Floxie Hope Blog

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity and Covid 19

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity and Covid 19

Do You Have Fluoroquinolone Toxicity And Covid 19 What is the Covid Virus?  Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a new...

four most important supplements for fq toxicity

four most important supplements for fq toxicity

Quick Article Links 1. Intro  2. NAC    3. Minerals 4.COq10   5.Vit E   6. Final WordsWhat are the four most important supplements for FQ toxicity? Before we dive deeper into some of the first supplements you can take, I want you to actually understand what...

The Cipro Recovery Story Of Paul Pedrotti

The Cipro Recovery Story Of Paul Pedrotti

As a graphic designer, I used to sit down at my PC for hours on end. The longer I could slave away, the more money I could make... Unfortunately, this lead to me getting prostatitis which was very painful...the doctors kept prescribing me antibiotics and after 3...

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Doctors Floxed

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Doctors Floxed

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Doctors  And Practitioners Can you believe that practitioners get floxed too! Yes that is correct, some nurses, doctors and practitioners all can suffer the side effects of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Fluoroquinolone toxicty doctors who were...



What You Should Know Before Going To The Dentist Please note, this is not medical advice and is only my opinion. Please consult your dentist and doctor on what is safe for you.  So, you need to go to the dentist but don't know what is safe for you after...

The Recovery Story of Tanya Sherren

The Recovery Story of Tanya Sherren

Fluoroquinolone Recovery Story By Tanya Sherren In January this year it was exactly one year since I was poisoned by ciprofloxacin. I wanted to do a one year post but I was made to feel ashamed about talking about it by the people who I thought were closest to me......

Is Vitamin B6 Safe Or Toxic

Is Vitamin B6 Safe Or Toxic

What is B6?    What does it do?    What are the benefits?  Deficiency?  Do I need to Supplement?  Is B6 Good Or Bad? What is P5P? What is B6 HCL?  B6 & Magnesium?   Side Effects? Conclusion? **Disclaimer** this blog is in no way medical advice, and you should...

Are oxalates bad for you

Are oxalates bad for you

What are Oxalates? Are Oxalates Bad For You? So in this article I want to talk about something found in the plant kingdom that can literally ruin your health as it did mine. As you may already know, animals can run away from us when they know that we are chasing them...