Floxie Hope Blog

Pharmaceuticals Contraindicated with FQs

Pharmaceuticals Contraindicated with FQs

I’m not a doctor. If you want to know exactly what medications you should or shouldn’t take given your personal medical history, please ask your doctor. Please also know that these are not hard and fast rules for every floxie. Given that there is so little research...



The floxie community is experiencing a baby boom. There are a lot of first-time moms and dads in the floxie community and I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to all of them! The babies that have recently been born to floxie moms and dads are healthy, happy and beautiful....

Common Drugs Trigger Heart Rhythm Irregularities

Common Drugs Trigger Heart Rhythm Irregularities

Fluoroquinolones, along with several other drugs, can cause long QT syndrome.  This means that, “After each heartbeat, your heart’s electrical system recharges itself in preparation for the next heartbeat. This process is known as repolarization. In long QT syndrome,...

But Antibiotics Save Lives!!!

But Antibiotics Save Lives!!!

David Wolfe, a health, eco, nutrition and natural beauty expert (more information about him can be found HERE) posted the picture above on facebook.  He has more than 1,200,000 facebook followers and I greatly appreciate his help in spreading the word about the...

Treating Fluoroquinolone Anxiety

Treating Fluoroquinolone Anxiety

Free-floating, often severe, anxiety is a common symptom of fluoroquinolone toxicity. Fluoroquinolones thoroughly mess up GABA neurotransmitters, and GABA "plays the principal role in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system."  Here are a few...

Floxie Twilight Zone

Kristin Weber put her story of fluoroquinolone toxicity on Hormones Matter.  I encourage you all to read it: FLUOROQUINOLONE POISONING: A TALE FROM THE TWILIGHT ZONE It is beautiful, thoughtful, poignant, honest and heart-wrenching. Here are some of my favorite quotes...