I highly recommend that you watch this –


It’s a video of Dr. Robert Rountree giving a presentation about mitochondria. It’s fascinating!

Fluoroquinolones damage mitochondria. Here are my posts about fluoroquinolones damaging mitochondria –

There are more interesting posts about mitochondria on Hormones Matter, and probably some other sites too.

I try to make this complex information a bit more comprehensible than it is in journal article format, but if you want to read through some source articles on how fluoroquinolones damage mitochondria, here are some good ones:

Also, at roughly minute 26 of Dr. Rountree’s presentation, he mentions the link between cardiolipin damage and autoimmune diseases. Here is an article about how fluoroquinolones affect cardiolipin –

Journal of Medical Microbiology, “Comparison of the Effects of Subinhibitory Concentrations of Ciprofloxacin and Colistin on the Morphology of Cardiolipin Domains in Escherichia Coli Membranes

Dr. Rountree is brilliant and I don’t mean to be critical, but I think that some of the graphs toward the end of the presentation need to be re-drawn. From what I understand from reading the above articles, and others on mitochondria, the effects of ROS (reactive oxygen species – also known as oxidative stress), are not linear. When mitochondria experience a healthy amount of stress – through exercise, for example – there is an adaptive response. It is actually likely that the initial response of mitochondria to fluoroquinolones is an adaptive and healthy one – that could explain some of the experimental results that show a healthy or adaptive response of cells to fluoroquinolones. It is only after the threshold for damage is crossed that a maladaptive/unhealthy response begins. And once that maladaptive/unhealthy response begins, well, it’s bad news because the cell perpetuates damage on itself in the “vicious cycle” of mitochondrial damage. This article explains the phenomenon of a threshold for mitochondrial damage well –

Molecular Interventions, “Mechanisms of Pathogenesis in Drug Hepatoxicity Putting the Stress on Mitochondria

Can the cycle of cellular damage be stopped? I think so. If feeling good is an indicator of health, I know so. As always, I hope the same for all of you!

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