Here is a list of things I want. I figure that it can’t hurt to state my wishes. People generally try to give you what you want, if you ask for it. So…. hereyago –
- I want them (the doctors, pharmacists, etc.) to stop giving fluoroquinolones to children.
- I want for fluoroquinolones to only be prescribed/administered after all other viable options for cures of infections have been exhausted.
- I want the FDA to do independent investigations and studies on every one of the top 10 drugs that are complained about in their adverse event reporting system.
- I want there to be a process through which accurate and complete information about all of the possible risks associated with a drug are communicated to patients in a way that ensures that true, honest INFORMED CONSENT is given prior to the administering of any prescription drug.
- I want pharmacists to truly be gatekeepers and to refuse to fill prescriptions that are unnecessarily dangerous.
- I want doctors to listen to people other than other doctors.
- I want nurses to speak up when they see something in the system that is wrong.
- I want all Floxies, and Floxie friends and allies, to rise up and fight these pharmaceutical companies that have hurt us, who have disregarded our worth as humans so that they can have profits, and I want us to bring them down to their knees, to force them to change.
- I want everyone who is suffering from an adverse reaction to a fluoroquinolone to find healing, peace, hope and happiness.
- I want a cure.
- I want to know what makes some people more susceptible to being floxed than others.
- I want floxing to be acknowledged – by everyone.
- I want for the attitude of – if it can’t be tested for, and if there isn’t a cure, then the problem doesn’t exist – to go away.
- I want all of the victims of fluoroquinolone toxicity to win lawsuits against Bayer and Johnson & Johnson and for all of us to be compensated for the damage that they have caused us.
- I want studies to be done establishing whether or not there is a connection between fluoroquinolone use and fibromyalgia, chronic lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Desert War Syndrome, anxiety, depression, suicide, plantar fascitis, autism, leaky gut syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, M.S., Lupus, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. Then, once a connection is established, I want a study to be done that firmly establishes a causal relationship between fluoroquinolone use and fluoroquinolone toxicity (in all its various incarnations and misdiagnoses) to be done.
- I want the stock of Bayer and Johnson & Johnson to crash.
- I want this anger that I feel to serve a purpose for both me personally and for humanity generally.
- I want an article in The New Yorker to be written about fluoroquinolone toxicity.
- I want to do a TED talk about floxing.
- I want to make a living advocating on behalf of victims of the pharmaceutical industry.
- I want the pharmaceutical industry to have a lot fewer victims – zeroish.
- I want an apology letter from Bayer.
- I want to know the pathology by which these drugs messed me (and others) up.
- I want pharmaceutical companies to have a lot less power.
- I want people to take side-effects of all drugs seriously.
- I want everyone to treat everyone else with compassion, caring, respect and love. I want everyone to treat everyone else as if their health matters – because it does. I especially want doctors, nurses and pharmacists to treat everyone that they see as if they matter – because they do – regardless of their disease, their mental state, their hygiene, etc.
- I want there to be a societal shift away from thinking that it’s okay for people to be sacrificed in exchange for money.
- I want universal sympathy for those who are suffering.
- I want this blog to go viral.
- I want my mind fully back – my memory, my reading comprehension, my concentration, my ability to connect with others – I want it to be back completely.
- I want a boyfriend/husband, good sex and a baby – in approximately that order.
- I want a fully loaded, brand new Tesla.
Okay, so those last four may be a bit selfish. Seeing as I’m able to live a normal/good life, while other people who have been Floxed are bed-ridden for years and only want a normal/good life, I feel a little bad about asking for those things. But I do want them… 🙂
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