPRO, I believe CIPRO caused some sort of gene expression that is responsible for the fibromyalgia (just my own personal theory).
The interesting thing about Epic Genetics is that if you are “Confirmable” for fibromyalgia, they will enroll you in a free genetics study called “Campaign 250” to look for possible genetic clues as to the orgin of condition. You will also be eligible to participate in a vaccine study scheduled to begin in February 2018. I plan to participate in both.
I hope this is beneficial to everyone and I encourage you to review the links above; for me this was the first blood test I’ve had since the CIPRO that was clearly abnormal and may actually mean something in terms of recovery.
All the best to everyone for a hopefilled 2018.
Dear Community,
Please advice regarding soft-tissues/nerves-irritation regeneration after Floxing.
I need hope because this pain drives me crazy and I don’t want to live anymore.
I did regenerate from other symptoms: overal weakness, candinda, pain in legs.
One painful problem left:
What happend?
Right after a Levoxacinum taking for 28 days (December 2015) I was at the unfortunate Thai massage. Lady asked me if I have a problem somewhere, I said that I have the snapping (“clicking”) tendom in the left arm. This snapping started right after Levoxacinum. She pushed lot of force into massaging this whole left arm. That how the big issue with arm pain started.
The pain symptoms are partialy like Ulnar nerve neuropathy, pain in the upper part of arm. Partialy the pain is under the arm pit, more on the back side.
I’m pain free when I sleep. Typically it getting worste during a day. I have a strenght in the arm.. but after lifting, pain can appear in 15-30 min after.
MRI shows nothing. Ortophedic doctor who recognisez FQT called it “functional problem”.
What could be the cause?
One of the tendoms (supraspinatus tendon, subscapularis tendon) is irritating the nerve. Or other not properly regenerated tissue is irritating the nerve. All function in arms are correct, I can hear only snapping tendon when rotating arm up and backwards. But this snapping is not strictly correlated with pain.
What I am asking this community?
Please advice. You know how body can regenerate after Flox poisoning. Some tissue is distrubed and damaged as an effect of FQ and thai massaage.
Can I have a hope? Can I stay optimistic? Even if it take some time (years), can cells replicate correctly (dna/mitochondria) and heal the tissue ? Or I need to live with this to the end of my life?
Maybe someone had/have similar problem? That tissue was causing problems and it was gone after some years?
I read many times here that body regenerate, but sometimes takes even 10 years.
My problem is already 2 years old. In May ’17 I have wrote that it’s gone ( but it came back after 3 months. But i was 3 months pain free from that arm!!
I do supplements, I tried physiotheraphy with moderated outcome > learned better posture. I can’t train this arm, because pain always aggregate.
Can I have hope?
Thank you everyone for attention and wish you a good year 2018! We shall improve with our health!
Jeremy Please keep hoping. Nothing is impossible. Have u been tested for vitamin B12 deficiency or anaemia. These can cause your signs and symptoms as well as neuropathy from the dreaded deadly flq. You can easily buy sub lingual B12 or self inject if non absorbed via the gut .
You need to have a Vitamin B12 test done prior to taking B12.
There is plenty of advice on this and the results of blood tests on the Pernicious Anaemia Society website.I would urge you to google this as there is a massive amount of scenarios and really good advice there.
Take care
Hi again sorry another link bu to the Pernicious Anaemia Society/ Low vit B12 can cause peripheral neuropathy and tendonitis as well as fluoroquinolones.
I am the same. After being floxed with cipro the B vitamins mess me up gut wise .
I can self inject without the nasty side effects you mentioned.
Big pharma have a lot to answer for.
You need to try the methyl b vits they are easier to absorb,organic cbd oil helps heal the cns and reduce inflmation in the spleen
Vit b6 for some floxies makes you far worse as it’s excitory and can become toxic and hard to remove
To everyone Sorry to be so miserable but I am having a really bad time with all this . I feel like throwing in the towel as life is so painful. Can someone just reply to support me please? Thanks
Thanks Andrea.
Thanks for your support it is much appreciated .
Each night I go to bed scared stiff that things will be worse the following day.
Life is just horrible and I feel so angry re Big Pharma . I find that any antibiotic now causes or triggers off a toxic reaction. I dread becoming ill with an infection, this worries me a lot.
Like other floxies I now have food and drug intolerances such as gluten, soy, wheat, amaranth , dairy.
Christmas was a night mare in terms of food etc.
H x
Hello, I am a first time visitor here. A friend of mine is a floxie, going on a year now, with no relief in sight. She’s unable to do much web surfing, so I am trying to find a link to doctors in Arizona who have specific experience with this. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Went back in archives. Dr. jay Cohen’s site popped up. Suggest people preserve his legacy by copying and passing this link out where ever possible,
Thank you. I am looking for currently practicing physicians that are in Arizona.
I read on this site that many floxies use magnesium. My magnesium levels are 0.9 mmol/l. Normal range is 0.7-1.05 mmol/l.
Do I need to take more magnesium?
Question for magnesium users: Are yours magnesium levels low?
I am concerned about using cbd oil as it is illegal in the UK. Can someone please advise me ? Thanks
Hi Toby
Here is a link to it. I do not know if it is safe for you or not.
Hope this helps though.
I stumbled across this to aid breathing and wondered if anyone had ever come across it. It is a drug free device that alleges to improve the entry of oxygen into the lungs and strengthen the muscles of respiration.
Hi,does someone take CBD from CBD Brothers UK?
Hi, new to the core after being floxed 3 weeks ago. I had a hysterectomy (medically necessary for CIN 3 dysplasia cells) and then developed an internal infection ehoch required IV antibiotic Zosyn and was sent home with Cipro and Clindymacin so the infection would resolve (which it didn’t, I had to have a subsequent surgery to clean and repair the damage the abscess did internally). Anyway, I took 2 pills, that was all, and woke up the next morning in agony in my back and thigh, was sent to the ER by my doctor because she thought I had Deep Vein Thrombosis (I didn’t). Was diagnosed with arthritis…ha ha ha, I told the doctor he was ridiculous. Came home and looked at my meds list and lo and behold found the cause of my issues. My biggest problem has been that I have had to be on pain medication for the 2 surgeries and had antibiotics and other other sorts of crap in my system so my doctor had I am detoxing off of pain meds. It’s been more than a week since I had a pain med, and I told her there are more issues here than withdrawals a week out would cause. I am really scared, no one seems to want to help me here, I am visiting my GP tomorrow to see if she will listen. I haven’t worked since before Thanksgiving due to the first surgery and I need to get back to work, more so I need to feel better. There is so much good informati9n on here, but I have no idea where to start to help healing my body. Can somebody help me get started?