Elise Floxie Hope Podcast


I had the pleasure of interviewing Elise for Episode 12 of The Floxie Hope Podcast.

Elise shares a lot of valuable information in her podcast.  She goes over her long journey of fluoroquinolone toxicity, and things that she has done to heal, in the podcast.

You can listen to the podcast through these links –



Elise has generously offered to help anyone who wants to reach out to her –

Elise’s facebook info: https://www.facebook.com/elise.child.5

Email: elisedchild@gmail.com

In the podcast, Elise mentions that her naturopathic doctor, Dr. Cynthia Buxton, has helped her immensely.  Dr. Buxton can be found through this link – http://naturalhealthcarenw.com/?p=346

Elise was also helped by eating for her blood type.  Information about that can be found here – http://www.4yourtype.com/

The TQI diet also helped Elise – http://toquietinflammation.com/

Univera Xtra also helped Elise – https://www.newunivera.com/en-us/search?Text=xtra&Area=Products

Elise also found Cleansing/gut health options to be helpful: https://humaworm.com/, http://www.renewlife.com/herbal-cleansing/paragone.html

Liver support: Elise currently takes a tincture with milk thistle, dandelion, etc.

Elise noted, “I forgot to mention the value of amino acid therapy in my own healing, which can be extremely helpful with depression, anxiety, insomnia, getting off of antidepressants, etc. I feel it is very important to do this with one’s doctor for dosage, length of use and quality of supplements. Amino Acid Therapy Info: (some examples, lots of info out there) http://www.neurogistics.com/thescience/aminoacids.asp, http://www.antianxietyfoodsolution.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Anxiety-mood-emotional-eating-sugar-cravings-mood-quiz-by-Trudy-ScottV2.pdf

If you have any questions about any of these products, please contact Elise.

Thank you for listening to The Floxie Hope Podcast!  Stay hopeful, friends!


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