Floxie Hope’s Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Treatment Guide
If you have has Cipro toxicity, Levaquin toxicity or Avelox toxicity and feeling symptoms then please read the list below of “RED” flag items that can make you worse based on years of collected data from other “floxies”. If you are looking for more information, books and videos on fluoroquinolone toxicity treatment, please see our links and recommendations pages.
Please have hope, and you can heal, it happens all the time as you can see here
Fluoride- Avoid this at all costs! That means in your toothpaste and your water supply. Check with your local township to see how much or if any fluoride is in your drinking water (check out my helpful blog)
Meats– Avoid all cheap and processed non-organic meats (they are raised with hormones and antibiotics). Try looking for a local rancher if possible or join a CSA (crop share).
Alcohol-Alcohol is a mitochondrial poison and needs to be removed for a while
Diet- During initial exposure your gut will be inflamed, so avoid the following initially and if possible moderate exposure till your gut has healed. I think the Autoimmune Paleo or Wahls Diet is a good start. Vegan if you have issues with eating meat. Below are some of the food groups that have an effect on the immune system. If you need a free diet plan see here.
- Soy- GMO crop and high estrogen producing food source
- Gluten-Proven inflammatory food
- Dairy-Preservatives and hormones in the milk
- Green & Black tea (They hold fluoride, like a lot of it)
Body Care Products- Most personal care products are riddled with chemicals. If you cannot pronounce an ingredient in it, then it shouldn’t be on your body. I suggest Toms or a comparable brand.
Exercise- Your cells and body can’t handle this for a while. Movement is good, just don’t overdo it for a few months.
Supplements- Supplements are so varied in quality. I recommend getting them through my partner Fullscript because they are high quality, and the best brands available.
Medications To Avoid
1. Avoid Fluoroquinolones– Any FQ drug for life, remember they are cumulative and add to mitochondrial stress each time you take them.
2.NSAIDs– Are also not good to take and should be avoided (Advil, Voltran gel, Motrin, Aleve). They deplete Coenzyme A in the Krebs cycle.
- Steroids- (IE corticosteroids and creams) Many have a fluoride component and should be avoided. (Creams, gels, pills, shots, or inhalants). Always discuss alternatives with your doctor.
- Flonase-Fluorinated over the counter medication.
- SSRI antidepressants- (Prozac, Paxil and many others are fluorinated).
- Statins- (Lipitor) Fluorinated as well and add to system stress.
- GERD (IE. heartburn) Drugs- Omeprazole, Protonix or any PPI have fluoride!
- Anti-fungals- Diflucan and Flucytosine can exacerbate symptoms.
For a complete list of fluorinated drugs, please see my list here
Chemicals- These are everywhere in your home and in the air, make sure you try and switch your home to a chemical free zone (cleaning supplies, bleach, air filtration) Chemicals such as perfume may ignite a nervous system response in your body. I only use this brand in my home.
Stress- Raises cortisol and keeps your body in fight or flight mode. This will leave your body starving for cellular energy and will ramp up your symptoms.
Water- Did you know that over 70% of public water is fluorinated in the US? Contact your water board to find out how much is in your water. I keep my family safe by using this outstanding water filtration pitcher which removes fluoride, chlorine and even CIPRO from the water. Also remember to change your shower heads to something like this head to remove fluoride.
Food-It would be pertinent to try to eat organic or foods not sprayed with Round Up (this is an antibiotic) and eliminate food that can trigger inflammation containing Round Up or meats with steroids or antibiotics.

This Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Treatment Guide Is Ongoing
I hope to bring more items to the list with your help. Please comment below and let me know of anything I am missing. Spreading knowledge and empowering people to help themselves have become a life’s mission and purpose for me, and I need all the help I can get.
If you are a floxie and love Floxie Hope, please join the comments, Facebook group and podcasts to help spread the word of healing fluoroquinolone toxicity with treatments, advice and support.
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