I haven’t written a post for Floxie Hope in a while, and I apologize for that!

A lot has taken place in both my personal life and in “floxie” news since I last posted on this site. My thoughts on all matters personal and professional are a bit jumbled at the moment, so this post is just going to be a bit of a hodgepodge.

First and foremost, the FDA announced the warning label changes for fluoroquinolones. Please see “FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA updates warnings for oral and injectable fluoroquinolone antibiotics due to disabling side effects” for more information about this. The CBS News article, “Class of antibiotics gets stronger warning due to dangerous side effects” is a succinct article to show your loved ones too. I will write more about this important update shortly–just as soon as my life calms down. If you want my quick opinion–I think it’s a huge step in the right direction and I hope that it will keep many others from getting hurt by fluoroquinolones.

I haven’t written more extensively about the warning label changes because I’ve been busy in my personal life. The main thing I’ve been busy with is…

I got married!

Wedding Lisa Mark

The wedding was beautiful and perfect and I couldn’t be happier! 🙂

When I first got floxed I was scared that I wouldn’t ever be able to find love and acceptance. Those fears faded with time and healing, and this past weekend I was able to marry the love of my life, Mark. It was an incredible day and I look forward to years of happiness with my amazing husband!

In marrying Mark, I not only gained a wonderful husband, I also gained many new family members, including three amazing step-kids. Mark’s kids live in Michigan with their mom most of the time, but they have been staying with us in Colorado for the last several weeks. They’re wonderful kids, and I enjoy them immensely! I’m not sure if it makes me a good or bad step-mom to note this next thing, but, man, keeping up with kids is difficult! I’m semi-exhausted most of the time – and that’s with healthy, happy, good kids, and a fully recovered (from FQ toxicity) body and mind. People who parent while sick (with FQ toxicity or any other illness), or who parent sick kiddos, have my undying admiration and respect. I don’t know how you do it, but you do, and you deserve props and recognition for the effort involved.

Even though I’m semi-exhausted from wedding planning and execution, as well as from keeping up with the kids, I think that it’s a normal level of exhaustion for a 36-year-old doing what I’m doing. I have all the “spoons” I think I would have if I had never taken ciprofloxacin. I was more exhausted more frequently when I was going through the depths of fluoroquinolone toxicity. Over time (and I think that supplementing iron helped me immensely – though I don’t supplement it regularly any longer), my energy levels have returned to normal. I hope that my noting of getting my energy back helps others to have hope that their energy can return too.

Thank you to all in the floxie community who wished me well on my nuptials on facebook! It is great to have your support and well-wishes! I consider many in the floxie community to be friends, and each of you are appreciated!

If anyone reading this feels inclined, it would be wonderful to read a post about how fluoroquinolone toxicity has stolen your energy and/or ability to parent. If you want to write about that, Hormones Matter is always looking for new writers, and it’s a good site to tell personal health stories/journeys. Here’s info on how to write for Hormones Matter –  https://www.hormonesmatter.com/write-for-hormones-matter/. If you have another topic that you’d like to write about for Hormones Matter, feel free to reach out about anything health-related that is on your mind.

I have been referring people to this post – https://floxiehope.com/2015/10/12/im-floxed-now-what/ and this site – http://fluoroquinolonethyroid.com/ – often lately. Please check both out!

Those are my updates for the moment. Sorry for this being such a random and disjointed post! I hope that you all are finding help, hope, information, and recovery!



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