The connection between Gulf War Illness and Fluoroquinolone Toxicity is well accepted among “Floxies,” but the connection hasn’t been made for most of the general population, or even most of the Gulf War Veteran population.  I wrote this post with the hope that the issue would be pushed in both the general and the Veteran populations.

There are definitely multiple factors at work in leading to the sickening of Gulf War Veterans. Many of the factors probably compound each other. I hope that the complexity of GWI isn’t used as an excuse to not get to the bottom of it. The Vets deserve answers. I wish that those who have officially been investigating GWI ($340 million invested into determining a cause and no resolution for the Vets) would look at Cipro. I don’t know why it hasn’t even made the list of compounding factors yet. I trust that it will soon.


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