I have come to the conclusion that being a film-maker is a risk factor for having an adverse reaction to fluoroquinolones. I have been emailed by no less than a dozen people in the film industry, mainly independent documentarians, who have been floxed and who express desire to make a film about fluoroquinolone toxicity. I haven’t been approached by authors, or people who are on the radio, or any other type of media personnel – only film-makers. Film-makers beware – DO NOT TAKE FLUOROQUINOLONE ANTIBIOTICS.
Of course, I’m joking. It is illogical, and impossible, for film-makers to be at higher risk of fluoroquinolone toxicity than anyone else. Film-makers shouldn’t take fluoroquinolones because no one should take fluoroquinolones, but I see no reason that they would be at higher risk of fluoroquinolone toxicity than anyone else.
Still…. I have gotten several, maybe dozens, of emails from floxed film-makers who have expressed interest in making a film (or documentary, sorry, I don’t know the difference) about fluoroquinolone toxicity. I applaud their initiative and I encourage anyone/everyone who is interested in making a film about fluoroquinolone toxicity to do so.
The more the merrier, and if there were 20 films about fluoroquinolone toxicity, that would be awesome. However, maybe it would be good for the many film-makers who are interested in fluoroquinolone toxicity to join together and combine their talents, efforts, finances, and resources – just a suggestion.
Over the years, I have lost track of most of the emails from floxed film-makers. On the off chance that some of the floxed film-makers follow this blog, and are interested in collaborating, I would like to offer to connect you. Please contact me using the following form if you want me to connect you with others who are interested in creating a film about fluoroquinolone toxicity:
Though many film-makers have noted their interest in creating a film about fluoroquinolone toxicity, I only know of one who is currently in the process of making one. Michelle P is currently working on “Floxed”. Please “like” her page on facebook and support her efforts. There is a “send message” button on the Floxed documentary facebook page, and that’s probably a better way to reach Michelle than the contact form above, but I’m still happy to facilitate connections. https://www.facebook.com/floxeddoc/
There are a couple of finished films about fluoroquinolone toxicity that I recommend. The first is Certain Adverse Events, by Nancy Edwards. You can purchase Certain Adverse Events on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Certain-Adverse-Events-Nancy-Edwards/dp/B0076D0B2G.
One of the 5-star reviewers of Certain Adverse Events states:
“I will never forget the date of 3-1-10. That’s the day I took a week long course of Cipro and went from being a very athletic and healthy 42 year old professional to a disabled cripple in one short week. That’s how devastating the side effects from these drugs are. Two years have passed since then and I am still in chronic pain with major nerve, tendon and cartilage damage throughout my body. This film does a great job of showing how many people are affected by this class of antibiotics and why the US regulatory system has thus far failed to properly regulate these drugs. It interviews victims, doctors, pharmacists and lawyers to help you make an informed decision on your own health. I wish I’d seen this film before it was too late for me.”
Here is an excerpt of the film on youtube too (but please buy it on Amazon – support independent film-makers who are drawing attention to an important issue – thank you):
Another film that features fluoroquinolone toxicity is a fiction (or whatever the equivalent word about films is) film called The East. I wrote about The East in the post, “Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Featured in the Movie ‘The East'”. Here is a trailer:
Please watch, and share, these films, and support the people who are making new films about (or featuring) fluoroquinolone toxicity – thank you!
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