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Podcast 29
[00:00:00] Lisa: Something is awful as fluoroquinolones toxicity. And like, it really is. It’s, it’s awful. It’s horrifying. Like wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, his negative experience that, you know, I could let become a negative experience or a negative chapter or a negative force in my story. How can I make it positive?
And the more timing it’s been getting better and giving information and sharing and supporting one another, I think is, you know, it’s, it’s invaluable. It’s priceless. Inspiring stories have come through healing. This is the flashy book. Yes. Jason here from Flocksy hope. I like to welcome you all to the Flocksy Hill podcast.
Jason: In today’s episode, I’m going to be speaking to Lisa Bloomquist the original founder of Flocksy hope I’m going to get some of her story on the story of flux Hill, why she started it and why she’s transitioning out of Flocksy hope. And I’m going to continue. The, the mission that she [00:01:00] started, which is to help as many flocks sees by giving you hope through recovery stories.
And in this episode, we’re going to go into detail on the transition, flux, help history and so much more. I’m really excited about the new features on Flocksy hope I’ve, I’ve given it a little facelift and also I’ve added some really cool new features too, to give back to the community. And one of those features is group therapy.
I’m really excited about this. I feel like that’ll be a huge part of the healing process for many is just to talk about that. The things that we all share. And also I’ve had a doctor referrals and a new blog section. So I’m hoping you all really resonate with those changes. So listen to this conversation between Lisa and I, and I hope you enjoy it.
Lisa: Hi, Foxy friends. Um, most of you know me, my name is Lisa Bloomquist and I’ve got Jason Susa here as I’m departing, I’m doing my first video interview and the interview is with my successor. [00:02:00] Jason, who’s going to be taking over flexi hope. I think that many of you are aware of that and, uh, wanted to introduce him and, uh, Um, get his story and talk to him about why he wants to take over Foxy hope and, um, all of those things.
So thanks so much for joining Jason and, um, you know, I want to give a little bit of, uh, an elevator speech of who you are. Yeah. First I’d like to do is thank you for taking the time to, um, just facilitate this conversation with me and this transition between yourself and myself and Flocksy hope. And then also all the viewers and the listeners taking the time just to spend this, um, this moment with us both.
And just try to, um, really hear my story and, and the reason why you’re transitioning Foxy hope to, um, to me. But, uh, but yeah, I’m excited. I’m excited to, um, To take the reins, so to speak. Yeah. And, and I’m [00:03:00] really excited for, for you to take the reins, you know, um, I’ve, I’ve seen you do a lot of advocacy work.
I’ve seen that, um, the Facebook group that you started that has now what about 1300 members and, um, and really that it’s focused on recovery and it’s focused on healing and, um, you know, And I’ve seen you do things that have kind of been on my, to do list for awhile. And I’m like, Oh, well, Jason’s actually actually doing a lot of those things.
And I really appreciate that. So, um, you know, I wanted to hand over Foxy hope to someone who had been foxed. So, and I know that, that you want to, um, Yeah. Share your story maybe in bits and pieces or, or, um, you know, th that people will get to know you and get to know your story, but can you give like a little bit of a reader’s digest version of, of your fluoroquinolones toxicity?
Jason: Sure. Yeah. I mean, I go back [00:04:00] to December, 2013, January, 2014. So it’s been a, been a long time. I’ve learned a lot. And I always like to cling to this mantra of mine. I I’ve grown through. Uh, so you grow through what you go through. And seven years of going through this, I’ve definitely grown a lot. And, um, a doctor had given me antibiotic after antibiotic, um, like so many have, have been through.
And, you know, he, he was, yeah, I don’t blame him, but you know, he, he could have done the work. You know, but this, um, the situation that I’m going through, um, I’ve, I’ve, I’m actually, you know, definitely okay with it. And that was always my mindset of how can I turn this negative experience that, you know, I, I could let become a negative experience or a negative chapter or a negative.
What force in my story, how can I make it positive? And I’ve always kind of marched to that beat. And, you know, the last seven years [00:05:00] I’ve tried everything. Like I’ve gone down every path and I’ve looked down, you know, every, um, every book I could find, read every page of every book, every study, um, I spent a lot of money, P B a lot, um, a lot different, right.
And if I didn’t have to spend all the money that I’ve spent, not saying that’s a bad thing, but. I’ve exhausted every Avenue to say that, to say the least, but, uh, I’ve learned a lot and that’s the most valuable thing. And, and even more valuable is the connections and relationships that I’ve had through through this, um, through this event, this, this chapter in my life.
And that’s the most important thing is the connections and friendships. And, you know, just the conversations. You know, I have these conversations, meaningful conversations with people that have meant so much to me and made me more human and more. Uh, emotionally connected to my fellow man and woman. And it’s, it’s been such an enlightening moment for me, um, being in my mid thirties and going through this in my late twenties to early thirties, [00:06:00] that, you know, I would never have thought I would gain all of these like life tools and life skills, you know?
Yeah, so such so early on in life, these are a lot of things that people learn later on in life, you know, as they build the relationships and, and go through hardships with family members dying and you know, all these hard things that people deal with, I’ve had to deal with this at a younger age. So it’s, it’s made me more humble and, and that’s one of the greatest gifts I could really ever ask for.
And I’m going through this has been hard, but it’s been easy to. Yeah. It’s, it’s really crazy like that, that something is awful as fluoroquinolones toxicity. And like, it really is. It’s, it’s awful. It’s horrifying. Like wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, but like there’s, there’s some good that can come of it.
Like there was a lot of. Good that came of it for me personally. And like, I’m not saying it was worth it. I’m not saying like, you know, go out and get flocks so you can join this community. Like, of course, I’m not saying that, like, that’s just like a ridiculous [00:07:00] thing thing to say, but, but still like I’ve formed relationships and I’ve developed a community, um, and, and joined a community of people who, who have also been through this and, um, You know, I’m really, I’m, I’m sad to be leaving the community.
Lisa: Um, I am I’m, I’m, I’m really sad. Like this is a really kind of bittersweet transition. Um, you know, people have been so kind though, and they’ve said that, that the fact that I’m leaving, that I’m handing over a Foxy hope is. It’s helpful to them because it shows that I’m just like leaving this chapter of my life behind me.
And, um, and, and, and they’re, and their right, you know, uh, um, Oh my goodness. I’m getting like, kind of, kind of teary, like, like they’re all these like kind of bizarre life lessons that like you don’t [00:08:00] expect to learn. And like you only learn through, um, through, through some hardships. And, uh, you know, one of those life lessons that I learned is is that, um, you know, you need to bring some passion to the activism.
And I. Had that passion for so many years. And like, you could see it, you could see it in the things that I wrote, but if you look back on, on about the last year’s worth of stuff that I wrote, you could see that I’ve lost that passion. And, you know, just being able to hand it over to you, Jason, um, handover, Foxy, hope to you so that you can start imparting the lessons that you learned.
Um, I I’m, I’m really, I’m looking forward to seeing what you’re going to do with the site. I think it’ll, I think it’ll be great. And I think, um, you know, it’s, it’s, uh, it’s exciting. Change is hard. It’s going to be hard for me to let go, but, [00:09:00] um, but, but I think that you’ll do a really excellent job at helping people through this, like your, your process and your journey is different from mine.
You know, like I used. We both had tons of supplements. Um, we both, we both had some time on our side. Um, both kind of figured out that the attitude ups and downs, but, um, but your journey had more, um, medical intervention than I did for, for example. And, um, you did things like, um, like IB treatments and whatnot, right?
Jason: I’ve done everything from laying on magnets to ozone therapy, to hyperbaric chambers, you know, and like IVF therapy, STEM cells, exosomes, you know, I, I, I don’t know if there’s a medical treatment. I haven’t tried. I mean, besides, you know, getting stung by killer bees or something like [00:10:00] immune system, I, you know, I’ve done it all.
And, um, In hindsight, it is in reality, it was really just getting the right information and the right treatment at the right time. That was the most important thing. And if I would have had that sooner or at least somebody to guide me, um, early on, I feel like I would’ve gotten better, faster. Um, and that’s what I’m trying to do.
I’m trying to get people as much information. And as much help as I can possibly give so that they don’t have to spend seven years. Like, like I I’m, I’m currently doing, going through this and that’s, my mission is just to help, you know, is just to give people that guidance. Yeah. You know, when, when I first got Fox to me, you’ve got Fox just a couple of years after me.
Like, we’ve been both been going through this for a long time and I remember that. Wasn’t very much information for a long time. [00:11:00] And there weren’t, there weren’t very many people who were offering to help. Um, and, and it was just kind of like a, Hey, good luck free for all, you know, like, you know, hope you find some information and I hope it helps.
Lisa: And, um, You know, I it’s really nice that there are people now who are guiding people through this process. And, um, that was certainly, that was certainly what I was trying, trying to do. Um, you know, I was just trying to give people hope, you know, um, I, I was kind of a reluctant guide. In a lot of ways and learn, Oh, no, like here’s what helped me.
But, um, but, but I think that, um, a lot, a lot more information has been gathered and frankly, like your willingness to be a bit of a Guinea pig and to share your lessons with others that you’ve after you’ve gone through so much. I think, I [00:12:00] think it’ll, it’ll really help. And, um, and now there are these resources, you know, people like people like you, people like, um, all the people who share it have shared their stories on flexi hope, you know, there’s information, there’s information out there that wasn’t out there.
Um, in 2011 or. 2012 or 2013, you know, like when, when you and I first started this, this journey. So, um, yeah, I’m, I’m, I’m looking forward to all of the lessons that you’re going to be sharing with people and helping people through. I tell everyone that reaches out to me. Uh, the first thing I say is, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through what you’re going through, but you have to really listen to this speech.
And it’s a good time to be a Flocksy because you have so much information, you have doctors working on it. You have all like geneticists, like all these people that are working towards figuring this out. And [00:13:00] it’s pretty much been figured out. Um, And, and that, and I know it’s hard for people to hear that, that they’ve, they feel like let down by the medical society and they feel, um, like all of their, you know, rights have been violated.
Jason: Like they just don’t know why it’s happened to them. Um, you know, their right to be a healthy human being has been taken away from them because of a prescription. And I get that like a $30 prescription shouldn’t cost. You like everything you have, like my $35 prescription shouldn’t. Have made me like pull our wedding funds so that I could pay for all these treatments and have to like wait a year to get married and put my wife through that.
And you know, like no one should have to go through that. And like, my mission has always been to just really give people as much information as much help so they can get better quicker. So they’re not having to like, you know, spend all of their kids’ college funds and yeah. Take time away from their family because they can’t get out of bed for three, six, nine months, um, you know, isolate themselves and be depressed.
Lisa: Like all that [00:14:00] stuff shouldn’t happen. Um, the least amount of time we can spend doing that. And the more time we can spend getting better and giving information and sharing and supporting one another, I think is, you know, it’s, it’s invaluable. It’s priceless. Awesome. Awesome. Like that’s really, um, fabulous that you, um, are just imparting the knowledge that you, that you have, um, giving it to giving it to other people.
So, um, so very cool. So in talking about the doctors, I do want to, um, address some things that, um, There’s some concerns that people have brought up and, and, um, clear the air and let you talk about, um, what, what your relationship is with Dr. , but kind of first off, like Dr. Khalili, um, treated you, right? Like he, he was, he was a big, a big part of your journey.
Jason: Yeah. Yeah. He was a huge part of my journey, a little bit about [00:15:00] my backstory about medical treatments. So my first big medical treatment was a STEM cell procedure, um, in Mexico at geo star, like six years ago or five years ago. Um, ha like some hip issues helped me a little bit. And then I came back to Boston and I went back to Oregon to see paisan flattery.
He’s a doctor in Oregon had exosomes. Finally fixed my head and my knees flew back home, got worse again, relapsed. And this clinic in Mexico called STEM aid was fixing the quote, fixing people that were, you know, damaged by fluoroquinolones. I, you know, I bought, I bought the brochure, you know, the, the, the, the title we healed a hundred percent like, okay, talk to three people.
Then I find out later what kind of, like, not really healed. And they were just giving anecdotal reviews that were. Flawed flew down there. Got worse. Put me in a wheelchair, came home. That’s when I hit rock bottom, all we had left was our wedding [00:16:00] fund. And I’m like, I’m just going to go call Dr. Glee. I looked at the reviews.
I reached out to patients, a lot of patients and I’m like, whatever I’m going to do. It flew to Los Angeles. Emily had pushed me in a wheelchair, all of our bags, like indebted to that woman for life. And she, uh, she helped me. I get there. You know, for some reason my mind got on board, I just knew that this, this was going to help me.
I was just ready to heal, ready to change first meeting with him, sit in his office three hours, go by, you know, we’re talking about my situation, watching his videos with his, with his mother, filming him, crawling upstairs, watching my videos of me doing the same thing. You know, w I think we spent that time, like just.
Really looking at, like, we had the same story. Um, and I felt that, and I was like, this, this guy went through what I’m going through and it meant so much to me. And we like, we, we all kind of cried because we like, I was crying. Cause I was like, [00:17:00] so like had so much endearment for the fact that he shared this.
And I went through the process, went through the program, gave me all these supplements, went home. And I’m like, Oh my God, I was overwhelmed. Like I just went through this procedure, started getting out of the wheelchair, had all these supplements. I was like, Oh my God, I was so lost. And I started to heal. I started to feel better.
And I started to just really like the Facebook group was my journey going through that, that was the principle mission was like, Hey, let me, let me start my own group. Let me show everybody like this process, what I’m going through. And I started to get better. And then other people started to go there and they started to get better.
And then other people started following the group and sharing their support around it. And, um, yeah, I, I definitely owe Dr. Galili a lot, you know, I, I told him when I was in that office with Emily, that my goal was to walk down the aisle to Emily at a wedding. And I was in a wheelchair. She was behind me.
And I, I, I made, he helped me make that happen. So I hopefully that doesn’t [00:18:00] land on deaf ears. That that’s huge. Like if you have something that you want to get to in life and you’re coming from a wheelchair and you want to get to that and you’ll do whatever it takes and you have somebody that can help you, you know, obviously it costs me money to go through the procedure.
I don’t expect him to, you know, do what he does. You know, insurance and pay for it. I just, I went for it. We used our wedding fund and it happened and I walked to Emily down the Island. I think I owe everything to that guy. It’s like, he’s awesome. And since then, like, I’ve been able to like reach out to him and other doctors I’ve been collaborating with other doctors, um, at Baja, which is like this Alliance that basically has all these doctors that are working on this together and we’re coordinating and giving each other advice and helping.
Practitioners trying to figure out how to kill this faster. And that’s always been, my mission is to just. Help people and yeah, it’s, it’s been a journey for sure. And so, you know, I I’ve tended to recommend [00:19:00] things that have helped me, you know, it’s just kind of the natural thing to do. And so, and, and you recommend, um, like you tell people your, your journey and Dr.
Galili, you know, helped you got you to the point, got you from a wheelchair to where you are. Where you are now, which is certainly not, not in a wheelchair, you know? And, um, and I think that, you know, of course, You’re going to speak highly highly of him. But, um, but just to kind of, to clear the, to clear the air, is there any sort of like financial relationship between you two, other than the fact that you paid a whole lot of money to get the treatment?
Yeah. You know, people, it really ever, you know, it’s hard for me to, to really read messages from people that. You know, try to like tear me down a little bit. I’m not going to blame anybody. Like for, for whatever motives they had to reach [00:20:00] out and, you know, send me a message that they didn’t really think would, would, would hurt my feelings.
But, but it did, but no, they’re like, there’s never been, you know, people reach out to me all the time and they say, should I go to this doctor? Or should I do this? And I’m like, listen, it’s a huge financial decision and you need to be emotionally. Okay. With whatever that decision is and whatever doctor is doing that procedure, you know, I’ve always told people, like you have to have a gut feeling with whoever I’m treating you, you know, my most famous Facebook messages, should I go see Hanson or Dr.
like, I, I could just scroll through and it’s, you know, I, I, it’s great that people, you know, really appreciate, appreciate, or respect my. My, uh, my conversations about around that, but I’ve always said to anyone, like, you need to decide if it’s okay, but you know, I’ve, I’ve never had a financial connection, um, to Dr.
Bluely, [00:21:00] it’s always just been my personal, like my feelings around like, The treatment and I’ve documented my process at STEM aid on the other groups. And, you know, I’ve been very open with what I’ve been doing. Um, I’ve just started to video and do more because I knew that there was. Avoid and, and like documenting stories and video is such an emotional connection for people because they feel like they know you cause your face to face here.
Lisa: You know, everyone loves YouTube videos nowadays. So I documented everything in my journey and then I was hoping that it would help, but somewhere along the line, um, you know, I got misconstrued I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you for clearing that up and, you know, um, So, so you are, um, you are a health coach, right?
Right. And, um, and so, and so you’re offering some health [00:22:00] coaching services. I don’t want you to go into it necessarily right, right now, but you know, also just want to be open and clear about that, that, you know, you are, you are, um, You you’ve gone through some coursework on, on health coaching and you are offering some health coaching services and, um, and, and those services, you know, you, you expect people to pay you for your, for your, for your time.
Like this isn’t, um, that, that that’s, that’s, you know, kind of high level summary. Do you want to go into like some details about things? Yeah, totally fine. So. The reason why I became a health coach was because I noticed that there was a huge demand for some sort of like guidance or roadmap, because there’s so many Facebook posts of.
Jason: Should I take vitamin C, should I take my Q or co Q 10? Should I do this? Um, my chiropractor wants me to do this. Should I [00:23:00] get P physical therapy? Um, there’s always the, how should I handle this posts? Um, and there’s a lot of gray area and, and a lot of misinformation and. Over seven years of me scrolling through Facebook.
I’ve noticed a lot of that. And now that we have doctors working on it, And, and treating people. That’s great because you have a treatment protocol that you can do that will obviously get you better because these doctors are devoting all of their practice. If not a part, a portion of their practice and collaborating with other doctors to help people like in a, in a, in a way that they can give you some sort of treatment protocol to get you better.
That’s awesome. Here’s the only problem with, with, um, Treatment protocols. And, and this issue is because it affects your life, you know, before, during, and sometimes after. So if you get a treatment, some people do really well and don’t need any guidance, but if [00:24:00] you get a treatment and you have to change your diet, you have to change your lifestyle.
You don’t know how to manage stress. Well, you’ve really never taken supplements your entire life. And the doctor gives you like 10 to 20 supplements that you don’t know what they do when to take them, how to take them. Um, that’s where I came in and that’s kind of where. I wanted to help people. I, I wanted to give them a roadmap and I wanted to be their support system and their change agent to be like, Hey, stress is bad for the mitochondria.
It’s tons of studies on it. Let’s figure out how to manage stress or these supplements need to be taken because of this fact and they do this and just understanding so people can grasp why they’re investing their time, money, effort into doing a treatment or trying to change their health. Like that’s where I wanted to help.
And there was really a big, a big need for that I noticed. And I, and I’ve been through this and I don’t want people to spend a bunch of money on supplements and I don’t want. People do waste time going Facebook group, the Facebook group asking, should [00:25:00] I take this or should I do this fluoroquinolones poisoning?
Does, you know, toxicity, whatever you want to call. It is fairly simple. If, if you know what to look for and you know, your personal genetics and you change a few things, you can really get better really quick. So that’s awesome. And then we I’m, I I’m, I’m really glad that. You’re making yourself available to help people through this.
Um, you know, I, um, yeah, I think that that’s, that that’s great. It’s, you know, helping people through this and guiding people through this, like has been, you know, something that was really like my mission and my passion for, for a long time. But like I never kind of took that, that additional step of me.
Being very methodical about it. Cause I’m just not a methodical person. I’m just not. And um, and I [00:26:00] appreciate though that you, that you are the type of person who, you know, like really evaluated, okay, well this, this, this worked and this is why, and this didn’t work and that’s, and, and, and this is why. And, um, and, and that you, uh, you know, are going to help people, people through that.
So, um, so very cool. So you mentioned, um, kind of switch topics a little bit, but you mentioned thought ha uh, what is, what is Baja? Can you just say a little bit more about that? So imagine a bunch of doctors, really smart doctors, and a few, a few patients that have been through the ringer like myself. If you could collaborate with doctors and give them.
What you’ve gone through and, and, and your experience so that they can understand how to better serve the patient population. So instead of guessing, you could just have some [00:27:00] patients and what they’ve been through, and then we can all collaborate and decide what is a good treatment protocol. Like what’s the best outcome.
How can we diagnose this faster? How can we look for symptoms? How can we tell other doctors how to look for symptoms? My mission has always been to help people and if I can find doctors that are willing to help people and I can find doctors willing to help one another, that’s like a win all the way around.
And you know, I have no financial incentive to any of these doctors. I I’m just trying to facilitate some sort of dialogue and, and give them my, my advice, which is unbelievable that these doctors even respect my opinion or my advice to, so that they can help people get better quicker. That’s really, that’s really good.
So, so just like the gist of it, like it’s a group, it’s like a doctors group of doctors and patients group that are focusing on fluoroquinolones toxicity. [00:28:00] Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Um, they are very nice and, um, you know, kind of. Cycling back a little bit. I just want to assure people that, um, that the things that are on Foxy hope now, um, you know, the website is going to remain free.
There’s not going to be any sort of paywalls or any, or anything thing along those lines. Um, And, you know, the podcast will still be out there. Um, all this information we’ll still, we’ll still be, we’ll still be out there. Um, and now, you know, it just kind of, in addition to that, you’ll have people who like Jason, who can coach you through a lot of this information.
Yeah, like we were saying, there wasn’t very much information when we first started there weren’t very many, um, there certainly weren’t doctors who were experts in this, um, and, and there were just a handful of. Patients and advocates that that were, um, but [00:29:00] now there’s almost like too much information, so it’s, it’s, it’s good to have someone, you know, just hold called hand, hold your hand and kind of guide you through the information.
Um, And that’s one of the things that Jason is going to is doing and is going to continue to do and continue to reach people through Foxy hope. So, so, um, you know, I think we’ve been talking for a little while. I don’t want to make this too long. I think that, that, um, people you’ll you’ll share all sorts of information and people will get to know you, um, as you’re, as you’re.
Managing owning, administering everything, um, Foxy hope as you’re putting information out there. Um, and you know, it takes a while to get to know someone not going to try and squeeze it all into this interview. But, uh, is there anything else that you want to say for right now? Yeah, like I wanted to address like my, my main [00:30:00] mission for Flocksy hope 2.0, I really wanted to, yeah.
Make more of the same and then bring in some other stuff, like video and more podcasts. So it would still be recovery stories. It’ll still be connecting people and creating a place of, of hope and support through hopeful stories. And then I really wanted to. Extrapolate more on the podcast side. So bring more doctors in, bring more geneticists, bring more people working on it.
Um, bring, bring people on the podcast that are going through recovery. Haven’t quite recovered, but the, what are they doing? How are they doing? What have they found useful so that other people can. Well, it’s relatable, right? People that are all going through this. Um, and then the video part of it. So just adding some of my personal videos on, on things that are helping or what to look for, what to ask your doctor for, what, you know, what things help, you know, that’s really, really, what I wanted to [00:31:00] do is just add more value for people to have this, this hub to go to and have all this information.
Yeah. Yeah, well, I’m looking forward to all of that. Like that sounds, that sounds amazing. That sounds awesome. Um, I, yeah, looking forward to seeing it and, um, listening to the podcast as you’re putting out more podcasts and videos and all of those good things, and, you know, for people who are listening, if you have a recovery story that you’d like to share, um, I think that Jason will give more options for sharing your recovery story.
You know, um, if. If you feel more comfortable doing a video interview for sharing your story, if you feel more comfortable sharing your story on, on the podcast, if you want to write it up, I’m sure that he’ll still accept people writing up stories as well. So, um, Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do with Foxy hope 2.0, and it [00:32:00] feels like I was saying earlier, it’s a bit bittersweet, you know, I’m going to, I’m going to miss the community.
I’m going to miss miss the people and the work, even, you know, advocacy work is really rewarding work. And I’m, I’m really happy that, uh, that you are going to get the reward that comes with doing, with doing this work. Jason, so, yeah. Yeah. So thank you. Thank you for, for, um, you know, taking the reins and continuing with your forage of it.
Like, I, I certainly didn’t want it to just die because I got lazy. Yeah. It was so flattered when you had reached out and wanted me to start collaborating and then have me, um, You know, take the reins so to speak. I was, I was like, wow. It’s like, Whoa, that’s big shoes to fill, but we’re going to try. Well, thank you.
Yeah. Like I said, I recognized that, you know, you were sharing your [00:33:00] journey and that you were, um, you know, offering to. Share that you were sharing your, your journey and sharing your knowledge and offering to help people and forming community, you know, that about 1300 members in the, um, in, in the group that, in the Facebook group that you started, just, just being able to form that community is huge.
Yeah, I’ve been, I’m just trying to give a place of hope and positivity and good information and support and. Yeah, that’s always my goal. And, um, I, this place, this, this thing that we all share, it can be a very dark place. And I wanted to give people some light in all of that. And, you know, I definitely, I definitely could have chose a different path and, and moved on.
Um, but I feel so connected and most indebted to almost every flock seat to, to help them and be there for them and be a support system and have a place where they [00:34:00] can come and. And see other people and meet other people that are going through what they’re going through.
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