So should you be worried?
I know getting any medical treatment or vaccine can be worrisome because of the side effects. But is there a link between Fluoroquinolones and the Covid vaccine? Especially after suffering a reaction from the commonly prescribed Fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics. Though feeling this way is normal however I want to look at some of the effects of vaccines and if they may cause a reaction in your body producing more side effects.
Before going into the details and the science I want to preface this article with a blanket statement that this is not medical advice or this blog article should not be used as a determining factor of whether you should or should not get any medical treatment. All I am trying to do here is give you some information to make an informed decision with all relevant information from your doctor and the CDC.

The Mast Cell Dilemma
If you have never heard of Mast Cell or do not know what it means, that is fine and I am going to explain what it is. Mast cells are cells found in connective tissue throughout our bodies as part of our immune system. Mast cells are particularly prominent in tissues of our bodies that interact with our dirty world outside the body, they are prominent in the lungs and digestive tract too. Mast cells can also be found in the organs and tissue of our circulatory and nervous systems. Mast cells play an important role in protecting our health by providing a line of defense against invaders and pathogens. Check out the blog article on Floxie Hope about it. See what they look like in the photo here.
First I want to discuss the reason why Mast Cells get triggered after FQ exposure. I understand that we can feel the effects of these drugs in our tendons, nerves and energy however our Mast Cells have a part to play here as well. Fluoroquinonlones cause immune reactions you may not know until its to late and here are a few reasons why. Drug‐induced allergies can be triggered by direct drug stimulation of mast cells or basophils, leading to the degranulation of mast cells and the release of active inflammatory mediators, such as histamine. Immune cells turn on in a time of stress and they are supposed to, that is how we are designed. The problem is when Mast Cells turn on and do not shut off, that is an issue.
From the Archives of Toxicology’s article, Differential response of mast cells separated from various organs and basophils of dogs to the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial levofloxacin, “Histamine releases induced by the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial levofloxacin (LVFX) were investigated using mast cells separated from various organs and peripheral basophils of dogs, being the most susceptible species to quinolone derivatives, in both in vivo and in vitro systems. (4)
Pfizer’s and Moderna’s Covid vaccines use lipid nanoparticle encapsulated technology. There has some mounting postulation and concerns that there may be a mechanism whereas these nanoparticles can incite an allergic reaction ie “Mast Cell” activation (1). At the moment there is study to determine if the vaccine itself or the delivery is causing reactions leaving those at risk for an anaphylactic type response from the Mast Cell degranulation. Did the FDA make these drug manufacturers study this or the downstream effects? How do these vaccines work with those affected by Mast Cell issues before taking the vaccine? That is the ultimate question right now and I feel strongly about getting studies on this topic.
The PEG issue
Polyethylene glycol, referred to as PEG, is used as an inactive ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry as a solvent, plasticizer, surfactant, ointments, and suppository base, and tablet and capsule lubricant. PEG has low toxicity with systemic absorption less than 0.5%. (2) Conjugation of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) to proteins or drug delivery nano-systems is a widely accepted use to increase the therapeutic bioavailability of nano-biopharmaceuticals. These drugs and nano agents are often immunogenic, triggering the rise of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs).
There are many studies showing an immune response to PEG. However there may be little know correlation to these vaccines and PEG initiating Mast Cell reaction. A recent study led by allergists at Massachusetts General Hospital notes that an FDA review between 2005 and 2017 showed an average of just four cases of PEG anaphylaxis per year. The Mass General study says there are many formulations of PEG, and the component used in the mRNA vaccines “is different from the PEG used most commonly in other health-care products.” For the moment the PEG additive concerns seem to show that there are only a number of reactions to this ingredient. Although there is no study showing a correlation of vaccine additives with Mast Cell issues taking either vaccine and seeing worsening Mast Cell issues.
ACAAI releases guidance related to risk of allergic reactions to Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (3)
With the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine by the FDA on December 11, 2020, and distribution beginning today, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force recommends the following guidance related to risk of an allergic reaction on vaccination for those who receive the vaccine. These recommendations are based on best knowledge to date but could change at any time, pending new information and further guidance from the FDA or CDC.
1.Allergic reactions to vaccines, in general, are rare with the incidence of anaphylaxis estimated at 1.31 in 1 million doses given.
2.Individuals with common allergies to medications, foods, inhalants, insects, and latex are no more likely than the general public to have an allergic reaction to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Those patients should be informed of the benefits of the vaccine versus its risks.
3.The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should be administered in a health care setting where anaphylaxis can be treated. All individuals must be observed for at least 20-30 minutes after injection to monitor for any adverse reaction. All anaphylactic reactions should be managed immediately, with epinephrine as the first line treatment.
4. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should not be administered to individuals with a known history of a severe allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol as it is a component of this vaccine that is known to cause anaphylaxis.
5. Data related to risk in individuals with a history of allergic reactions to previous vaccinations and/or mast cell activation syndrome/idiopathic anaphylaxis is very limited and evolving. A decision to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should be undertaken by you with your physician or other provider administering the vaccine using their professional judgment balancing the benefits and risks associated with taking the vaccine.
6. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is not a live vaccine and it can be administered to immunocompromised patients. Physicians and other providers should inform such immunocompromised patients of the possibility of a diminished immune response to the vaccine. We do not know at this time if people with a weakened immune system will respond to the vaccine and be protected from COVID-19.
7. If you have questions related to the risk of an allergic reaction to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, contact your local board-certified allergist/immunologist
Floxing, autoimmunity and vaccines
Your gut is your life force for keeping your body at homeostasis. Why you ask? Well
your stomach holds your immune system and guess what, that’s important. Your body is actually more bacteria than anything else. The gut or microbiome gets distressed and out of balance after any antibiotic because they kill off good and bad bacteria. Your stomach homeostasis will be compromised leaving your body to have an autoimmune response in some cases. This is noted with cases of leaky gut and irritable bowl syndrome (IBS).
So after taking FQs is your immune system altered? This is a valid question and for many I think the answer is yes. Here is a study on the effects to the immune system Fluoroquinolones, which perform their bactericidal effect by inhibiting DNA gyrase (a type II topoisomerase) (5), are known to interfere with certain immune functions. (5) FQs can leave your body in an altered
immune state and without correction your body could be in an autoimmune state.
Could vaccines cause an autoimmune disease? The hard facts are still out to the jury however
here are some important facts to consider. (6)
Hepatitis B vaccine increases risk of multiple sclerosis. (There does appear, in theory, to be a plausible concern that the vaccine could react against the myelin in the brain and spinal cord; however, there is no evidence of an actual association.)
A specific type of influenza vaccine increases risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome. (There is good evidence for an association in this case, but only for a type of swine flu vaccine used in 1976-77.)
Use of many more pediatric vaccines has caused an increased risk of type 1 diabetes. (The balance of scientific evidence shows no relationship.)
If there is a link between specific vaccines and specific autoimmune disorders, the biological basis remains a mystery. There needs to be more epidemiological studies on the topic to decipher if vaccines cause autoimmune reactions after administration. All I can say is that after my exposure to FQs I have had autoimmune like symptoms for years and all of them misdiagnosed and misunderstood. However there is really no correlation or long term study on that issue either which does not mean the issue is not real.
My Final Thoughts
I truly understand the importance of keeping your body healthy now more than ever. My life has been a rabbit hole of treatments, supplements, and not-so-quick fixes to get my health in order. With mounting concerns about getting vaccinated, I have come up with my top concerns about the vaccine and my choice to get it or not to get it.
1. What is the long-term effects of mRNA and cells?
2. My FQ mast cell histamine issues and the possibility of a vaccine triggering that?
3. My autoimmune symptoms (mostly gut-related) and how the vaccine will affect that?
After reviewing hundreds of website data on the efficacy and the percentages of reactions they seem pretty safe on paper. That is great for the mass population that will take them to keep them safe from Covid or at least the current strain. That leaves me between a rock and a hard place though and a tough decision I am sure you also will have to make around the vaccine. Ultimately I will have to keep watching for peer-reviewed articles on the topic in hopes that a study will be done on those with underlying issues and the safety of vaccination. The choice is yours but please do your research and make sure to ask your doctor as many questions as you need to feel comfortable with whatever decision you make.
Please comment below with your thought and are you getting the vaccine if so which one?
Great article BUT made. Me laugh when you said “talk to your doctor”. 99% doctors when it comes to a patient who has been floxed is USELESS. PURE USLESS. TO MAKE. MATTERS WORSE THEIR EGO and the world of medical protocol allows them to recommend USLESS almost stupid recommendations for FLOXIES. If they spend 10mins doing basic well documented research they would realize (maybe realize) the horrible position a floxed person is in. To think that a doctor mainly Urologist would give a patient leviquin after the patient had a bad reaction to cipro clearly shows on how someone with a photograohic memory has ZERO COMMON Sense. Disgust me.
So talk to your doctor? Is that to a safety comment? Even the fame doctors who treat FLOXIES with infusions makes me wonder. I am don’t ranting the trurh
Thank you for this helpful info. I was floxed 4 years ago. I have worked since then to find the right balance of supplements for healing. Now I’m scared I have made a BIG mistake. I got both doses of the Pfizer vaccine and the symptoms of the disease are creeping back in. It might not be caused by the vaccine, but I’m suspicious. Would there be any way to counteract the effects of the vaccine?
Jason – I realize this may be a personal question, but are you going to get vaccinated?
Hi there Jason – good article. The short answer to your question : will I be getting the vaccine ? NO. No way Jose ! I have a tendency to blood clots : DVT, operated, massive blood clot, plus a large PE. The, just a few months ago, a VTE. Both lungs full of blood clots. Have COPD, morning coughing, which is back again with a vengeance. A compromised immune system : MS; AS – ankylosing spondylitis (compromised spine and lousy cervical spine fused and with osteophytes !; mild psoriasis; weakly positive mitochondria (whatever ‘that’ is supposed to mean !); costochondritis; achalasia; dysphonia; diverticulitis; have been Floxed and still have Achilles tendon problems; A compromised gut; anaemic – now on supplements as many food items are a no-no ! Hypertensive, with alarming spikes – react badly to antihypertensive drugs, 16 have hit the no-no shelf (I keep em lined up, evidence & ready reference…) last one to hit the shelf was Bisoprolol, ended up soooo breathless, as to barely be able to leave the house. Tinnitus – caused by Azithromycin, been with me for years, whooshing away, with occasionally a badly tuned radio in the background, darned annoying when trying to sleep !!
Highly reactive to most medications…with a horrific side effect to Gd (gadolinium contrast dye), ended up with an iatrogenic lipodermatoscleros, residual damage will be permanent; antibiotics, hopeless; OK with Clarithromycin, that’s about it…!!
Generally, am falling apart, otherwise am vigorous, lots of get-up-an-go, and again, no vaccines for any bally thing !
Any questions, fire away . Yes, I keep up with the ‘Jabs’ and latest vaccine news – appalled. The Latest one I found, was the possibility that the mRNA may cause a PRION disease. All those blood banks, which ‘may’ turn out to be compromised… There are several papers on it : if you want, I will copy and paste over to you. Plus, Dr Judy Mikovits opined on the possibility of a PRION reaction in the future : a misfolding of proteins. Nice one innit. Sigh.
OK. This is a bit of a tome – take care all. Let’s see what the world is up to today – more shenanigans and horrors no doubt. Heigh-Ho.
Jason, I got my vaccine. I felt like I had no choice due to the fact floxing left me with stage 3 kidney disease, plasma cell disorder, asthma and other less life threatening issues. I was floxed in 2008 – Avelox. What do I mean by I had no choice? I have not left my house for 1 year and I cannot take any anti inflammatory medications, so Yes I got the vaccine because if I would get Covid I would probably die. Most of my children have lived through Covid, age is in their favor. I had bloodwork to see if I have the antibodies and I do, I feel a great sense of relief. Please don’t attack me for my choice.
All of my floxed symptoms came back after a b12 shot. It had other B vitamins in it and they were methylated so I did not expect to get my symptoms back. I have no idea if PEG was in the shot. I paid $20 to set myself back again for many months. I will not get any sort of other shot or take any pharmaceutical again if I can help it. I’m telling people about my B12 shot to let them know that even any type of injection can cause you issues if you are a floxie. My life became hell all over again. Before my shot I felt great! We try to do things to help ourselves but make ourselves worse. Not worth the risk especially for a floxie.
My encounters with vaccines have led to my problems with autoimmune disease for almost 60 years. The OPV at 13 caused me to contract Polio/r Gallian-Barre and my eventual descent into Hashimotos and Celiac, later came the Celiac skin disorder Dermatitis Herpetiformis, allergies, IBS, CFS, and Post Polio Syndrome/Fibromyalgia. Then two counts of Cipro poisoning with pelvic floor collapse each time and two surgeries required to repair the damage, along with brain damage that affected my eyes, and neuropathy in my right leg and foot. I also, witnessed the harm vaccines caused to two of my children, over 40 years ago. There is no more trust, for me, in the Pharmaceutical industry. This is some information I have gleaned about these COVID so-called vaccines”;
Pfizer & Moderna used the HEK293 kidney cell line from an aborted fetus from 1973 to test the vaccines.
AstraZeneca used the HEK293 kidney cell line from an aborted fetus from 1973, as well as a chimpanzee cold virus.
Johnson & Johnson used the PerC6 retinal cell line from an aborted fetus from 1985 and 4 modified adenoviruses.
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients:mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.
The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients:mRNA, 4 fatty substances (SM-102, polyethylene glycol [PEG] 2000 dimyristoyl glycerol [DMG], cholesterol, and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine [DSPC]), tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochloride, acetic acid, sodium acetate, and sucrose.
The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients:5×1010virus particles (VP) and the following inactive ingredients: citric acid monohydrate(0.14mg), trisodium citrate dihydrate(2.02mg), ethanol(2.04mg), 2-hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HBCD)(25.50mg), polysorbate-80(0.16mg), sodium chloride(2.19mg). Each dose may also contain residual amounts of host cell proteins (=0.15mcg) and/or host cell DNA (=3ng), PerC6 aborted fetal cell line.
An update from “Health Impact News” as of 3/25/2021 on the PFIZER, MODERNA, and ASTRAZENECA vaccines reactions.
The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” Their report through March 13, 2021 lists 3,964 deaths and 162,610 injuries following injections of three experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414), COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH (TOZINAMERAN), and COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19). There is also data for a fourth experimental COVID “vaccine,” COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). We have not included data from the Johnson and Johnson COVID shot in this report, but will do so in future reports.
From my research these diseases preclude those who should not receive any kind of “COVID vaccine.”
Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Bladder Cancer, Hairy Cell Leukemia, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Colorectal Cancer, Kidney cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Polymyositis, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Bechel’s Disease, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, IBS, Psoriasis/Dermatiis, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, ME/CFS, Lupus/SLE. Gulf War Syndrome, Autism/ASD, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme Disease, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, Psychosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I am very torn about vaccine. Never had flu shot, nothing. But I know what Covid can do. I have Valley Fever too so my lungs are compromised. If I were to do it, I am leaning toward J&J. I don’t trust them either but at least it’s not
the mRNA. You just don’t know who to believe. Doctors tell you to get it, friends are on your case to get it. But none of them had FQ Toxicity. My husband won’t get it if I don’t. Am I putting him at risk? I just wish there was more data and study on this. My life has changed forever taking Levaquin. Do I chance more pain and suffering with the vaccine? Good luck on everyone’s decision.
I’m 65 and almost 4 years out and “mostly” healed and I was pretty severely floxed. I’m very scared to get vaccinated but very scared of Covid because of my age!! I’m “considering” the Johnson and Johnson vaccine as it uses a more traditional way of developing their vaccine? The Mrna is so new and I’m afraid of the long term effects since it is a new technology. Do you know much about the JanaJ vaccine and how it compares to MRNA vaccines?? Worth looking into. I think most Floxie’s feel a little safer with JandJ??? Hopefully we could get more info on that???
I won’t be taking it, my trust in the whole rotten system came to an abrupt end 4 years ago. Fool me once but not twice.
I had a different reaction to being floxed by Cipro than many. Was given for an ear infection. Was told it was strong but the way that was said I interpreted that to mean it would work and help. It made my ear worse. Then an ENT gave me prednisone which I have since read can intensify Cipro. I was 65 at time (found out later should’t be given if over 60), taking something else that conflicted with Cipro, and then given prednisone which intensifies reaction. That is how much you can depend on doctors. You can’t trust doctors to check how medicines will react together or to check to see what ages shouldn’t have that drug. I ended up with hyperaccusis, tinnitus, vertigo, and confusion. Sounds increased in volume at the same time I was loosing my hearing. I couldn’t listen to any sounds because it felt like a knife in ear. I now wear hearing aids. Every bit of hearing loss was from that time – five and half years ago. I haven’t lost anymore hearing since then. Doctors say that would have happened anyway because I had a grandad who became hard of hearing, but after given Cipro was the only time I lost hearing. I have not lost more hearing in last four years. I now wear hearing aids so it wonderful that a holistic doctor managed to work with me to get rid of the hyperaccusis. That was unlivable and I wouldn’t be able to wear hearing aids. I still have tinnitus. Most of the vertigo and confusion has cleared up. I do have to congratulate and thank two holistic doctors and one chiropractor for my excellent recovery even though I still have tinnitus. I have improved greatly! I can do normal things like walk up and down stairs without feeling I’m falling and drive without feeling like I’m crashing when I am not. People think vertigo just makes you dizzy. It does a lot more damage than that. The best thing is I can listen to sounds, even somewhat loud – not too loud – and I’m fine. I can go normal places and do normal things. Because of the health problems that almost made me a vegetable, and because the doctors have no idea how anything they ever give reacts together (and don’t check), I would think that the vaccine – which is not a vaccine at all but gene therapy, would be the worst thing I could do. Doctors can have on their computer screen in front of them what you are taking and then give you something that will react against the drug you are on. Since I shouldn’t have been given that drug, doctors are the last people to ask. Don’t trust them to check records, and also they are going to say that everyone should take this gene therapy vaccine. It’s not even a vaccine. As I said, I did have some good holistic doctors but even they can make mistakes. They do try not to make mistakes, and they were easier to get back to if I had a reaction. However, I was so used to thinking that you couldn’t really speak to doctors except during the assigned ten minutes that I didn’t get one of my holistic doctor when should have. He later told men that he would get back to me so I learned that some can be trusted. The doctor that gave me the Cipro will never believe that I had that reaction because of Cipro nor will she ever take any kind of responsibility. I’m not taking her to court, I just wanted to discuss my reaction with her. I had to leave her, of course. All doctors now, even the good holistic doctors who helped me so much, are saying to take the vaccine. People need to realize that they are frightened because they could loose their licenses. Even the one who told me that getting vaccines every year (which I had done for years with flu vaccine) wasn’t the best idea are saying to get this one. They are saying that the reason is because of the bad side effects of the virus. However, the vaccine gives those bad side effects even more than the virus does. Doctors have to be quiet about vaccines or recommend them. They only have those two choices. Asking doctors will get you an answer in the affirmative, and if you have had bad side effects before from a vaccine (which I did – but not to the level of the floriquinalone reaction) or a drug, it might not be the best decision.
I’ve had both doses of Moderna, Feb 1 & March 1. I’m a 69 year old pharmacist, and am doing well 3 years post floxing, no unexpected reactions to vaccines.
Hi Dee! I too am very concerned about the vaccine and about getting Covid. If I get Covid, then I don’t know what drugs I would have to take that could also make my symptoms worse. I am trying to hold out as long as I can to get as much information as I can before I take the vaccine. Glad you are doing better! I am doing better too,but every pharmaeutical decision is a difficult one.
Hadn’t thought of that one – wonder IF the reason ‘why’ they are so very reluctant to take the ‘Jab’ / Vaccine : they ‘know’ the dangers of and, what has been hidden. Hmmmm. Yes. Give those that are hiding the side effects, not reporting such side effects, give em the jab.
Big report here from Robert JF Kennedy jnr, Children’s Health Defence site, on the ‘Jabs’ and Vaccine reports as reported to VAERS. Appalling malfeasance by governments :-
Shakes head in despair at the horrors of the situation.
I passed on AstraZeneca a month ago as at that time most countries in Europe suspended its use due to unexpected deaths in some young healthy people caused by blood clots. I decided to wait and see. If I decide to get a vaccine, I will do it in months to come. I won’t be the first in a queue. I guess wait and see approach is best and to remain very careful not to get the virus in the meantime. Anyway, that’s what I’m going to try and do and read the news and read articles as this all is happening.
I am not taking the gene therapy vaccine as it is a big experiment to find out which preconditions leave you unable to make new cells.
I will take the J&J weakened virus vaccine and zinc and L-Lysine that stop viruses from reproducing. I am waiting to recover a little more from my last antibiotic poisoning in Nov. 2020. The Clindamycin was removed enough by the end of January that I started rebuilding my body. I am about 2/3 recovered. Organs are back functioning again. Temperature 2 degrees warmer than it’s been since ‘I was floxed 4 years ago. I am always above 97.8 now – ~ 1 degree cold. My fasting glucose number is down to 195 and still dropping. I want 170 before getting jabbed. My daily energy lasts at least 10 hours before I need to rest. Some days I reach 14 hours – variable with an improving trend. I am getting close.
I need the vaccine “passport” for work. The zinc and L-Lysine protection has worked for me for 40 years with no flu or common cold. I don’t think it is a complete treatment as others don’t have the same result, so there is another factor. Whatever the complete chemistry is, being floxed has had no impact on “my viral immunity.”
I think it is wise for all Floxies to avoid the gene therapy experiment. Trying to improve your immunity by getting “slightly sick” with the J&J shot is a highly personal choice depending on how well you think you can recover. I want that increased immunity as I think the “sons of CV19” are going to be around for many years.
John Taylor
Just in – Europe – Germany reports more blood clot cases and deaths following the mRNA AstraZeneca jab :-
Okay gang; I’ve been quiet on here for a few months waiting for the dust to settle on the new site.
I am glad Jason brought this topic up and applaud him for sharing information with us all. As he notes eventually it is a personal decision. For me, I am more concerned about COVID than I am about the vaccine. As some of you know I had a mild case of COVID back in October. The COVID itself wrecked havoc on my body and it was a mild case. I had lots of set backs in my recovery from FQ toxicity as a result of that mild case of COVID. Mostly neurological and in line with some of the issues that COVID long haulers suffer. Now nearly 6 months later I am back to where I was prior to getting COVID. Note, that means I am getting near to healing from my floxing. I hope to write a recovery story in the next year.
On March 26th I got vaccinated against COVID. I decided that I was more concerned about getting COVID and especially getting long-haul COVID than I was about being vaccinated. Given my reactions to a mild case of COVID I was really concerned about one of the newer variants and it’s impact on my body. I was kind of hoping for the J&J vaccine but got the Pfizer one and have had no noticeable reaction to the first dose. I was really tired the next day; but that is to be expected with the vaccine and was no worse that the fatigue I suffered from FQs for years.
In short I chose the Devil I didn’t know and so far haven’t paid a price. I will need to wait for three or four months to be sure; but I am glad to have taken the vaccine.
In a related note, while waiting for the dust to settle here I found a Reddit Floxie Group. They already have a vaccine related sub-reddit where this issue is discussed. It seems that the majority of people posting there who have taken the vaccine have dealt with it fine (I see posts for Pfizer, Moderna, and Astrazeneca – none for J&J); there are a few who had issues ranging from mild to moderate. You can read the posts here –
I will be sure to post a follow-up after my second dose and if any FQ symptoms flare that can be directly traced to the vaccine. Hope this helps any of you struggling with the decision. I did do lots of research ahead of time too and ultimately decided the protection from COVID was more important to me than a potential vaccine reaction.
I am 4 years out. I had severe neurological, psychological and occular damage. i am healed now. only my eyes have permanent damage (retina).
I decided to vaccinate with Biontech because I am worried about Long Covid. it has the same symptoms as flox.
It is now 3 months since the vaccination and I have no side effects.