Floxie Hope Podcast 33 With Chris Talio
In this episode of the Floxie Hope podcast I speak to Chris Talio and discuss his issues with Levaquin and how he is healing. Also if you are looking for tips on how to recover try reading some of the great books in the recommendation section.
Find more about Chris HERE
Show Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
I would only have energy for like one thing. Like, what is that going to be? total body like weakness. I kept getting weaker as far as like my exercising.
Unknown Speaker 0:19
You’re listening to the floxie hope podcast.
Unknown Speaker 0:24
Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the interviewers and interviewees and should be received as so those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and medical services.
jay sousa 0:40
Hey, Jason, here from the floxie hope podcast, I am interviewing two new friends of mine. They’re wonderful people. It’s Chris and Annie. And I wanted to talk to them about how fluxing affected Chris personally, and how it affected his relationship with his wonderful girlfriend, Annie, and what struggles they have seen going through this and also what successes they had seen. And it’s wonderful to hear that dynamic because I myself had had this happen with my wife going through this so I can relate. And I’m hoping that their story resonates with you want to let you guys know, there’s some cool new features on the website floxie hope calm we’re offering group therapy hosted by my wife, who’s a therapist, and then also some doctor referral programs to get you in touch with doctors working in the field of fluoroquinolones treatment. And as always great blog posts, and a new web page dedicated to recommendations that being books and things that could help you heal. Hope you liked today’s episode. Thanks for listening.
Unknown Speaker 1:47
Alright, Jason
jay sousa 1:48
here from floxie hope I am with two of my fabulous guests. And I want to let them introduce themselves and tell you guys a little bit about what happens to them, and what they’re going through their challenges and their successes. So you guys can introduce yourself.
Chris 2:10
Yeah, well, my name is Christopher James kaleo. And yeah, I’m a musician and a multimedia artist. based out here in Los Angeles, California. I took a lucquin nice little 10 day course of that one, back in 2014. And it was a pretty intense time for me. I was preparing for a recording session. And I was pretty into bodybuilding. Back then I was a bodybuilder studying to be a personal trainer. And so it kind of mess with that a bit. Say movies, kind of freaked me out. I remember first feeling this like tingling sensation going on in my left arm when I was practicing for this recording session. I was like, What is this? And then kind of remembering what the label said and how it was kind of a strange label that it was like, you know, this antibiotic, but it said, you know, watch out for the Achilles tendon rupture. But I was a really strong dude at that point. So my doctor never mentioned anything about it. So I just took it. But then after that, I was like, definitely feeling some strangeness. I went from deadlifting like 400 pounds, to not being able to carry my groceries like one block. I remember, like I had this, these two bags of groceries, it was like in one bag was like a jar of tomato sauce. And like some pasta. And then the other one was like some vegetables. And it was like searing my my arms as I was walking back home. And at that point, I started like the internet deep dive and found out all the crazy stuff that’s going on with this drug. And yeah, after that, it was just like, you know, how do I fix this? I still have the issue that I that my doctor supposedly prescribed the antibiotic to fix. So had to deal with that still. And I was also I was doing that recording session. I was actually doing that recording session and it’s actually posted on my YouTube channel. If anyone wants to check it out with some pretty awesome jazz musicians. I made it through that day with like, a ton of caffeine and like in between recordings. I was like laying on the floor, just like trying to recoup as much energy And it didn’t really like the session. I mean, I, it’s, it didn’t really give us an exactly how I plan because I was like, practicing super hard, I wanted to like transcend what I was doing at that point. And that was like, going to be kind of like my record of like how far I’ve come, I suppose. And like the those like months leading up to it, stuff I was working on. But it’s out there. And I’m glad that I did it. But I had enough energy to make it through that one. And then about a month after that I had to get surgery for the thing that I actually, you know, that was causing me problems, it was a physical problem, not a bacterial one. And then four weeks after that, I went to India to teach music for six months. And that was actually a good thing for me because it was like crazy. But also, the healthcare and physical therapy that I got out there was like, very affordable. And I don’t know if that was a good time for me. And I had some healing during that period. I was also like, financially stable during that period, which was nice. And then like after, I would say, after I came back to New York, which is where I’m from. I was good for a little while actually. I was like doing stuff. I was playing gigs. I was playing upright bass gigs a lot. And we’re still like after
Unknown Speaker 6:42
Chris 6:43
Yeah, I was still I was still at the gym and stuff, it was much like less intense, it was less strength related more just like, you know, getting getting the pump on and that kind of stuff. And then fast forward to moving out to LA and like 2018 about three months into the move out here. That’s when more strange things started to happen. The what was neuropathy in my left arm started to intensify. And, and then it eventually moved into my right arm. And, and then just like kind of like total body like weakness, I kept getting weaker. As far as like, my exercising, were.
Annie 7:35
Well another thing that we noticed too, when we came out to LA was that you were starting to have a like eczema flare ups. And it’s something that he never had back in New York. So we were wondering if there’s something in the like in the air or the water that might be affecting you a little more than, like a little more so than like, the average person. And maybe that was something that also exacerbated all of the the issues that he had had. Now, I guess four years later, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Chris 8:10
So but I mean, it’s all been kind of a mystery. Like it, I guess, you know, people know, like a little bit about what these antibiotics do to you. But it’s kind of a mystery, all the different things that could possibly trigger it. And it seems like, in general, maybe we live in a toxic time, all the, you know, antibiotics and pesticides and food and you know, what’s going on with the environment, especially out here? I mean, you could like look outside and you could see the smog and all that stuff. So who knows, you know, but it definitely Yeah, just started going downhill. And until recently, it’s been looking up, got the treatment with Dr. Dr. gillooly. And that’s been going well, I’m still going through that at the moment.
Unknown Speaker 9:02
Why did you seek out this help? No.
Chris 9:05
I was really bad. It was like, after I shot that music video, the man on a mission music video. It totally like there was a lot of running and like being pulled on a rope and all this stuff like crazy stuff in there. So like, I was done after that I was so tired. And I just didn’t recover from it. I wasn’t recovering from stuff stopped working out. I was still running a little bit but then that stopped also in like January and and I was like this is crazy. I gotta do something. See what’s out there. And I found him I found him once before. During the summer I was actually like searching up stuff because from from time to time, like when I first had this antibiotic experience. I was heavy into like what kind of supplements can I take? What can I do to to, you know, to ameliorate the situation And then after a while after it, like, you know, I kind of settled into like the new normal, I was like, You know what, there’s like nothing to do about this, it’s just going to be the life. So I’m going to settle in, there’s no cure for it, you know, time, time is the only cure. So, so I stopped looking for it. And then like, you know, stuff started to get really bad this past summer. And I found them. And I was, like, reached out, I was like, this is probably way too expensive for me. And so I didn’t like wind up, you know, inquiring or anything. But then when it was really bad earlier this year, early 2021. I, like, you know, had a conversation with my parents. I was like, might want to try this really having a dark time over here. And, and yeah, I’m going through it now. And I would say in addition to the treatments helping, I also, like clean up my lifestyle, a good deal. Stop with the caffeine. Stop smoking weed. Not that weeds. Bad or that I know, it’s bad. It’s just that maybe the smoking, you know, toxins and whatnot cluding the lungs, something that I’ve maybe suspected. Also something that turned up when, like, you know, I turned it up when I came out to California because it’s legal out here. So what was
Annie 11:27
the thing that was like, allowing him to go on the caffeine and the weed?
Chris 11:32
Yeah, it was like, it was like my inspiration. I was like, the, you know, the news to keep practicing a lot to keep writing music and to keep like, kind of just interested in things. And it was really hard to stop. I will say that. And because at anytime I’ve ever tried to quit caffeine, especially before I would feel like sick, like or weeks. But I did. I’m on day 50 now. It’s great. Nice. Yeah. And yeah, I got, I’m doing one more treatment with Dr. g tomorrow. And then I’m going back off to New York for a little while for a little little rest and recovery. And that’s pretty much that part of my life. In a nutshell, I guess. It’s
jay sousa 12:25
always hard to hear when someone takes an antibiotic for a suspected thing that it’s supposed to treat, and then it doesn’t work. And then you still have the issue before the antibiotic after the antibiotic. Plus, you have all these other issues, right? Like that’s so hard, hard pill to swallow, so to speak. It’s
Annie 12:47
not only that, like, what he was prescribed for, it was actually his test came out negative. And the doctor prescribed him the leprechaun anyway. Yeah. So you know, he was never supposed to really have it in the first place.
jay sousa 13:03
Mm hmm. And there’s this mindset in this country where you just trust the doctor, right? Like, like, ingrained in our society, I feel like my parents always brought us to the doctor. And we just took what they said and took their advice and never questioned it. And then you, you get to that point of that prescription of levaquin or Cipro, and you’re like, I guess this is what I’m supposed to do. And you don’t expect all this crazy stuff to happen, unfortunately.
Unknown Speaker 13:32
How long?
jay sousa 13:34
has it affected your like, relationship? For you guys? Like has it been up down? I’m assuming like, it’s, it’s been hard.
Chris 13:43
Yeah, it’s been interesting. I mean, we met like, like, about a year after I took the lab. And I was, like, settled into the new normal at that point. And at that point, my symptoms weren’t really that. debilitating. I was like working, regularly playing upright bass gigs, like I said, and I was working out, like, my quality of life was pretty good. My stress was pretty low. At that point. So we met we really had like, a great time and built a lot of experiences together.
Annie 14:21
Yeah, I mean, we were young, and we didn’t have a whole lot of responsibilities. And I feel that was also part of, you know, that stress free life and I think having less stress also, probably just in general didn’t have like, your symptoms weren’t as bad when your stress level wasn’t. I don’t know if it’s correlated, but I mean, at the time, I never heard you complain. And I didn’t know how bad it was, until I honestly didn’t even know that he had any pain at all. Till we came out to LA, that’s when he started expressing it. And I would say the the, the most tense, the most, just the most difficult part of it all was the fact that because of the debilitating pain, I felt that he was unable to move forward with some of the responsibilities that I, you know, felt that he needed to take on. Of course, not understanding the full extent of like, what he was going through, because I didn’t, I myself had never experienced, you know, chronic pain. So I don’t know what what kind of psychological issues that cause on top of the physical issues. So I was not understanding it, all I saw was this brilliant, talented, just bright shining star that had so much ahead of him that just, but he just couldn’t get past a certain point with his career, and, you know, like, the life responsibilities. So those were, you know, kind of recurring topics that we kind of fought over. And again, I didn’t understand how bad it was, and how that was contributing to his just paralysis and moving forward with his life.
Unknown Speaker 16:30
jay sousa 16:31
it’s hard. It’s like bandwidth, right? Like, you only have so much physical, mental, emotional bandwidth going through this, like, for Chris, he probably had a certain amount of potential, and then this, like, almost limits that because you just get tired or you run into relapses, where, you know, he kind of drains you for days and weeks and months, and you just get off track with like, life goals and things. And it’s super hard for sure. Yeah. I
Annie 16:58
mean, I was just seeing him on his constant cycle of just obsessive practicing, followed by, you know, intense amount of pain because of that obsessive practicing. And then it would just go back to sort of like that depressive mode, and not being able to, like work on actual production, you know, it would just be practicing the cycle of practicing, and the wheat and the caffeine and all that stuff. And it just, it was definitely it was, I would say that we were on the verge of like, potentially breaking up like several times, because of it. And honestly, I feel like it wasn’t until I met like you, and like Edward, over at regenerative medicine, LA, and, like, and then also talking to warry there, that I really truly started to understand, like how debilitating this was.
jay sousa 17:57
It takes away your mind body spirit. And lastly, like the things you’re passionate about, like if you can’t like Chris, you get it. Like if you can’t play the instruments that you love, that make make you feel alive, like because your body won’t let you like That’s hard. emotionally. It’s like super frustrating. So you were like using things to keep you going to get that that done, right? Because you were filling yourself, but you were needing like caffeine and just constantly going through that cycle. But it keeps you sane, right? Like, that’s kind of what you need.
Chris 18:31
Yeah, it was, it would be like, I would only have energy for like one thing that they like, and so what is that going to be? And, and then after that, like no more mental energy, it was just completely fried. And then like, if I went really hard with the practice, I’d like wake up with like, crazy arm pain, which is just like, you know, you wake up first thing in the morning, like, it’s already hard to get up. Like, even if you’re just like a normal person, maybe it’s like a little disability, you’re like, I’m a little tired, you know, maybe hit the coffee. But, you know, when you wake up and you’re just like, you got pain in your hands and stuff. It’s like, I don’t know. I mean, how am I gonna? How am I gonna do this again today?
jay sousa 19:21
I know, it’s, you almost wake up to understanding and knowing your limitations, and it’s defeating, but when you get to a certain point where you get those things back after losing them. It’s pretty rewarding for sure. But it’s it’s a mind game, right? Like, I’m sure you’ve been in your head more than you you’d ever want to be at your age, right?
Chris 19:43
Yeah, like it made me a lot more fearful, I think in general. And that I started with like, just physical activity, like just pushing myself like how far do I put my thumb during this workout. And then I think that like, transferred over that mentality just transferred over into like every other aspect of life, like being fearful even to do like very simple things like apply for jobs or anything really? Yeah, eating that is a is the I guess that’s, that’s, that’s what I’m working on now. I’m trying to just be more normal, more, more functional. And also, to keep trying to pursue those things that make me happy. And, you know, have my career turn out the way I want it. Well, it’s all a bit stressful, but yeah, got good support system and stuff.
Unknown Speaker 20:48
So and your energy has been back.
Chris 20:51
Yeah, the energy coming back is great. And the The Neuropathy is still there a bit, but the energy is so much better. And I feel more resilient. Like, social interactions don’t give me as much exhaustion, as they used to. That was one thing. I mean, I’m an introverted person, person, just in general. But really, like the thought of like socializing, and like being around normal people that are not affected by this is like, kind of exhausting, in a way, just to see other people live their life and do their things without any without, without this, this hindrance. You know, everyone has blocks in their life, I guess. But you know, they don’t have this block most people. So it’s just like, you know, seeing other people be able to work on their thing and progress and exercise and get stronger. And that’s, it’s like, can’t do that anymore. But, uh, you know,
Annie 21:57
and in an age where, you know, social media is so prevalent, and everybody is like, putting up updates on their progress and stuff, I’m sure. That and with all of your musician, friends who are incredibly competitive, like, I know that that also come to fruition.
Unknown Speaker 22:19
But no boy,
jay sousa 22:22
no more, no more. I think once you start, like I say, getting those pieces of your life back, you can start feeling hopeful towards like, okay, not as not like, in as much pain and my focus is better, my clarity is better. My, you know, my energy’s better. You can start, like, making up for lost time. You know, that’s a hard thing to think that it is last time, but essentially, it is right. Like, if you could have gotten those seven, eight years back the amount of things you could have gotten done, but you’re just different. You know, you’re on a different timeline, you’re learning and growing in a different way.
Chris 23:00
Yeah, honestly, like, it’s it was both good and bad. like looking at it objective, like, I was really obsessed with being like the best upright bass player, I wanted to be the best upright bass player. And because I had to, like when that instrument one, when I first moved out to California, I didn’t have an upright bass, I was like actually focusing more on guitar. And especially I was attracted to the guitar at that point, because it was a smaller instrument that requires less hand tension to play than the upright bass. I started to dig into that a bit more, then the guitar got a bit too hard. So I moved to like piano and voice and stuff like that. So like because of, of this, I I like learned instruments that I don’t think that I would have if I were to have just continued on that like singular, upright bass journey. And then also, I think it like generated an intense amount of anger in me, which like, definitely comes out in, in my music. So, I mean, it’s not that anger is like a good thing necessarily. It’s just that like, made me write more interesting song, there’s no such thing. Or Yeah. And to just like to look at, also, the other thing is that it makes you more conscious about like, what you put in your body and and also how society is wired. It makes you just, like, look at things a bit differently. So in some ways, I’m like, you know, kind of I can see the silver lining and in the experience. Yeah, so you know, but now I’ve gained a lot and now I kind of I really want to like start, you know, moving forward. But it was a Yeah, it was mixed. I would say
Annie 24:54
you’ve definitely found your voice as an artist through this all this experience.
Chris 25:00
Yeah, I didn’t, I didn’t even really like start writing, like songs with lyrics until this experience. I was, like, really into the instrumental jazz stuff. And so it totally changed my expression. Yeah.
jay sousa 25:20
Probably tapped into a part of you like emotionally spiritually that you didn’t even know was there. Right. Totally.
Annie 25:26
I mean, his lyrics are so intense. I mean, obviously, there’s a lot of music that’s not out yet, but just, it’s really worth listening to. So I’m really yeah. Blossom as an artist. I’m really yeah.
jay sousa 25:44
Yeah, it’s awesome. It’s something I look forward to, I mean, that you could leave this like, huge mark on the world, just from the lyrics that you’ve like, written from the things you’ve been through, you know, that’s kind of a gift, right? A gift within not a curse, but like a bad time, you know, like a bad part of your life that you turned into this, like different, different good thing.
Annie 26:07
Like suffered for the people. And now you have this like gift to give to the people? Yeah. perspective.
jay sousa 26:15
Yeah, this, um, this whole experience has made me so humble. Like, it’s just, you know, it makes you a different person, I would sit outside and just like, listen to the birds. And
Unknown Speaker 26:25
I’m like, whoa, I’m
jay sousa 26:26
enjoying this. I don’t think at 30 something I would just take the moment and time to sit there and listen to nature and like, relax, you know, it’s completely changes you. But it’s, it’s great, though. I’ve learned so much. I met so many great people like you guys going through this. So it’s, it’s got its blessings in disguise. So what are some major roadblocks that you’ve come across? Like, you guys together that you’ve supported each other and been able to conquer through this? Like, what are some of the big things you were like? Yeah, we have this issue. But we figured out a way to get through it?
Annie 27:08
Well, first of all, I, when I realized what we really realized what the root of the problem was, I decided to stick around and commit and support 100%. Of course, can’t say once you actually commit, it’s still not an easy road from there. But as a claim, like about two years ago, I started my own business. And Chris has been an immense immense guide and a coach. through that journey. He’s been he’s never missed a single like investor meeting with me, who’s been the voice that I beat myself as the the founder didn’t have. And even though he wasn’t, you know, like 100% invested in his musical career. Well, I didn’t say really just right. He wasn’t working like 100% of the time on his music at the time. And so she was able to give that time to me instead and helped me, you know, grow this business to two words that today, not that we’re that far along, but I certainly would not have been, have gotten here without Chris’s help. But what was what was super different? I mean, it’s just always emotional, you know, it’s emotion, when you see your partner have all this, all this talent and skill and just like not really going anywhere with it, you know, like, it could be draining selfishly on my end, but still frustrating that less. Yeah.
Chris 28:54
For me, it was like, I knew that. Like, objectively, I know that I have a decent amount of musical ability. But it’s like, it was like one thing that was really keeping me from, you know, playing with other people, I was just like, Am I going to experience so much pain during session that like, I’ll have to stop and then I’ll have to, like, lane, my situation. And then like, you know, that kind of stuff popped up a lot for me, you know, like, because, and I was always trying to correct my technique so that like, I could play lighter and play with more ease so that I could express myself without feeling so much pain. And it’s like, and, and then it just, it just piles up and it kind of becomes a if you don’t get out there. It becomes this like insurmountable thing to like, you know, is it even though a reality or could it be a reality like, you know, so You get Yeah, you get really in your head. But yeah,
jay sousa 30:05
you guys have a good support system, it seems like you guys support each other very you complement each other very well,
Annie 30:11
it was more than just us too. I mean, other than the fact that I believe that we have incredible communication, we do have a support system outside of just ourselves, like his parents are just amazing. They have been supporting us through this journey. And they have been financially helping,
Chris 30:32
you know, they’re helping me through the treatment.
Annie 30:36
And then also, my and my family have been also incredibly supportive. really helping me with everything that they can for my business. So it’s, it’s more than just us to take
jay sousa 30:54
take all the credit, right, you need you need a support system outside of just you guys to be as happy and amazing as you both are. Like Emily and I, we, we have these roadblocks that we run into all the time where I’ll get to a point where I’m healthy and then I’ll have like a little tiny setback and be like so defeated where like you can you can tell like emotionally like I wear my emotions outside of it, it kind of get guarded. And she would know that but we’ve we’ve had a hard time getting to a point where I’m able to communicate that I’m having a bad time, her being able to understand it and then support me I almost just bottle up and kind of ignore the the world that I’m in and just kind of change my personality to a negative place. It’s been it’s been the hardest thing to figure out and you guys seem to have like really good communication,
Unknown Speaker 31:46
which is awesome.
Annie 31:48
Like, during the was 11 when or flops Cipro it was and was she leads together when you took it for?
jay sousa 32:00
No, she came along like four years later, three and a half years, I was pretty normal for a long time, just like Chris and then all of a sudden, I pushed myself physically too hard. And then it just came back fears. So she was with me for like, I bought a year had moved in and then I just went crashed,
Chris 32:17
you know? Yeah, it’s really interesting. can, you know, show up like, you know, funnier years or months after you pick the thing? Yeah. Such a mystery. Such a mystery drug?
jay sousa 32:39
It really is. It’s, it’s scary. Because like, I don’t know, if like 30 years down the road, or I don’t even know, like, however long I live like, will that happen again? And will I be able to sustain that? I’ve been pretty, pretty aware of the symptoms. I try to fight them before they get there. But yeah, I’ve seen it happen to a lot of people.
Chris 33:00
Yeah, yeah. It’s it’s definitely one of the questions that I have, like, I mean, I took it when I was 24. So, like, you know, what’s it gonna be like, when I’m 60? I hope that like, by the time I’m 60, you know, by the time we’re that age, like, they figured out some stuff. And like, you know, there’s just like, a real quick solution. You know? Yeah,
jay sousa 33:25
I hope so. I’ve been trying to, to just talk to a bunch of doctors and figure it out. And we have the technology, we just don’t have like the funding and the dedication by like researchers and labs to like work on the DNA stuff and the mitochondrial stuff, but hoping something comes down the pipeline eventually.
Chris 33:45
Yeah. I mean, it’s gotta It’s good. It’s, it’s it coming to the surface is going to make so many people realize what’s happened to them. I think. I think it I think a lot of people are affected by this medication. There’s so many different or quinolones and Quinlan medications out there. So a lot of people take them.
jay sousa 34:12
Pharmaceutical adverse reaction, like like long term stuff is probably the biggest silent epidemic other than like Lyme disease. In my opinion, like Fibromyalgia is completely mislabeled as like some sort of pharmaceutical, it’s like an unknown, right about Fibromyalgia like this. doctors don’t know what to do, like, and I think I’ve seen more fluxys get that that label, and I feel like the label should be like, let’s look into what pharmaceuticals you’ve taken and why you have long term side effects, you know? Yeah. And this turns on, like a lot of autoimmune stuff like eczema, right. So you probably never had a huge eczema issue before.
Chris 34:52
I am. I did when I was like 13. I also had I had Lyme, Lyme disease. I was like, well, twice, I mean, I guess I had like a flare up when I, when I was 13. And then at that time they when they put me on some kind of antibiotic that second time, I started to have all these strange things like I remember I got some, some fungus under my fingernails and like, like the eczema came about, at that point, I was like, a strange like pattern on my arm. And then, you know, once I moved up to California, because eczema went away for like, decades, and then when I moved out to California, I started getting eggs, like under my nose here under my hair. And so yeah, it’s really a curious thing. I like I’ve questioned what, like, why do I live out in California? Because
Unknown Speaker 35:54
it’s totally my
Chris 35:54
fault. Really? I’m sure because I’m sure that there’s something here possibly that is triggering my my symptoms in some way. I don’t know what it’s really hard to pinpoint. But we just got a fluoride filter for the shower.
Annie 36:13
osmosis for our water. Yeah. What’s next? air filter? Maybe? We’ve been talking about it.
Unknown Speaker 36:21
In air filter. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 36:24
You guys live in the city, right?
Unknown Speaker 36:27
I know, we live in
Unknown Speaker 36:28
Unknown Speaker 36:31
Worst air quality in the nation.
Annie 36:35
Really isn’t like I heard that Long Beach is pretty bad because it’s right next to the port.
jay sousa 36:41
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. I mean, anywhere where it’s warm and small. I’m just like, kind of, you know, hangs around. I mean, if you’re in a valley, I guess it’s not as bad but like, you know, if you’re higher elevations, you’re just like breathing it in.
Unknown Speaker 36:53
jay sousa 36:55
our environment is a product of our existence, unfortunately. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 37:02
that’s true evolution.
jay sousa 37:05
So what do you guys like? What are the plans for the future for you to like, what are you hopeful for going through this? What have you learned? Like, let’s get into the deep talk, right? Like, what have you gained from this? Where are you going?
Chris 37:20
Well, I mean, I want to push forward with my, my creative endeavors where I’m working very slowly on another music video. For the second song that I put out called King Slayer. I have another song that I’m
Unknown Speaker 37:38
that’s English song.
Chris 37:39
Yeah, King. King, Slayer is angry ish. You know, they’re all like light hearted and angry, some more cynical, I guess, in the vibe. I got another song that I finished that’s probably going to go out this summer. And I have two more after that, but I’m working on so just keep releasing music and see where that goes and trying to find some stability. And yeah, you know, just keep pushing forward. And hopefully, exercise a little harder soon. So getting back into it, because I really missed that. That was like my, one of my favorite things to do. Like I was, I was like a legit, like, you know, I did competition. bodybuilding. Like I was, that was what I wanted to be I was just wanted to be a shredded man. But, you know, so I want to get back to some sort of physical fitness. And, yeah, we’re both building, like a kind of a creative life. And we were both very involved in each other’s work. And, yeah.
Annie 38:49
And I’m here to just support that, I’m sure. Watch it. I think it’s such an honor to like, be here to be here in such close proximity to someone that I just know will just shoot for the stars. So it’s really an honor.
Unknown Speaker 39:06
That’s awesome.
jay sousa 39:09
And any, like, I know, we had spoken quickly, and you you had this some really great story of like, how you started a company that I think all fluxys will resonate with, as far as like we’re so cautious with food and like what are the ingredients and and how we care for our body and what we’re putting in and I’m so thrilled because you’re doing that right like
Annie 39:32
well, it’s really interesting, right? Because right now, with the COVID there is so many just like trending. Like I’m in the CPG world consumer packaged product world. And you know there’s so many keywords out there that are trending right now. Which is plant based is one of them. What else certain ingredients like chip P is all about. The you know, come up. And but there’s a disconnect with the words of plant based and healthy and be get those things. So I became vegan actually because of him. And that’s another level.
I literally just spent 20 minutes writing my 14 yr old story. I was here when Lisa started this site. I still get e-mails from you. I’m still exhausted from being floxed. I’m tired of being angry this happened to ME. I extremely PISSED OFF that people are still being hurt by these toxic chemicals they’re calling medication. It’s poison. It’s destroying lives. It’s caused people to take their own lives. My apologies for not being able to write what I just wrote. I dropped my phone and all gone. I was floxed in 2007 I had no idea my bodies supply of minerals and vitamins was being depleted. I was going to the gym 5 days a week and walking 2 miles daily. I was mentally and physically fit from my mid 30,S and up into my 40,S SO I thought. I look at pictures and see dark circles around my eyes. I was eating so much food YET levaquin wouldn’t allow me to absorb nutrients. I was starving to death. I couldn’t lift my head one day. That’ made me search. I found ” Floxie Hope in 2011- 2012 not sure you all know how time gets confused. I began taking powdered colostrum from a Dairy farm in Arizona it helped my shoulders and knees in a few days. That was 5 years ago February. I started melt away vitamins and minerals I was deficient in. Magnesium of course. I’ve been around a long time. Not as long as Flouroquonolones. THEY KNOW they’re hurting and killing people. Made to treat anthrax poisoning. Not simple sinus infection or any other simple infection. I’m so sorry this happened to YOU all. I’m LisaM not here to hide. Here to check in on the site. I’ve always gotten e-mails they’ve never stopped. Stay as safe as possible.. Positive thoughts. Don’t waste your time or energy being angry. I did. It didn’t help anything. Go after your pharmacy. They have all the information also your Dr’s. They all KNOW now especially younger Dr’s they know how bad these Flouroquonolones really are.
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