For better or for worse, there is no one-size-fits-all method for recovery from getting floxed. Some people are helped by supplements, others can’t tolerate them, or even feel worse when taking them. Some people are helped by acupuncture, others think acupuncture is a waste of time and money. Some people are helped by physical therapy, others aren’t. Some people are helped by specific diets, others feel better when they don’t restrict what they eat. Some people are helped by nutritional IVs, others aren’t – and some people have even been hurt by them. As of right now, there is no right way to get through fluoroquinolone toxicity. There is no single supplement, or diet, or exercise, or practice, or IV, or food that cures everybody.
Even though we are lacking a specific cure for fluoroquinolone toxicity, there are people who recover. Each recovery journey is different, and the differences between the various recovery journeys can be hopeful or frustrating, depending on your perspective. The recovery stories on Floxie Hope (59 stories have been published so far) offer a tremendous amount of insight and information, and, more importantly, they offer hope. They let people know that recovery is possible, and hearing that other people have recovered is important for those currently going through the “flox bomb” going off in their body.
Because there is so little research into cures for fluoroquinolone toxicity, the information in the recovery stories and the support group forums is often seen as the only advice and guidance available to floxies. Though the recovery stories and comments on Floxie Hope (and the FB support groups) are intended to be helpful, and it is hoped that what helps one person can help another, it should be noted that everyone’s journey through fluoroquinolone toxicity is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. We all have different genes, different microbiomes, different hormone levels, different toxin loads, different viral loads, different liver function, different tolerances for each treatment, etc. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for fluoroquinolone toxicity, and what helps one person may not only not help another person, it may actually hurt them.
I encourage you to approach any and all remedies for fluoroquinolone toxicity with caution, thoughtfulness, and guidance from someone with an outside perspective or, even better, medical expertise.
Many floxies distrust doctors. It’s reasonable to distrust them – doctors played a role in poisoning each of us, then many people face denial and derision from doctors post-flox. But if you can find a doctor who you trust, who is open-minded, and who is willing to run multiple tests for you, his or her guidance can be incredibly valuable.
This disclaimer is posted at the bottom of each story on Floxie Hope:
** The story above is truthful, accurate and told to the best of the ability of the writer. It is not intended as medical advice. No person who submits his or her story, nor the people associated with Floxie Hope, diagnoses or treats any illness. The story above should not be substituted for professionally provided medical advice. Please consult your doctor before trying anything that has been mentioned in this story, or in any other story on this site. Please also note that people have varying responses to the treatments mentioned in each story. What helps one person may not help, and may even hurt, another person. It is important that you understand that supplements, IVs, essential oils, and all other treatments, affect people differently depending on the millions of variables that make each of us unique. Please use appropriate caution and prudence, and get professional medical advice.
People typically pay little attention to disclaimers, but I really want people to read and heed that one when they read the stories on Floxie Hope.
There is a lot of wonderful information on Floxie Hope, and each story is the 100% true story of the person who experienced/told/wrote it. They each shared their story to help others. But, for better or for worse, their story is not your story. We’re all different.
I certainly don’t want to discourage people from trying things that they think will be helpful in their recovery journey. I just want people to realize that we all react differently to different remedies, and that invasive and/or risky remedies should not be taken lightly.
The recommendations for fluoroquinolone toxicity recovery that people give can be broken up into three general categories–things that can’t hurt, things that are unlikely to do harm, and things that have some risk and can potentially do harm. It seems excessive to say that you need medical advice before doing the things that can’t hurt – like meditation or having a positive attitude. Likewise, for the things that are unlikely to hurt you, like changing your diet in a non-drastic way or taking epsom-salt baths, asking a doctor first is probably not necessary (in my opinion, but feel free to consult a doctor if you feel differently). But, for things that some people have reported being hurt by (and other people have reported that these things have helped them too – there’s that side as well) like nutritional IVs, essential oils, and even supplements, it’s probably best to consult with a doctor before going forward with those remedies.
Just…. be careful, my friends. We all want to get better, and it breaks my heart a bit when someone reports feeling worse after trying something mentioned on Floxie Hope. We’re all trying to get better and/or help others. Please just approach the remedies that have risk associated with them with caution…. and consult your doctor when necessary.
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